Category Archives: Education

History of Jerusalem Part 02 David & the Conquest that Changed the World

And the king and his men went to Jerusalem unto the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land: which spake unto David, saying, Except thou take away the blind and the lame, thou shalt not come in hither: thinking, David cannot come in hither. Nevertheless David took the strong hold of Zion: the same is the city of David 2 Samuel 5:6-7

In just a few words, a simple conquest by the warrior king transformed a nation and the world. A city that eluded the armies of Joshua, the judges, and king Saul – was captured by David. Yes, the shepherd king who worked his way up: slaying the lion and bear, defeating the giant Goliath, now he was supremely confident of he could take the stronghold of Zion – Jerusalem – city of the Jebusites.

Recap: Before going further, let us recall what we covered so far. In the previous article, we learned that Jerusalem is the premier city of Scripture, mentioned one thousand times, and is known by various names. We also learned that Zion is the royal section of the city, if not the city itself, depending on the context. It was in heathen hands for the first thousand of its four thousand-year history, though there are possible allusions to it in the Bible. Isaac was nearly sacrificed on Moriah while Melchizedek, king of (Jeru)salem, received tithes of Abraham. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin both tried – and failed – either capture it or retain it. This leads us to one of history’s great events.

Neutral Capital Territory: Enter king David, the man after God’s own heart and the sweet psalmist of Israel. He was eager to unite the tribes of Israel with his own tribe of Judah. Like the US with DC and Australia with Canberra, he needed a centrally located capital city that belonged to none of the tribes, forestalling inter-tribal jealousy. Instead, this neutral territory would belong to all the tribes. The Jebusite stronghold fit the description.

Conquest: As we read in the above text, David and his men approached the walls. The Jebusites were confident that David would fail to breach the wall like the others before him. They boasted that even the blind and the lame could keep David out. Verse 7 says ‘Nevertheless David took the stronghold of Zion.’ How did he succeed when the others fail? The normal answer is that instead of breaching the high heavy wall on a steep slope, David’s troops ascended through the underground water tunnel that leads from the Gihon Spring into the main city. 1 Chronicles 11:6 says it was Joab who made the ascent and was rewarded with the position of chief and captain.

Thus, Jebus – the Jebusite city – became known as Jerusalem.

Like the conversion of a ranked sinner into a super saint, Jerusalem was transformed by David. First, it became the ‘city of David,’ the capital of the united tribes of Israel. Thus it became a royal city. Then, David took another bold step: he brought the ark of the covenant to the city. The ark was the golden chest that contained the ten commandments on Moses’ two tablets of stone. On top of the ark were two cherubims, positioned like arm-rests on both sides. Between them, the top of the ark was the mercy seat, which was God’s throne. 

In other words, the ark represented God’s holy presence and had to be handled with care. To do otherwise was to court disaster, as Uzzah tragically found out (2 Samuel 6:6-8). Once the ark was moved to Jerusalem, the city became God’s earthly address. Now Jerusalem was a holy city. Imagine, in one masterstroke Jerusalem was transformed from ‘heathen’ to ‘holy,’ all because of a man called David. 

God was apparently so pleased with David’s actions that He chose to put His name on David’s city. Despite its turbulent and, at times, sordid history, God kept the city alive for the sake of his servant king. And Jerusalem would forever be considered sacred because of the house (temple) of God, the shekinah glory in that house, and the Name of the Lord on the house and city

In summary, Jerusalem was transformed into a royal city – that’s the human side. It also became a holy city, highlighting the divine side. The third transformation would involve both human and divine sides – but more about that in a moment.

A Covenant with David: It is impossible to properly understand the Bible in general, prophecy in particular, and the importance of Jerusalem without knowing about the notion of ‘covenant.’ In short, it is a binding agreement between two parties that promises great blessings for compliance and terrible repercussions for violations. God made covenants with Noah, Abraham, and Moses. He is a covenant-maker and covenant-keeper.

Now, the man after his own heart would get a covenant, too. We read about the Davidic Covenant in 2 Samuel 7 and 1 Chronicles 17. In short, God promised to give David a son and successor who would rule on his throne. The Son of David would build God a house. He would also have a long reign, indeed, an everlasting one. Finally, the Son of David would concurrently and simultaneously be God’s Son. This singular individual would be known as ‘The Messiah,’ ‘the anointed one’ or ‘the anointed of the anointed.’

