Bougainville is is the largest island in the Solomon Islands archipelago and the main island of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, which is part of Papua New Guinea (PNG). In 1988, the Bougainville Crisis broke out over conflicts regarding the Panguna Mine which morphed into a continuing struggle for independence concluding in 1998 with the loss of around 20,000 lives. Since then, Bougainville … Continue reading
Category Archives: Education
Book review: Truly Called: Vocation in the Anglican Church
This book provides an interesting insight into traditional Anglican patterns of church, ministry and leadership. However it risks promoting a disempowering elitism, which sets the vocation of ‘ordained’ clergy above others.
Israel at War – Part 02: A Multi-Dimensional Conflict
The more this war continues, the deeper and more challenging things become. In this article, you will learn about the four dimensions of war and how it affects the whole world. It gives plenty of points to pray about.
Of all the many challenges we face in this ‘world on fire,’ nothing has our attention more than the conflict between Israel and Hamas. My phone regularly ‘pings’ notifications of rocket sirens sounding across the country. The war is definitely ‘On.’
In our quest to know what is going on, we need to go a step higher and understand why it is going on. Like the sons of Issachar in 1 Chronicles 12:32, when you understand the what and the why, the Lord will download to you what you need to do.
While the war is in danger of going from single-front to multi-front, especially in the North, one thing is certain: this war is already multi-dimensional. Here are four reasons:
This is a Blood Feud
By definition, a blood feud is an inter-family squabble with a cycle of retaliatory violence. Arabs and Jews are cousins and neighbours, with a history of harmonious community interaction for centuries, even up to now. Yet if violence erupts, vengeance is a possibility. Middle Eastern memories are long and strong. The ‘tit-for-tat’ mindset is a factor, but not the only one.
This is a Civilisational War
The Israel-Hamas war may appear to be localised but it really is a global conflict with the Western nations on the frontlines. Without exaggeration, it is the ongoing war for the survival of Western civilisation. Based on Biblical Judaeo-Christian principles, the classic West represents some powerful and revered institutions like (monogamous) marriage, family, religious freedom, private property ownership, rule of law, equality of opportunity, human rights, minimal government, and maximum freedom. Contrast this with the neo-Marxist revolutionary anarchic/Islamist front (a Berkley professor confirmed that Hamas and Hezbollah were part of the ‘progressive global Left’) which detests the West and all that it stands for.
The neo-Marxists/cultural Marxists dream of a utopian world of equality of outcomes, a big government that wants to sever the individual’s allegiance to faith, family, and freedom. In their place, it promises to meet your needs, keep you safe, and make you equal and happy. But to obtain these benefits, they demand total compliance. Dissent will not be tolerated. Coercion is their modus operandi. Those who fall out of line will be dealt with swiftly and severely. In short, the Left wants you to trust and obey big government like a Christian trusts in the Lord.
The Islamist is very similar to the neo-Marxists and also desires a global realm, except they dream of a worldwide caliphate with Jerusalem as the capital. If the neo-Marxist/Islamist-Jihadi alliance succeeds in their goal, there will be an inevitable power struggle between them.
Which side do you think will prevail?
In summary, this is not merely a nationalist conflict, though nationalism is a factor. It is a global clash of civilisations. This war is not just Israel’s problem- it is a problem for the West and the world. Israel, which represents the West, is merely the first pin in the bowling alley. Aim the bowling ball at the correct angle, roll it with skill, and not only will the first pin fly but so will all the other pins with it.
This is a Theological War
While the founders of modern Israel were staunch secularists, pious Jews and evangelical Christians saw a prophetic element in the rebirth of the Jewish state. Jeremiah 16:14-15, Isaiah 11:11, and Amos 9:14-15 speak of God gathering the dispersed of Israel for the ‘second time,’ from all lands they have been scattered, and planting them in their own land, never to be uprooted again.
Hamas and many mainstream schools of Islamic law have a very different theology. The unchanged 1988 Hamas Charter calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and of all Jews worldwide. They believe that Palestine, captured by the Caliph Omar in 638 AD, became Islamic waqf, a sacred and perpetual trust to be reserved for future generations of Muslims until Judgment Day. Once a land comes under Muslim rule, it must remain so permanently. For the waqf to fall into non-Muslim hands is unacceptable, if not blasphemous. Therefore it is the Muslim’s sacred duty to liberate Palestine from the occupation of the ‘infidel Zionists,’ whom they consider an ‘illegitimate entity and usurper of Muslim territory. (Note: In theory, the same logic applies to Spain and India, which were once part of ‘Dar al Islam’ but have since broken away).
