Category Archives: Society
Book Review: Being Sam
Morag Zwartz’s honest reflections on her struggle – as the mother of a son with Down Syndrome and an aggressive blood cancer – touch on profound truths about life, disability, illness and death and make this an inspiring rather than a depressing read.
Why Study the Gospel of Mark? Part 03
The Hardworking Servant Messiah:
The Issachar Teaching eLetter has been offering surveys of every one of the sixty-six books of the Bible, in the order that they are found. Our goal is to encourage personal and small group Bible studies, as a means of growing strong spiritually. As we continue and conclude this introduction to the Gospel of Mark, let’s remember a few main points:
- It is the oldest and shortest of the four gospels;
- It was written by John Mark, apostle to Africa, understudy to Barnabas, Paul, and Peter;
- This gospel shows Jesus Christ as the tireless servant of God;
- The key Greek word is eutheos, used forty-two times and translated ‘immediately’ or ‘straightaway;’
- We also learned why the sometimes disputed verses in Mark 16:9-20 should be considered part of the canon of Scripture.
(Note: If you missed out on Parts 01 and 02 of our Gospel of Mark survey, they can be found on our website:
Let’s finalise our introduction by offering this Outline of the Gospel of Mark. Have it handy when you endeavour to do your own study of this great gospel.
- Part 01: The Energetic Servant Messiah (1:1-8:26)
- Forerunner of Messiah (1:1-8)
- Baptism of Messiah (1:9-11)
- Temptation of Messiah (1:12-13)
- Messiah’s Mission & Miracles (1:14-2:12)
- Messiah’s Work (1:14-15)
- Call of the Disciples (1:16-20)
- First miracles (1:21-2:12)
- Opposition from the Pharisees (2:1-3:12)
- Friend of Sinners (2:13-22)
- Working on the Sabbath (2:23-28)
- Healing on the Sabbath (3:1-5)
- Pharisees seek to Destroy Him (3:6-12)
- The Twelve Chosen (3:13-19)
- Opposition from friends (3:20-21)
- Scribes & the Unpardonable Sin (3:22-30)
- Parables of the Messiah (4:1-34)
- Soil (4:1-20)
- Lamp (4:21-25)
- Seed that grows (4:26-29)
- Mustard seed (4:30-34
- More Miracles from Messiah (4:35-5:43)
- Calms the Storm at Sea (4:35-41)
- Gadarene Demoniac & the Swine (5:1-20)
- Jairus & Jesus (5:21-24)
- Woman with Issue of Blood Healed (5:25-34)
- Healing of Jairus’ daughter (5:35-43)
- Healings and Growing Opposition (6:1-8:26)
- Jesus Rejected in Nazareth (6:1-6)
- Disciples Sent on Mission (6:7-13)
- Execution of John the Baptist (6:14-29)
- Disciples: Mission Accomplished (6:30-31)
- Feeding of the 5000 (6:32-44)
- Jesus Walks on Water (6:45-52)
- Healings at Gennesaret (6:53-56)
- Pharisees & the Issue of Defilement (7:1-23)
- Retreat to the Gentiles (7:24-8:9)
- Pharisees Demand a Sign (8:10-13)
- Disciples Confused (8:14-21)
- Healing of the blind man (8:22-26)
- Part 02: The Watershed (8:27-9:29)
- Peter Confesses Jesus as Messiah (8:27-33)
- Call and Cost of Discipleship (8:34-38)
- The Transfiguration (9:1-13)
- Demonic Son Delivered (9:14-29
- Part 03: The Suffering Servant Messiah (9:30-16:20)
- Jesus Predicts His Death (9:30-32)
- Doctrine for Disciples (9:33-10:45)
- Servant Attitude (9:33-41)
- Beware of Hell (9:42-50)
- Marriage & Divorce (10:1-12)
- Children and the Kingdom of God (10:13-16)
- Attitude to wealth – Rich Young Ruler (10:17-27)
- Leave and Receive 100-fold (10:28-31)
- The Crucifixion predicted (10:32-34)
- Key to Greatness (10:35-45)
- Healing of Bartimaeus (10:46-52)
- Jesus Enters Jerusalem (11:1-19)
- Triumphal Entry (11:1-11)
- Cursing of the Fig Tree (11:12-14)
- Cleansing of the Temple (11:15-19)
- Doctrine on Prayer (11:20-26)
- Faith & Prayer (11:20-24)
- Forgiveness & Prayer (11:25-26)
- Jerusalem: Increasing Opposition (11:27-12:44)
- Christ’s Authority Questioned (11:27-33)
- Question on taxes (12:13-17)
- Resurrection Questioned (12:18-27)
- The Greatest Commandment (12:28-34)
- Christ: Son of David? (12:35-37)
- Christ Reproves Jewish Leaders (12:38-44)
- The Last Days (13:1-37)
- Questions of the Disciples (13:1-4)
- The Tribulation Period (13:5-23)
- Second Coming of Christ (13:24-27)
- The Fig Tree (13:28-31)
- Time to Watch (13:32-37)
- Passion of Messiah (14:1-15:47)
- Conspiracy to Kill Messiah (14:1-2)
- Anointing at Bethany (14:3-9)
- Judas Plans to Betray Messiah (14:10-11)
- Preparation for Passover (14:12-16)
- Passover Celebrated (14:17-21)
- The First Lord’s Supper (14:22-25)
- Peter’s Denial Predicted (14:26-31)
- Jesus’ Prayer at Gethsemane (14:32-42)
- Judas Betrays Jesus (14:43-52)
- Trial of Jesus (14:53-15:14)
- Scourging of Jesus (15:15-23)
- Crucifixion of Christ (15:24-41)
- Burial of Christ (15:42-47)
- Part 04: Resurrection of Messiah (16:1-20)
- The Resurrection of Christ (16:1-8)
- Jesus Appears (16:9-14)
- The Great Commission (16:15-18)
- Ascension of Messiah (16:19-20)
Winning the Battle for Truth: The Ninth Commandment – Part 02
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour — Exodus 20:16
It is precious, Godly, wonderful and under great siege. What is its name? Truth. As we learned last time, the ninth commandment is a manifesto on truth, and yet it is more and more under siege as time goes on. One of the great battles of the ‘last days’ is for truth; for deceptive antichrist forces will seek to persuade people away from Christ and the gospel. Many will follow their lead, which only ends up in destruction.
