The Ethos Board and members met on Wednesday 25th October at All Saints Anglican Church, Greensborough, to review the past year and look to the future.
Category Archives: Spirituality
Link Highlights | October 2017
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces from October 2017.
The artificial resurrection: Genesis and genetics in Blade Runner 2049
In Ridley Scott’s sequel, moral absolutes have succumbed to corporate interests and brutal pragmatism. The film poses uncomfortable questions for a culture whose prosperity is maintained artificially and unsustainably through abortion, exploitation and war, and whose divorce of sex from procreation is slowly but surely drifting into a demographic winter.
Even boys can become feminists – and wear a different wristband
To transpose the moral questions of Jesus’ first century life into our 21st century is fraught with difficulty. So I’ve always thought we should add two extra letters to the wrist-band: WWJHMD – what would Jesus have me do?
Euthanasia in the media – September-October 2017
A selection of articles from the Australian media on euthanasia, in the lead-up to the debate of the Assisted Dying Bill in the Victorian Parliament in October 2017.
Review of James Davison Hunter, To Change the World
James Hunter challenges our individualistic view of change and the narrow and misguided focus on political power among both Left and Right. He calls for a positive Christian posture of ‘faithful presence’, shaped by covenantal Christian community and salting every social structure.
Review of James Davison Hunter, To Change the World
James Hunter challenges our individualistic view of change and the narrow and misguided focus on political power among both Left and Right. He calls for a positive Christian posture of ‘faithful presence’, shaped by covenantal Christian community and salting every social structure.
Concern about Australia’s Suicide Rate
Young people need something to aspire to – education, vocation and occupation are simply a means to this end. And youth of all faiths need guidance from their leaders towards something beyond themselves that will give them a sense of purpose and meaning.
Link highlights | September 2017
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces from September 2017.
Book Review: A Field Guide to Melancholy
Melancholy is central to the human condition, writes Jacky Bowring, and we are as much drawn to it as we are repelled by it. Extolling the benefits of sadness, Bowring questions our obsession with the pursuit of happiness: ‘To lose melancholy is to be deprived of one of the imagination’s last refuges’.