Category Archives: Faith

Jerusalem: A Magnet for Christian Visits – Part 07


Jerusalem: A Magnet for Christian Visits – Part 07
In Part 01 of our series we learned that Christians have been visiting the holy city of Jerusalem since the beginning of the church. Today, incoming Christian tourist numbers into Israel, with the goal of visiting Jerusalem, is 60% or more.
In Part 02, we learned about how ‘tourism’ affects numbers of Christian visitors.
In Part 03, we saw how since the 1967 War the ‘tourist factor’ and tradition of pilgrimage have caused the number of visitors to Jerusalem to increased dramatically.
In Part 04, we sought to define if the Christian visitor is a ‘tourist’ and/or ‘pilgrim.’
In Part 05, we will continued to explore the identity of Christian visitors as tourist and/or pilgrim.
Here in Part 06 we will explore the nature of today’s Christian visits to Jerusalem.
Onward Christian Pilgrim
First, it is this author’s conviction, after 6 years of study and  a 95,000 thesis, that a Christian who visits a holy city like Jerusalem is a ‘pilgrim,’ whether they consciously and proactively seek to be, or not. Why? Pilgrimage is simply a ‘long journey to a sacred destination.’ The Bible teaches that all believers are on a long journey to the city with foundations, whose builder and maker is God (Hebrews 11:10). So our rationale is simple: if the earthly life of a person of faith is one long journey to the sacred destination, then visiting the holy city would be part of the larger pilgrimage.
This generous and inclusive label stands strong, even if the Christian visitor has all the hallmarks of a normal tourist. So they can float on the Dead Sea, hike at En Gedi, visit the popular non-non-biblical sites like Masada, plant a tree, go shopping, and other ‘secular’ activities and still be a pilgrim. Like the Christian faith itself, being a pilgrim is not so much a matter of ‘what you do’ but more like ‘what you believe.’ The faith in the heart, rather than the activity of the hand, is what makes you a pilgrim.
One of the evidences of ‘faith in the heart’ is the Christian pilgrims willingness to travel to the Middle East, even though it has pockets of strife and instability (for example, Syria, Libya and Yemen). Those who are mere tourists do not travel to a ‘war zone’ to have a holiday but the person of faith will. They believe God has led them to make the journey and will protect them along the way.
Do the labels ‘tourist’ and ‘pilgrim’ matter? Some can argue ‘No.’ This author says ‘Yes.’ Here is the reason: when you call someone a pilgrim, you recognise them as a person of faith. Second, a journey of faith will lead to the things of God. Furthermore, a reward awaits the person who ‘believes’ and ‘seeks.’ Hebrews 11:6 says it so well: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him (emphasis mine).
So if a person understands that their trip is not just for tourism, but is truly journey of faith, they will be more mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared. A great reward awaits them.
This can apply even to the person who is blissfully unaware of these things. This author’s mother, raised in church while young but grew up to be a successful, unchurched, career woman, came for a visit to Jerusalem. Most of her time was spent visiting people and shopping. During the entire period she had only one day of touring Biblical sites and she spent much of it in the local diamond showroom! Yet, years later she commented how ‘close she felt to God’ while in Jerusalem and eventually became a believer.
The Nature of Christian Visits
Since the June ‘Six Day War of June 1967,’ there have been changes in the nature and number of Christian visitors. Prior to this date, since the 1948 war, Jerusalem was a divided city. Israel held the western sector and Jordan the eastern, including the Old City and the Mount of Olives. This means Jordan was the custodian of most of the Biblical sites. The partition of the city did affect tourist numbers. A person could only cross from one side to another via the Mandelbaum Gate, but there were restrictions. Local Jerusalemites, East and West, Jew or Muslim, could not cross to the other side of the city, full stop. Christian citizens of Israel were allowed a 3 day visit to the Old City once a year. Foreign pilgrims were allowed passage through the Mandelbaum Gate. Needless to say, the division of the city did not help foster increasing tourism. While local Christians from Middle East countries would have visited Jordanian-held Jerusalem, numbers of visitors from Europe and the rest of the world were limited.
To understand the nature of Christian visits today, let’s compare and contrast them with what happened in the past. Early Christian pilgrimage to Jerusalem was a truly voluntary action motivated by love for the person of Christ and/or desire to see the site of biblical events. No religious merit was accorded for the visit. Byzantine and medieval practices like shrine visitation, liturgy, indulgences, and veneration of relics were minimal or non-existent. Visiting the city, holy people who lived in the city, and pious study, were some of the intentions of these early visitors (e.g. Melito of Sardis, Origen, the Pilgrim of Bordeaux, Egeria). The pilgrim could have sojourned in Jerusalem for weeks, months, even years.
Modern Christian Jerusalem visits are increasing in tandem with mass tourism. Both have influenced each other. Tourism has given the pilgrim fast efficient travel, comfortable lodging, and a sightseeing             element in respect of non-Christian or non-holy sites. Pilgrimage has made holy sites part of the program in many, perhaps most, tour itineraries.
NOTE: If you are interested in our June 2019 Jerusalem Encounter Tour or November 2019 Bible Adventure Tour, including Book of Revelation/7 Churches Extension, log onto:

Is It A Good Time to Visit the Holy Land?