According to Israel Today Magazine, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quoted the Bible stating that the Israel-Hamas war was like the battle of Amalek, an ancient enemy. Iran and its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah saw this as a declaration of holy war. The latter made a video, quoting from Surah al -Isra (Surah 17) of the Quran, Islam’s holy book. It says Allah will punish Israel and Islam will defeat the Jewish people, enter their homes, and establish the word of Allah.
This is a Spiritual War
For the mature, Bible-based and Spirit-led Christian, this should come as no surprise. According to Ephesians 6:10-18, we are to put on the whole armour of God because the real fight is not with flesh and blood like Hamas, the Iranian ayatollahs, or the secular Western Left. The battle is with invisible spiritual powers and hosts of wickedness in the heavenly realm.
Daniel 10 speaks of the ‘prince of Persia,’ a powerful entity that temporarily halted the angelic visitation to Daniel, who prayed and fasted. Decades later this same spiritual principality instigated Haman’s devilish scheme to murder all the Jewish people in the Persian empire. The story is in the Book of Esther.
It is no coincidence that Gaza is in the ‘land of the Philistines.’ They, like Amalek, were Israel’s ancient enemy whose name the Greco-Romans translated into Palestine, as a replacement for the name ‘Judaea.’ Today’s conflict mirrors that which happened long ago during the time of the judges and the reigns of kings Saul and David.
We are seeing the most horrific manifestations of anti-Semitism in our lifetime. Who would have guessed that protestors at the Sydney Opera House would chant ‘Gas the Jews’ less than eighty years after the ‘never again’ Holocaust? Since 7 October global anti-Semitism rose 1,180% and in London alone it has skyrocketed 1,350%. If the Jewish people have an end-time prophetic future, then it is no surprise that the forces of darkness seek to destroy them so that these prophecies will not come to pass. Despite their strength and ferocity, they will nevertheless fail, according to those same prophecies.
It’s war, alright, a multi-dimensional one. In the latter arena – the all-important spiritual dimension – the church is best equipped to fight. Its armoury is unbeatable (2 Corinthians 10:4-5; Ephesians 6:10-14; 1 John 3:8; 4:4).
Intercessors will save the world. It’s time to be strong in the Lord, put on the whole armour of God, and go to work.
The post Israel at War – Part 02: A Multi-Dimensional Conflict appeared first on Teach All Nations inc..
Israel at War – Part 02: A Multi-Dimensional Conflict
Of all the many challenges we face in this ‘world on fire,’ nothing has our attention more than the conflict between Israel and Hamas. My phone regularly ‘pings’ notifications of rocket sirens sounding across the country. The war is definitely ‘On.’
In our quest to know what is going on, we need to go a step higher and understand why it is going on. Like the sons of Issachar in 1 Chronicles 12:32, when you understand the what and the why, the Lord will download to you what you need to do.
While the war is in danger of going from single-front to multi-front, especially in the North, one thing is certain: this war is already multi-dimensional. Here are four reasons:
This is a Blood Feud
By definition, a blood feud is an inter-family squabble with a cycle of retaliatory violence. Arabs and Jews are cousins and neighbours, with a history of harmonious community interaction for centuries, even up to now. Yet if violence erupts, vengeance is a possibility. Middle Eastern memories are long and strong. The ‘tit-for-tat’ mindset is a factor, but not the only one.
This is a Civilisational War
The Israel-Hamas war may appear to be localised but it really is a global conflict with the Western nations on the frontlines. Without exaggeration, it is the ongoing war for the survival of Western civilisation. Based on Biblical Judaeo-Christian principles, the classic West represents some powerful and revered institutions like (monogamous) marriage, family, religious freedom, private property ownership, rule of law, equality of opportunity, human rights, minimal government, and maximum freedom. Contrast this with the neo-Marxist revolutionary anarchic/Islamist front (a Berkley professor confirmed that Hamas and Hezbollah were part of the ‘progressive global Left’) which detests the West and all that it stands for.
The neo-Marxists/cultural Marxists dream of a utopian world of equality of outcomes, a big government that wants to sever the individual’s allegiance to faith, family, and freedom. In their place, it promises to meet your needs, keep you safe, and make you equal and happy. But to obtain these benefits, they demand total compliance. Dissent will not be tolerated. Coercion is their modus operandi. Those who fall out of line will be dealt with swiftly and severely. In short, the Left wants you to trust and obey big government like a Christian trusts in the Lord.
The Islamist is very similar to the neo-Marxists and also desires a global realm, except they dream of a worldwide caliphate with Jerusalem as the capital. If the neo-Marxist/Islamist-Jihadi alliance succeeds in their goal, there will be an inevitable power struggle between them.