As we will learn, truth is under siege, it is worth the fight, and victory is possible. Yet, it takes decision, dedication, and perseverance to come to victory. First, let’s understand the nature of the battle.
Introducing Jezebel
A deeper awareness of the spiritual stronghold of lies and deception comes by understanding ‘Jezebel.’ Yes, she was Ahab’s wicked queen in the 9th Century BC who murdered prophets, stole vineyards, and proselytised for Baal worship in Israel. Yet, in the 1st Century AD her name surfaces again in Revelation 2:20-21. Here Jesus rebukes the church at Thyatira for tolerating Jezebel, the false prophetess, who seduced God’s people to fornicate and offer meat sacrificed to idols (explicitly condemned in Acts 15:19-20).
Dutch Sheets gives an excellent description of ‘Jezebel:’
Jezebel is a demonic spirit that uses both males and females to lead others astray, to gossip, often lie, and even prophesy by demonic unction. It’s goal is to hinder, confuse and harass the work of the Lord, often causing strife and division with people’s words or actions — Dutch SHEETS, Give Him 15, August 26, 2021
Yes, the Jezebel spirit is working hard in these days to hector, harass, hinder, confuse, distract and divide God’s work. Since the kingdom age is at hand, she will work overtime to keep people from their God-given inheritance.
The Devil’s Native Language
To appreciate truth more, we need to understand the road to deception. Jesus’ heated exchange with the Jewish religious leadership was an opportunity to discuss the nature of truth. We understand that the devil is a liar, the father of lies, and that lying is his native language (John 8:44). Since we live in a relativistic ‘post-truth’ age, the constant barrage of lies and deception make the individual unable to hear, understand and/or digest the truth when it is presented to them (John 8:45). In fact, notice how shocked and offended people become when confronted with genuine truth, no matter how loving, gently, and diplomatically it is presented. If that has been your experience, you are in good company: Jesus had the same reaction to His words of truth, too.
Furthermore, a lifestyle of lying leads to a very grim, even terrifying future (Revelation 21:8, 27; 22:15).
It is simply not worth the cost.
With lying and falsehood proliferating on an industrial scale, we need a Holy Spirit pushback, aided by our full cooperation. Any coward can lie. It takes strength, conviction, courage, and the positive pursuit of truth.
In response to ‘International Pronoun Day,’ conservative blogger Matt Walsh made these comments:
… using an incorrect pronoun (incorrect as in a pronoun that does not properly convey objective reality) is not only nonsensical but dishonest. If I say, “she did this and that” when I really mean “he did this and that,” I am lying. I may be lying with the best intentions, but a lie is a lie. To lie is to intentionally convey an untruth. That is exactly what we do when we “respect the pronouns.” Pronouns are just pronouns. They don’t demand respect. The truth demands respect. And I won’t deny the truth for the sake of anyone’s feelings.
It an age of culture wars and political correctness, these are brave words indeed.
Lying and deception have become a full-time enterprise on an industrial scale. No longer limited to merely fibbing, it has grown into a hydra-headed monster. Some aspects of lying include:
- Double-speak: Saying one thing and meaning another, to disguise,, distort, and obscure. It may employ euphemism or ambiguity as a diversion to real meaning. Political rhetoric is often associated with ‘doublespeak’ (see ‘spin doctor’ below’
- Spin: An extreme use of euphemism, it means to take an unpleasant reality, sugar coat and spin like cotton candy, and make ‘lemonade’ out of sour lemons. ‘Spin doctors’ are spokespersons who try to give a positive impression on a given subject, no matter how odious, immoral, corrupt, or outright wrong it may be.
- Mendacity: untruthfulness as a way of life
- Smoke and mirrors: An attempt to make you believe something to be true, when it is not. Like a tax and spend parliament telling the population in a heavily indebted country that the big spending bill will not add a penny to the national deficit.