Clearly, the Son of David is Jesus of Nazareth (Matthew 1:1; 9:27; 12:23; 15:22; 21:9; Mark 11:10; Luke 3:31). Solomon is also referred to as son of David, but he is definitely not the Messiah. 





Forty Years

Everlasting; forever and ever


Built the first temple

Building the church / kingdom


Anointed as king

Anointed prophet, priest & king


Earthly Jerusalem

Earthly & Heavenly Jerusalem

In light of all this, the third transformation is that thanks to the Davidic Covenant, Jerusalem becomes the City of the Great King. It’s the city of God’s Son and David’s Son, who is the same person. 

Aren’t you glad you serve a righteous King who’ll reign forever?

City of David City of God City of Righteousness City of the Great King Dr Kameel Ezekial Holy City Jerusalem Joshua Kameel Majdali TAN Teach All Nations Teach All Nations Europe Teach All Nations Inc

In the Beginning: The History of Jerusalem Part 01

Thus saith the Lord GOD; This is Jerusalem: I have set it in the midst of the nations and countries that are round about her
Ezekiel 5:5

It is arguably the most famous city in the world – a household name even in remote places like the highlands of Papua New Guinea or the jungles of the Amazon. It has four thousand years of history of which the first thousand was heathen, the second thousand Israelite, the next two thousand Gentile, and then after the June War of 1967, the city returned to Jewish/Israeli rule. 

This six-part series will look at Jerusalem – historically and prophetically. When we understand Jerusalem, we better comprehend the will of God. 

Bird’s Eye View

The first time Jerusalem is mentioned in the Bible by name is in Joshua 10:1. Adonizedek formed a coalition against the royal city of Gibeon, for having the audacity to make a league with Joshua and Israel. He is referred to as the ‘king of Jerusalem.’.

Despite its lack of mention in the Torah/Pentateuch, Jerusalem is undoubtedly the chief city of the Bible. It’s explicitly named eight hundred and eleven times. In addition, it has other names like:

City of God (Psalm 46:4; 87:3)

City of David (2 Samuel 5:7; Isaiah 22:9)

Jebus (Joshua 18:28; Judge 19:10)

City of Righteousness (Isaiah 1:26)

City of Truth (Zechariah 8:3);

City of the Great King (Psalm 48:2);

Holy City (Nehemiah 11:1)

Faithful City (Isaiah 1:21,26)

Salem (Gen 14:18; Psalm 76:2)

Holy Mount (Daniel 9:16)

Perfection of Beauty (Lamentations 2:15)

Throne of the Lord (Jeremiah 3:17)

Egypt & Sodom (Revelation 11:8)

Zion (1 Kings 8:1; Zechariah 9:13).

When you tally up the references, it amounts to a thousand times Jerusalem and its synonyms are found in Scripture. In contrast, the city of Babylon – the spiritual rival to Jerusalem – is cited two-hundred and fifty-two times.

The Glory of Zion

It is impossible to understand Jerusalem’s significance without mentioning Zion. Are Jerusalem and Zion the same thing or are they distinct? 

The name ‘Zion’ needs special emphasis. Often associated with ‘Zionism,’ though ultimately it has a spiritual, prophetic side that is above politics. Zion has several meanings in Scripture, depending on the context. The word is used one-hundred and fifty-two times in the Bible, along with Sion nine times (KJV).

  • Zion can mean the city of Jerusalem (Psalm 87:2-3; 48:1-4); 
  • Zion can mean the land of Israel (Isaiah 51:3);
  • Zion can mean the Jewish people (Isaiah 51:16);
  • Zion can mean Salem, which is equal to Jerusalem(Psalm 76:1-3). 

Thus, while Zion’s exact meaning is uncertain, it has become synonymous with Jerusalem, Israel, and the Jewish people. Significant as these points are, Zion goes to a whole new level when referring to Almighty God Himself. 

Psalm 132 gives great insight into the significance of ‘Zion.’ We learn that God has chosen it (v. 13), desires it as His habitation (v. 14) – His local earthly address; He desires it as his final abode above all other places (v. 14); the lamp of God’s anointed (David and Messiah, son of David) will be there.

In light of Psalm 132, and other Scriptures, Zion’s greatest glory is this: It is associated with God’s literal dwelling place on earth; His local earthly snail mail address. The phrase, ’The Lord Dwells in Zion’ is found in the following verses: Psalm 9:11; Psalm 135:21; Isaiah 8:18; Joel 3:21; Isaiah 33:5. 