Which side do you think will prevail?
In summary, this is not merely a nationalist conflict, though nationalism is a factor. It is a global clash of civilisations. This war is not just Israel’s problem- it is a problem for the West and the world. Israel, which represents the West, is merely the first pin in the bowling alley. Aim the bowling ball at the correct angle, roll it with skill, and not only will the first pin fly but so will all the other pins with it.
This is a Theological War
While the founders of modern Israel were staunch secularists, pious Jews and evangelical Christians saw a prophetic element in the rebirth of the Jewish state. Jeremiah 16:14-15, Isaiah 11:11, and Amos 9:14-15 speak of God gathering the dispersed of Israel for the ‘second time,’ from all lands they have been scattered, and planting them in their own land, never to be uprooted again.
Hamas and many mainstream schools of Islamic law have a very different theology. The unchanged 1988 Hamas Charter calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and of all Jews worldwide. They believe that Palestine, captured by the Caliph Omar in 638 AD, became Islamic waqf, a sacred and perpetual trust to be reserved for future generations of Muslims until Judgment Day. Once a land comes under Muslim rule, it must remain so permanently. For the waqf to fall into non-Muslim hands is unacceptable, if not blasphemous. Therefore it is the Muslim’s sacred duty to liberate Palestine from the occupation of the ‘infidel Zionists,’ whom they consider an ‘illegitimate entity and usurper of Muslim territory. (Note: In theory, the same logic applies to Spain and India, which were once part of ‘Dar al Islam’ but have since broken away).
According to Israel Today Magazine, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quoted the Bible stating that the Israel-Hamas war was like the battle of Amalek, an ancient enemy. Iran and its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah saw this as a declaration of holy war. The latter made a video, quoting from Surah al -Isra (Surah 17) of the Quran, Islam’s holy book. It says Allah will punish Israel and Islam will defeat the Jewish people, enter their homes, and establish the word of Allah.
This is a Spiritual War
For the mature, Bible-based and Spirit-led Christian, this should come as no surprise. According to Ephesians 6:10-18, we are to put on the whole armour of God because the real fight is not with flesh and blood like Hamas, the Iranian ayatollahs, or the secular Western Left. The battle is with invisible spiritual powers and hosts of wickedness in the heavenly realm.
Daniel 10 speaks of the ‘prince of Persia,’ a powerful entity that temporarily halted the angelic visitation to Daniel, who prayed and fasted. Decades later this same spiritual principality instigated Haman’s devilish scheme to murder all the Jewish people in the Persian empire. The story is in the Book of Esther.
It is no coincidence that Gaza is in the ‘land of the Philistines.’ They, like Amalek, were Israel’s ancient enemy whose name the Greco-Romans translated into Palestine, as a replacement for the name ‘Judaea.’ Today’s conflict mirrors that which happened long ago during the time of the judges and the reigns of kings Saul and David.
We are seeing the most horrific manifestations of anti-Semitism in our lifetime. Who would have guessed that protestors at the Sydney Opera House would chant ‘Gas the Jews’ less than eighty years after the ‘never again’ Holocaust? Since 7 October global anti-Semitism rose 1,180% and in London alone it has skyrocketed 1,350%. If the Jewish people have an end-time prophetic future, then it is no surprise that the forces of darkness seek to destroy them so that these prophecies will not come to pass. Despite their strength and ferocity, they will nevertheless fail, according to those same prophecies.
It’s war, alright, a multi-dimensional one. In the latter arena – the all-important spiritual dimension – the church is best equipped to fight. Its armoury is unbeatable (2 Corinthians 10:4-5; Ephesians 6:10-14; 1 John 3:8; 4:4).
Intercessors will save the world. It’s time to be strong in the Lord, put on the whole armour of God, and go to work.
nobody chooses to be born deaf or blind / forever living in silent darkness, confined within four walls
You are seen / Because you are seeing
Book review: Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation
Keller emerges from this study as an impressive pastor, preacher, strategist, apologist and leader who was wise in his principled eclecticism and humble in character. His originality lay in his ability to synthesize and apply a diversity of sources to the urban context without losing touch with Scripture.
Book Review: Time We Started Listening: Theological Questions Put to Us by Recent Indigenous Writing
Australian Indigenous writers have important things to say not only to their own communities but also to us as Second Settlers. The message of this book is simple: it is time we started listening.
Israel at War: How to Pray
The greatest and most powerful weapon available in war is not military but prayer. Be assured: intercessors will save the world. Here is some information to help you pray prayers that fill the bowls of heaven and pour out blessings on the earth.
