Perhaps Jesus can help us find hope
Category Archives: Workplace
You are going to die
It’s true we are all going to die, but how can this truth set us free?
Why is it so hard to forgive?
We might find Jesus’ answer confronting
You are not that important
So why is that good news?
Logos Live 51: When miracles happen
Hear stories of when miracles happen, but how can someone trust Jesus when they don’t?
Who believes in hell anymore?
We might find Jesus’ answer confronting
Your life is not about you
A new angle on the idea of “looking out for number one”
Logos Live 50: Honouring the Anzacs: have we gone too far?
Mike Raiter shares how Anzac Day has gone beyond simply a day of remembrance.
The Bible – gift or dogma?
What attitude should we have to the Bible? Is it necessary? Reliable? Inspired?
You are not in control
How much of our life can we really control? Jesus’ answer may disturb you, but it may also be the path to peace and joy