In summary, Zion appears to be a royal city, or at least the royal section of the city, where the King of Israel will live. Zion/Jerusalem is a holy city, where the God of Israel dwells, too. For Messiah is the Son of David and Son of God, the heir who will sit on David’s throne and rule from the holy city. 

Since God has chosen Zion for Him and His King to dwell, you can be sure that the forces of darkness will do their utmost to foil the divine plan. If it were possible, they would try to keep the King out of Zion. Like Psalm 2 and Zechariah 12, 14, we begin to see a picture of why the nations are so restive and concerned about Jerusalem. These passages are the beginning of understanding why Jerusalem is the burdensome stone. Either Zion will be God’s capital or that of an anti-God, anti-Christ force. 

The First Thousand Years (2000-1000 BC)

While the first millennium of Jerusalem was not in Israelite hands, it is mentioned by implication in the following event:

  • Melchizedek, king of Salem, welcomed the patriarch Abraham after the slaughter of the kings. He was a priest of the Most High God (Genesis 14:18-20).
  • Isaac’s near-death experience occurred in the ‘land of Moriah,’ traditionally considered Mount Moriah, Jerusalem.
  • Joshua’s conquest of Canaan: Information was sparse but we learn that Judah did not drive out the Jebusites, inhabitants of Jerusalem (Joshua 15:63) and neither did Benjamin (Judges 1:21); 
  • Alternatively, Judah destroyed Jerusalem by fire (Judges 1:8) but did not retain it. Then the Jebusites inhabited it afterwards.
  • In short, neither Joshua, the judges, nor king Saul succeeded to capture and keep Jerusalem. That honour would be left for a man called David. TO BE CONTINUED

Future Ready – What to Watch for in 2023

The 2020s have been a decade unlike anything we have seen in living memory, even surpassing the turbulent 1960s. For many people, it has caused a lot of fear and much of it is misdirected. People are afraid of global warming, environmental apocalypse, and being called pejorative names like racists, misogynists, etc. The rise of ‘wokery,’ ‘wokeism,’ or just plain ‘woke’ – now in overt overdrive – with its punitive cancel culture, causes much trepidation.

Yet, as someone put it: the only fear you need is the fear of the Lord; once attained, it will cancel out all other fears. 

In this article, we will give you a few places to watch – and pray – as well as some practical tips on how to handle the future.

The Western World

Western civilisation, based on Greek telos, Roman jurisprudence, and most of all, Judaeo-Christianity, has lifted many out of poverty, recognised human rights, respect for the individual, granted equality of opportunity and unparalleled freedoms, and fostered science and technology, is in danger of collapse. Declining morals, the proliferation of lying, and the lawlessness it fosters are the major factors of such fragility.

Russia and Ukraine

This tragic war among fellow Slavic Orthodox brethren has been a major challenge for the West, revealing great levels of corruption, frustrated globalism, and NATO’s impotence. The danger is of this land war – the largest in Europe since 1945 – will broaden and involve nuclear weapons. Let’s pray for a quick, peaceful settlement.


This important nation may be on the threshold of ‘nuclear breakout’ and thus pose a threat to the region and the world. Yet the ‘anti-hijab’ protests have made the regime uncharacteristically vulnerable. Its relationship with Turkey, and possibly Russia, could channel them into a prophetically significant alliance. With a new Netanyahu government in Israel, there may be either more tension or more detente. 


A growing regional and world power, this ambitious nation continues to lodge bellicose rhetoric against Taiwan and the West. Yet indebtedness, a failed zero-Covid policy, and even ‘Covid protests,’ have put the People’s Republic in an uncharacteristically perilous state. Air flights from China are recommencing and we pray it won’t spread more Covid.

United Kingdom and Commonwealth 

The death of Queen Elizabeth II on 8 September 2022 was the end of an era. She was the embodiment of the ‘best of the West,’ and her words and deeds emanated from a solid Judaeo-Christianity stance. King Charles III has gotten off to a good and energetic start – affirming that he really is ‘The Defender of The Faith’ – and promising to be politically neutral, the UK is heading for uncharted waters. Charles at 74 will be a transitional monarch and William, heir to the throne, appears to be religiously and politically neutral, though he is sympathetic to climate activism. Yet despite the smooth transition and stability of the monarch, UK politics has been turbulent with three prime ministers in 2022. Will the change of monarchs and the current economic and political cauldron lead to the reversing of Brexit (or is it too late for that)?