War is serious business and when it is in the Middle East, the stakes are very high. Its central location, oil reserves, long history and various theologies, and inter-connectedness with the rest of the world, mean that conflict can affect everyone. If the world were a stick of dynamite, the Middle East would be the fuse.
Despite the dire challenges there is great hope. Never forget this reality: prayer is far more powerful than military might. Bowls in heaven are filled with the prayers, praise, worship, and thanksgiving of the saints (Revelation 5:8). The more you fill those heavenly bowls, the more there will be an overflow that will rain blessings on the earth.
People of faith and goodwill want to pray about the current, and future, crises in the Middle East. This short essay will give you some prayer points
Here are a few things to consider before you pray:
- Arabs and Jews are cousins and neighbours. Historically they had harmonious relations and, by God’s grace, they can have them again. With two million Arab inhabitants each in Israel, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, plus 350,000 in Jerusalem, a rocket attack on Israel can mean Arab casualties, too. Rockets have landed in Abu Ghosh, Jaffa, and Lydda, all with Arab populations.
- This is much more than a nationalist war; it is a clash of civilisation between the Judaeo-Christian world and the secular woke left-Islamist world. Terrorism is one of the manifestations. The terrorist attack experienced by Israel can be exported and the US, UK, and Europe are already targets; the goal is to bring down Western civilisation.
- The real enemy is not the ones that you can see, but those you can’t. There are powerful spiritual forces that manipulate the entire situation, including the prince of Persia (Daniel 10:13,20). Only the Bible-based, Spirit-filled and empowered believer has the authority and power to deal with these entities (2 Corinthians 10:4-5), in the name of Jesus.
Prayer Points
- LIMITED DURATION: Pray for a miraculously quick end to the violence and war.
- CIVILIANS: Pray for the Psalm 91-style protection of innocent civilians on both sides, especially women and children and the safe release of the surviving hostages. May God grant all of them peace of heart and mind.
- CONTAINED CONFLICT: Pray that this conflict does not spread to a multi-front war. May Lebanon, Syria, Arab citizens of Israel, West Bank and East Jerusalem Arabs remain safely on the sidelines.
- OVERCOME HATE: Pray for the overcoming of the spirit of intense demonic hate, particularly anti-Semitism, which is the oldest and most irrational hatred in the world.
- LEADERS: 1 Timothy 2:1-2: First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. Pray that leaders will do God’s will and walk in His wisdom, so all of us can live quiet and peaceful lives. These leaders are in Jerusalem, Gaza, Ramallah, Beirut, Cairo, Amman, Damascus, Ankara, Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, London, Brussels, Washington, Canberra, and Ottawa.
- SPIRITUAL WARFARE: Put on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) and bind up the ‘prince of Persia’ (Iran) attempts to undermine, subvert, steal, kill and destroy. Remember praise, worship, and singing in the Spirit are highly effectual in spiritual warfare 2 Chronicles 20:22; 1 Corinthians 14:15.
- DELIVER US FROM EVIL: This key clause in the Lord’s prayer should be our anthem. May we and the Middle East be delivered from intense and demonic wickedness. This can be accomplished when God’s will is done and His glory revealed.
- PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM (Psalm 122:6). It is the city of the great king (Psalm 48:2; Matthew 5:35). This means it is the location of David’s throne, from where Messiah will rule and reign on His return. The fact that God is placing His king on the holy hill of Zion is a cause of great turmoil for the nations (Psalm 2). The peace of Jerusalem blesses all the inhabitants of the land and makes the city ready to receive the king.
Heavenly Father,
We come to you in faith through the Name of Jesus.
We lift up the deadly situation in the Middle East and ask that you will limit and quickly stop the conflict. Put a divine hedge around the violence so that it does not spread beyond the original parties. We bind the spirit of hatred and anti-Semitism and release the spirit of God’s love. We pray for key leaders near and far that they may walk in your will and wisdom, changing the outcome of this conflict into peace and tranquillity.
We denounce the spiritual forces that are pulling the puppet strings. By our Scriptural authority in Christ (Matthew 16:19; 18:18), we bind up the prince of Persia and renderer inoperative his plans to control, manipulate, steal kill and destroy.
Above all, according to your word, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the city of God, the city of the great king.
All of these things we pray and seal in the mighty and matchless Name of Jesus. Amen
I declare:
God’s love will conquer hate;
Christ’s light will overcome the darkness;
God’s life will cancel out the covenant and culture of death;
The Lord’s peace will replace fear and war;
God’s protection will save the vulnerable;
All Israel (Romans 11:26), and its neighbours, shall be saved.
The post Israel at War: How to Pray appeared first on Teach All Nations inc..