With so much happening in the Middle East today, and with Europe on the alert, is it really a good time to take a Bible land tour to Israel?
Many Bible-believing Christians are very keen to make the visit, but they have two major concerns:

1.    Is it affordable?
2.    Is it safe?
First, I cannot stress enough that your decision to ‘go or not to go’ should not be based on the nightly news. Under no circumstance should a Christian believer make decisions based on fear! Now or ever.
The Bible is full of exhortations to ‘fear not.’ Nowhere does it imply we should fear anything, any time. The only fear we should have is the ‘fear of the LORD.’ When you exercise Godly fear, it cancels out all other fears!
Your decision to visit the holy land should be based on two things:
1.    Prayer and the leading of the LORD; and
2.    Sufficient, accurate information.
Why visit the Holy Land?
There are two consistent and compelling reasons:
3.    To walk where Jesus (and Bible heroes) walked. This is called‘devotion.’
4.    To learn more about the Bible. This is called ‘education.’
There are so many wonderful Biblical places to visit that would fulfil both criteria, including: the Dead Sea, Jericho, Jordan Valley, Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee, Nazareth, Mount Carmel, Caesarea, Jaffa, Bethlehem, Mount of Olives, Mount Zion, and the Old City of Jerusalem, plus more. In all these sites you can see first-hand where ‘Jesus walked’ and Biblical events took place.
You will learn, grow, enjoy, and even have fun. You can float on the Dead Sea, get baptised in the Jordan River, partake in the Temple Mount sifting project, fellowship with local believers (the ‘living stones’) or do what everyone does – go shopping. Yes, a spiritual pilgrimage can be fun, too.
What is the difference between a tourist and pilgrim?
Tourists visit a place for rest and recreation. Pilgrims can have these same goals but with one dramatic difference. A pilgrim has faith in his or her heart and travels to a place ‘in faith’ in order to connect with a place associated with ‘faith.’
In other words, a pilgrim is a person of faith and the journey in faith is called a pilgrimage.
Is it affordable?
Yes, it is very affordable. For less than the price of a cruise (where much of what you see is ocean water), you can travel, sleep, enjoy abundant fresh food, and live like a monarch.
One the of key questions: is it safe to go?
With screaming headlines about ‘Arab Spring,’ ‘Syrian War,’ ‘Rise of ISIS,’ and increased terrorism, it is a legitimate question. Here is the answer.
First, it is safe enough. Apart from being in God’s will, is there any place on earth that is absolutely safe?
Second, the Middle East is big enough. A bomb going off in Baghdad does not mean there is trouble in Jerusalem. While there are problems in some parts of the region, there is stability in other parts. Israel is one of those places of stability.
Third, one local Christian said this is the safest country in the world, because it is God’s land. So true. Deuteronomy 11:11-12 (NKJV) says:
But the land which you cross over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks water from the rain of heaven, 12a land for which the Lord your God cares; the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year.
Since God’s eyes are always on this land, you can be sure that His eyes will be on you, too.
Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport has been impressively renovated in the past few years. According to Conde Nast Traveler, its readers rated Ben Gurion the world’s Number Four airport, after Singapore, Dubai, and Hong Kong airports. It is especially ‘state-of-the-art’ when it comes to security issues. There are 11 checkpoints and security posts from the time you drive through the airport gate until you board the airplane. No wonder there has not been an attack at or a hijacking from Ben Gurion in forty years!
Furthermore, both local Jews and Arabs have a vested interest in the security of their pilgrim guests since both work in the hospitality industry (you will find many Arab workers, even in the Israeli hotels). The locals have their ‘ear to the ground’ when it comes to security; they are the best sources of information when it comes to a place being secure. Prayer and following their advice affords you the best protection possible.
This is a hospitable part of the world with low rates of crime. It is safer here than in many major western cities.
Journey in Faith: Remember the pilgrim’s secret weapon: Faith. Unlike the nervous tourist, the pilgrim believes that God is with them and protecting them every step of the way (Psalm 91:1-2). Many comment that they feel safer in Israel than in many other places. This is because they put their trust in the LORD. Those who do are never put to shame.
After all, Christian believer, if you cannot trust God now for your fears, faults, failings, finances, friends, family, and future … then when do you plan to start?
Now is the time!
Is it really a good idea to visit the holy land? If you are led by God and full of faith, then ‘go for it.’ With that kind of attitude, you will be well equipped to enjoy a fearless journey to the Land of the Bible. The results can be life-changing.
NOTE: Teach All Nations is offering two Bible lands tours in November 2016:
The Book of Revelation (Greece and Turkey)
Bible Adventure Tour (Jordan and Israel)

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