United States

There has been much concern over many political and social issues. In less than two years, despite the threats of inflation, deflation, and stagflation, Congress and the White House have gone on an unprecedented spending spree of $6 trillion – money they clearly don’t have. The culture war has reached a new level of intensity as the woke duel with traditionalists and nationalists for the heart of the nation. And let’s not forget there is a strong spiritual dimension to all this that only a Spirit-empowered church can address.

PRAY: For all the above nations, and the world, pray for peace, stability, and wisdom for leaders, and that God’s will be done.

What to Expect in 2023

  • 1. The Church as a Target: The church, as earthly ambassadors to the King of kings and Lord of lords, will continue to be a target for the anti-God elite who want a faux secular ‘kingdom of God without God,’ a secular utopia on earth. We need not fear but we do need to be aware, alert, and ready. Fear of an awakened church is part of the reason for the opposition.

  • 2. Economic and political shaking: from personal and corporate observation, it is clear that many people have not yet woken up to what’s really going on (note: being ‘woke’ is not the same as being ‘awake.’ In fact, they are diametrically opposite). The tendency to remain in a bubble or cut oneself off from reality altogether is still evident, despite all the upheaval we’ve had since 2020. This is most unwise. The silver lining of the shaking promised in Hebrews 12:25-29, is to ‘wake up the sleepers’ and ‘sober up the drunkards.’ This leads to point 3.
  • 3. An awakened church: If you are disappointed with political leaders who no longer represent the values of their constituency, their once political orientation, or lacking in courage to call out the barrage of lies being spoken, what do you think God’s attitude is? Government is important and we must pray and obey it (within reason and the parameters of Scripture). But the government is not God and there are many things it cannot do. A church that has awakened to reality and God’s prophetic purposes is the answer. (Hence, point one).

How to Respond?

Prudence: Taking note of future trends and wisely preparing for them. Proverbs twice says that the prudent man can see the evil and hides (22:3; 27:12). They become a ‘small target.’ Joseph in Genesis showed prudence in famine preparation when he stored the bumper crop of wheat during the seven good harvest years. Since the 1990s our ministry has sought to give insight for today and hope for tomorrow. To wisely prepare ‘for the rainy day’ is prudence. Have some cash safely on hand, diversify where you store your money, have extra food supplies, stock up on essentials, have candles, flashlights, blankets and other common sense things (and pray you won’t need them). All these are the marks of prudence.

Perseverance: The battle since 2020 has been long and draining. Fatigue and fatalism have set in and people want to give up. Don’t do it. You are faithfully serving God through your perseverance. Galatians 6:9 is the key. Winners never quit and quitters never win. 

Fear of the Lord: This is your ticket to a brighter future in any era. The most important thing you can do is invest in your spiritual life. That means putting God – His kingdom -and His righteousness – as your Number One priority. For those who do the promise of God is clear and sure – He will provide you with all the necessities of life (Matthew 6:33). This ministry has lived by this verse for many years and can testify to its power and veracity. Three areas to focus on.

1. Learn the Word of God and put it into practice. Make it a daily diet. Read and ask yourself: What does the text say? What does it mean? And how do I put it into practice? Memorise your favourite Scripture promises, confess and declare them to God, and stand on them. Psalm 91 is particularly pertinent for times like these.

2. Holy Spirit: The Biblical Christian life is not designed to be religious; it is truly a spirit life: born of the Spirit, baptised in the Spirit, filled with the Spirit, and walking in the Spirit. Jesus was a friend to sinners but not to the religious; He requires us to worship God in Spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). The Spirit-filled life is one of abundance, fruitfulness, and adventure

3. Body of Christ: Much of our growth in God is personal but also much is in community. We need the body of Christ more than ever – in person preferably – especially as the day of the Lord draws nigh (Hebrews 10:25).

Keep these things in mind and put them into practice. You will find that 2023 brighter than 2022 – guaranteed (Proverbs 4:18 KJV).

The Meaning of Christmas: A Promise Kept

For many people, Christmas means many things: a day off, a family gathering, a grand meal, and opening gifts under the tree. While in the west, there have been attacks on Christmas by culture warriors and purist Christians who dislike the ‘pagan’ aspects of Christmas. Yet this holiday is becoming wildly popular in non-western countries where Christians are in the minority. One thing we normally all agree on is that Jesus Christ was probably not born on December 25th, since it is much too cold in the hills of Bethlehem to have the gathering of the shepherds. Some have suggested a September birth to coincide with the autumn Feast of Tabernacles.

