God must have had such fun making you! / With layers of heart in your fingertips / Everything you touch, stitched / With your care and courage.
Category Archives: Spirituality
Book Review: Bright Shining: How Grace Changes Everything
The idea of getting something for nothing goes against the grain of human nature. Baird’s book shows us how grace lights our daily lives as much as the Sun starts our days and the Moon signifies our nights.
Review essay: A Pocket Christian Catechism: Keeping the Faith in the Challenges of the 21st Century
In our visual learning culture, catechesis is an increasingly strange and foreign idea; its slow and oral work runs deeply counter to the spirit of our times. Charles Ringma’s pocket catechism seeks to re-centre our minds on deep and time-tested Christian truths.
Scars of the wounded church
Be careful what you sing.
The Magpie
The magpie trills a joyful refrain, / A song of Australia it is
Warmth filling my heart / Down on my knees
Jesus, Our Friend
Could Jesus be a conversation partner? Would he stay up late over a crumb-littered table asking good questions, making provocations and listening so carefully that you know you are fully seen? Could connection through shared laughter be part of the healing he brings?
Reflecting on the resilience and well-being of individuals, volunteers, organisations and communities
Resilience grounded in the Christian faith can be a valuable part of a well-being toolkit that allows practitioners, volunteers, groups, organisations and communities to make meaning of uncertainty and complex situations. What unique resource do people of faith have to help them navigate tough situations?
‘Healthcare for all, together’: An Easter shoutout
Jesus, as the ‘one bread broken’, is a consistent testimony to the grace and healing this world needs, uniting race, class, religion, culture, business, healthcare and politics into a new vision of hope. This good news victory announcement is also a challenge to us to follow Him.
God’s Breath
The wind blows strongly, / As God exhales.