Category Archives: Spirituality

Inheriting the Earth: The Power of Biblical Meekness PART TWO

In Part One we were introduced to the concept of Biblical meekness, which comes with the superlative promise: The meek shall inherit the earth (Psalm 37:11; Matthew 5:5). In essence, meekness is submission to God and His grace, letting Him carry us, fight our battles, and use us as He wills. The two meekest men in the Bible were Moses and Jesus, yet both of them were mightily used of God in acts of power.
The meek do not ‘fight for their rights,’ actively seek vengeance or vindication, strive in their own strength or live off man-made, home-cooked ‘good ideas.’ They live and labour according to God’s terms, timing, and territory. The meek simply keep single-minded and focused on what God has called them to do.
A classic example of this principle, and how to inherit the earth, is found in the patriarch Isaac in Genesis 26:16-22. God commanded Isaac to remain in Canaan, a land he was destined to inherit. Amazingly, this was during a time of intense famine. When food was scarce in Canaan, the natural response was to travel to nearby Egypt, where the Nile River and its alluvial rich overflow normally guaranteed a steady food supply.
Certainly, Isaac’s father Abraham, and son Jacob, did go to Egypt when famine hit in Canaan during their day. Yet when Isaac tried to make the same move, God intervened and told him to stay put. He would bless him in the land of promise, drought, famine, and all. Meekness meant trusting God and committing all to him.
Ever energetic, Isaac was busy sowing in the land and reaping 100-fold (Genesis 26:12). That was a miracle, considering that the Negev wilderness is dry, even in normal times, let alone in a season of dryness.
The neighbouring Philistines became jealous of his success and expelled him from the city of Gerar. It was most unfair, but Isaac decided not to fight for justice but to keep on labouring in his inheritance. God’s justice towards Isaac would outstripped any compensation this world can offer.
The patriarch began to dig wells or re-dig wells in the Negev, where his father Abraham had dug. Wells not only brought water but served as a stake to claim the land. At least twice the Philistines protested that the wells belong to them, even though Isaac was the one who dug them. He did not argue or stop fulfilling his call. He kept his powder dry, relinquished the wells to his opponents, and kept digging elsewhere. Isaac knew that the promise of God to inherit the land would come in God’s timing and God’s way.
Isaac’s meekness netted him a wonderful reprieve called Rehoboth (Genesis 26:22). Here was a ‘Philistine-free zone’ were there is room, water, fruitfulness, and no strife. Every believer needs to visit Rehoboth, periodically if not regularly.
What is remarkable is that Isaac’s spirit of meekness did not make him look weak, but strong. Eventually, his enemies met with him and sued for peace.
The reason was that the blessing of God appeared prominently on his life. Wherever his plough laboured, there was a bumper crop. Wherever his spade touch, a well of springing water resulted. When opposition hit, he glided over it like a stream over a stubborn rock. To fight such a God-blessed man like Isaac would mean to fight against God Himself.
Then he came across Beersheba, well of seven, which became the patriarchs winter capital. The land of Canaan was now within Isaac’s reach and he never had to fire a shot.
Isaac’s exemplary conduct contradicts our current culture, which focuses on ‘rights,’ ‘entitlement,’ and ‘self-interest.’ The problem with this attitude is that as soon as you drop your spade (shovel) and pick up your boxing gloves to fight your enemy, they have already won. The reason is that you are no longer doing what God has called you to, but instead you are distracted by a battle that is best left with God. Often, these battles can be lengthy and tiresome. So even if you win the battle, you truly lose the war. Second, by taking up the fight yourself, you are not demonstrating the power of faith and trust whereby God can fight your battle and win your prize.
Except in rare situations, the Biblical meek don’t even bother responding to their opponents. The work of God is simply too great (remember Nehemiah: he did not want to stop building the walls of Jerusalem in order to debate his enemies).
The meek reserve their focus on one thing: doing God’s will. All the other issues they leave for God to sort out. Many take the lower road, which leads to the barnyard. It can be messy, battling with the chickens and other poultry who can’t even fly. Or, you can take the ‘higher way’ of Biblical meekness, where the eagles rule the skies. Those who choose this way travel faster, farther, and truly inherit the earth.
A spirit of empowerment, not entitlement;
overcoming, not overcome;
inheritance, not infirmity;
grace, not greed;
victory, not victimhood.
By meekness you interface with
Almighty God Himself
So that when He inherits the earth (Psalm 24:1);

                                                  You inherit it with Him