While we can give our own reasons why or why not we like Christmas, remember that it continues to provide the best opportunity in the year to tell a captive audience the story of Jesus. This can happen at a Christmas play, meal, or singing of carols. For that reason alone it is worth taking full advantage of this time of the year.

Yet this article wants to put a fresh Biblical meaning to Christmas – it is a divine promise that was kept. When you understand the nature of the promise given and the gracious divine fulfilment, you have just received the greatest gift of all.

And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: 33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no endLuke 1:31-33

This announcement was given by no one less than the archangel Gabriel, who stands before the presence of God. He came especially to Nazareth to inform the young virgin Mary that she would be the mother of Christ. Gabriel’s words confirmed that God’s promise was kept.

David’s Covenant

What was the promise? It is a covenant God gave to David. The Bible tells us about several key covenants by which God relates to His people. Brit in Hebrew and diatheke in Greek, ‘covenant’ means a ‘binding agreement between two parties.’ When the terms of the covenant are kept, it brings great blessings; but if they are violated, it can be disastrous. We connect with God via covenant and in the case of the Christian, it is the New Covenant of Jeremiah 31:31-34. 

When it comes to the covenant promise of God through Christ, it is called the Davidic Covenant, given in 2 Samuel 7 and 1 Chronicles 17. God gave an unconditional and unilateral agreement. The simple version is this:

  • God promised David that his son, yet to be born, would follow him on the throne;
  • He would reign over the House of Israel forever;
  • David’s son – the anointed one/Messiah – would simultaneously be God’s Son, too.

Notice Luke 1:32 notice the echo of the Davidic covenant – the promised Messiah, coming via the womb of Mary, would be called ‘Son of the Highest,’ and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. There you have it – in one verse we have the ‘two fathers,’ Son of God, Son of David. Verse 33 says he will reign over the house of Jacob forever and His kingdom will never end.

Christ’s birth occurred a thousand years after the time of David but it is a promise kept. Furthermore, despite the fact that the holy couple lived in Nazareth, a four-day journey by foot north of Bethlehem, the Roman census was used to bring them to the city of David, in fulfilment of Micah 5:2. 

In addition, Christmas is a promise kept to the patriarch Abraham. God made a covenant with him, too, that he would inherit the land of Canaan and have ‘seed’ that would bless the world. Galatians 3:16: Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. Thus birth of Christ is a fulfilment to both the Abrahamic and Davidic covenants.

Favour from God

There is nothing like favour – to have people like you, give to you, and bless you with open doors, relationship or substance. When done in the right spirit – not as flattery or bribery – it can be like a tree of life. Notice that in the events leading up to the Christmas story, there are key people who were highly favoured by God. They included:

David: the prophet said he would have an indestructible, everlasting dynasty, all made possible by the favour of God.

Mary: Though probably a teenager, Mary of Nazareth received a startling visitation in Luke 1:28: And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. Instead of being ecstatic at her new status, Mary was greatly troubled – understandably. Gabriel gave her the good news that she would be the mother of Messiah, a unique honour among women. Once she processed the news, she sang praises to the Lord in a song known as the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55). After receiving the good news, she offered the Lord this timeless song to show her gratitude. This is a wise move.

The shepherds: They may have been on the bottom of the social ladder but in the eyes of God they were highly favoured. The angel of the Lord chose to appear to them first with glory shining around about and they, too, were afraid. They were told to not fear because he brought great news: For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the LordLuke 2:11. These are not just nice words – it was proof that the promise of God to David was coming to pass. They were favoured to be the first ones apart from the holy family to meet the Christ child.

Faith & Fulfilment

Faith is the key to finding favour with God; without it, you cannot please the Lord (Hebrews 11:6). Once you abide in faith and favour, you are in a position to facilitate, or even see, the fulfilment of the promise. 

The Christmas events are the fulfilment. Jesus had a double link to the Davidic lineage via Joseph (Matthew 1) and Mary (Luke 3). The Nazareth-based couple were forced to submit to a nuisance census from Caesar Augustus, in order to rendezvous at Bethlehem, thus fulfilling Micah 5:2. This passage pinpoints that Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. This makes sense that the ‘Son of David’ would be born in the ‘City of David.’ All these things coalesced to bring fulfilment of the promise. Understand that God keeps His covenant, but in His sovereignty and wisdom, it is according to his terms, timing and territory.

So this year, when you think of ‘Christmas,’ remember that it is a promise kept to you, me, and the world.