Israel at War: How to Pray
War is serious business and when it is in the Middle East, the stakes are very high. Its central location, oil reserves, long history and various theologies, and inter-connectedness with the rest of the world, mean that conflict can affect everyone. If the world were a stick of dynamite, the Middle East would be the fuse.
Despite the dire challenges there is great hope. Never forget this reality: prayer is far more powerful than military might. Bowls in heaven are filled with the prayers, praise, worship, and thanksgiving of the saints (Revelation 5:8). The more you fill those heavenly bowls, the more there will be an overflow that will rain blessings on the earth.
People of faith and goodwill want to pray about the current, and future, crises in the Middle East. This short essay will give you some prayer points
Here are a few things to consider before you pray:
- Arabs and Jews are cousins and neighbours. Historically they had harmonious relations and, by God’s grace, they can have them again. With two million Arab inhabitants each in Israel, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, plus 350,000 in Jerusalem, a rocket attack on Israel can mean Arab casualties, too. Rockets have landed in Abu Ghosh, Jaffa, and Lydda, all with Arab populations.
- This is much more than a nationalist war; it is a clash of civilisation between the Judaeo-Christian world and the secular woke left-Islamist world. Terrorism is one of the manifestations. The terrorist attack experienced by Israel can be exported and the US, UK, and Europe are already targets; the goal is to bring down Western civilisation.
- The real enemy is not the ones that you can see, but those you can’t. There are powerful spiritual forces that manipulate the entire situation, including the prince of Persia (Daniel 10:13,20). Only the Bible-based, Spirit-filled and empowered believer has the authority and power to deal with these entities (2 Corinthians 10:4-5), in the name of Jesus.
Prayer Points
- LIMITED DURATION: Pray for a miraculously quick end to the violence and war.
- CIVILIANS: Pray for the Psalm 91-style protection of innocent civilians on both sides, especially women and children and the safe release of the surviving hostages. May God grant all of them peace of heart and mind.
- CONTAINED CONFLICT: Pray that this conflict does not spread to a multi-front war. May Lebanon, Syria, Arab citizens of Israel, West Bank and East Jerusalem Arabs remain safely on the sidelines.
- OVERCOME HATE: Pray for the overcoming of the spirit of intense demonic hate, particularly anti-Semitism, which is the oldest and most irrational hatred in the world.
- LEADERS: 1 Timothy 2:1-2: First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. Pray that leaders will do God’s will and walk in His wisdom, so all of us can live quiet and peaceful lives. These leaders are in Jerusalem, Gaza, Ramallah, Beirut, Cairo, Amman, Damascus, Ankara, Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, London, Brussels, Washington, Canberra, and Ottawa.
- SPIRITUAL WARFARE: Put on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) and bind up the ‘prince of Persia’ (Iran) attempts to undermine, subvert, steal, kill and destroy. Remember praise, worship, and singing in the Spirit are highly effectual in spiritual warfare 2 Chronicles 20:22; 1 Corinthians 14:15.
- DELIVER US FROM EVIL: This key clause in the Lord’s prayer should be our anthem. May we and the Middle East be delivered from intense and demonic wickedness. This can be accomplished when God’s will is done and His glory revealed.
- PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM (Psalm 122:6). It is the city of the great king (Psalm 48:2; Matthew 5:35). This means it is the location of David’s throne, from where Messiah will rule and reign on His return. The fact that God is placing His king on the holy hill of Zion is a cause of great turmoil for the nations (Psalm 2). The peace of Jerusalem blesses all the inhabitants of the land and makes the city ready to receive the king.
Heavenly Father,
We come to you in faith through the Name of Jesus.
We lift up the deadly situation in the Middle East and ask that you will limit and quickly stop the conflict. Put a divine hedge around the violence so that it does not spread beyond the original parties. We bind the spirit of hatred and anti-Semitism and release the spirit of God’s love. We pray for key leaders near and far that they may walk in your will and wisdom, changing the outcome of this conflict into peace and tranquillity.
We denounce the spiritual forces that are pulling the puppet strings. By our Scriptural authority in Christ (Matthew 16:19; 18:18), we bind up the prince of Persia and renderer inoperative his plans to control, manipulate, steal kill and destroy.
Above all, according to your word, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the city of God, the city of the great king.
All of these things we pray and seal in the mighty and matchless Name of Jesus. Amen
I declare:
God’s love will conquer hate;
Christ’s light will overcome the darkness;
God’s life will cancel out the covenant and culture of death;
The Lord’s peace will replace fear and war;
God’s protection will save the vulnerable;
All Israel (Romans 11:26), and its neighbours, shall be saved.