Has Australia Gone Mad? Is this Covid Tyranny in Action?
Under normal circumstances, Australia’s international reputation is very positive, though often not in the news. While the world knows little about the ‘land down under,’ what they do know includes iconic kangaroos, koalas, the Great Barrier Reef, Sydney Opera House, a coveted migrant destination with enviable lifestyle, prosperity, peace … and freedom.
That was, until Covid -19 hit in 2020.
Australia Reacts to Covid;
The World Reacts to Australia
Look at these international headlines:
‘Australia Has Locked Their People Up, Built Detention Camps, and Now They’re Taking Booze’ —
‘Australia Traded Away Too Much Liberty: How long can a democracy maintain emergency restrictions and still call itself a free country? — The Atlantic
‘How long can Australia go on like this?’ — The Guardian
‘Prison Island: Australia’s Covid fortress has become a jail’ — The Spectator
‘Australians Are Suffering from Excessive Covid Lockdowns’ — National Review
‘Joe Rogan, Ted Cruz and Fox News hosts want to “Save Australia” from its coronavirus strategies’ – By Rebecca Armitage, Apple News
Thousands of Australians Protest ‘Unlawful’ Pandemic Bill in Victoria – The Epoch Times
Florida governor Ron de Santis declared that Australia is ‘not a free country.’ He wondered why America has diplomatic relations when they are acting unfree. Finally, the governor asks: ‘Is Australia freer than communist China right now?’ 29 September 2021
Breitbart says South Australia’s ‘home quarantine app’ is ‘Orwellian.’
US Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), pledging his love for Australia, the ‘Texas of the Pacific,’ says the Covid restrictions and vaccine mandates are ’disgraceful.
Four Polish MPs, whose country was under oppressive communist rule during the Cold War, stood outside the Australian embassy in Warsaw. Their goal? To denounce what they perceive to be a slide to the very tyranny from which they were liberated. Former president of KoLiber, Jakub Kulesza stated: ‘What is happening in Australia cannot be called democratic. Australia has contracted COVID madness. Australian police oppress, harass and attack peaceful citizens, depriving them of their fundamental freedoms.’
Kulesza asserted that ‘continued heavy lockdowns‘ are totalitarian, arguing that ‘these drastic measures have led to record increases in infections, showing that drastic restrictions do not make sense.’
In Manhattan, New York City, protestors marched to the Australian consulate, chanting ‘Save Australia.’ Why such a response? Because of excessive Covid lockdowns, perceived police brutality against protesters, broad-stroked vaccine mandates which resulted in people quitting or losing their jobs, curfews with helicopters flying overhead, prohibition from travel more than five kilometres from home, limited outside human contact, and more.
Overseas Aussies could not get ‘in’ and Aussies at home could not get out (though that is finally changing after a year and a half). Sounds more like divided, Cold War Berlin or Castro’s Cuba.
Let’s face it: this is not the Australia we know and love. What’s happening and why?
When Prime Minister Scott Morrison was in the United States in September 2021, he was asked by journalists if Australia had sacrificed its liberty in pursuit of Covid management or elimination.
“If we’d had the same rate of fatality of OECD nations on average, more than 30,000 Australians additionally would have passed away. We took action to save lives,” the PM replied.
American conservative firebrand Candace Owens, who is not backward in coming forward, declares ‘Australia is a tyrannical police state. Its citizens are quite literally imprisoned against their will.’ Owens compared Australia with the Taliban and asked ‘What’s the difference?’ (NOTE: A lot, as a matter of fact).
While there may be hyperbole in some international reactions, it seems that an international (and domestic) consensus is that Australia has had some of longest lockdowns, absurd restrictions, and ludicrous penalties … with the promise of more to come.
Understanding the Times
While ‘lockdowns’ and ‘vaccine mandates’ are not unique to Australia, it is the seeming overreaction and strong-armed tactics that have the world gasping. Such notions were normally reserved for totalitarian regimes run by illiberal despots, not a parliamentary democracy in what is meant to be the free world, serving and representing the people.
If we are going to solve a problem, first of all, we have to understand what is the problem and why. Once this is done, you are halfway towards the solution.
What factors have determined Australia’s heavy-handed Covid response? In our next edition, we will learn the role of the media, irrationality, progressivism, old-fashion hunger for power, culture war, and more.
Heaven on Earth
Never once does he feel fear. Never once does he doubt his father is beside him, ready to help once more.
Ageing in Australia
We cannot address the systemic issues in aged care without learning to celebrate ageing, value older people and recognise that relationships are central to flourishing as we age.
Oh God, help us to remember them
The people in our community who are not famous, attractive, well-connected or ‘useful’ in our pragmatic, cold and calculating economy are a gift to us. They bring grace when we least expect it but often when we most need it.
Ep 209: Why bother with God?
Is God an outdated concept today?
Australian War Hunger
Can AUKUS and an Australian fleet of nuclear subs give us the ‘Peace and safety’ we hope for?