Category Archives: Spirituality

A Man After God’s Own Heart: Why Study Second (II) Samuel

If you want to learn about the 40 year reign of King David, II Samuel is the Bible book to study. After seeing this anointed, amazing man of integrity rise up to national prominence in I Samuel, here we see him take the throne of Israel. In some ways, he sets the stage for ‘Israel’s golden age’ where enemies are subdued, Jerusalem is captured and made capital, the Ark of God is brought to the royal city, and plans are made for a glorious temple.
Yet, the Bible gives a candid portrait of our hero: he transgresses the law of God, commits covetousness, theft, adultery, and murder, then pays for those sins for the rest of his life. Despite this colossal moral failure at the height of his success, David did what only the minority ever do: he repented. This, and his heart of worship, demonstrate that he continued to be a man after God’s own heart. II Samuel will help you to learn invaluable lessons of God’s interaction with His people and how to walk uprightly.
The original name of the book comes from Samuel, or shmu’el.This can be translated ‘heard of God,’ ‘petitioned of God,’ or even ‘his name is God.’ Though it, along with II Samuel, were originally one account in Hebrew, in the 285 BC Greek language translation of the Hebrew Bible, known as the Septuagint (LXX), separates the two books.
The consensus is that II Samuel is a compilation from the prophets Gad and Nathan. Apparently, there is some reference from the Book of Jasher (1:18). Written after death of Solomon but before the Assyrian captivity of 722 BC, there are hints of the rivalry between Judah and Israel. This rivalry erupts into a full-blown schism in I Kings 12. Lessons about obedience and blessing, disobedience and punishment, also are prominent themes in II Samuel.
Jesus is the ‘root and offspring of David’ (Revelation 22:16), the heir to his throne who will reign forever. He is the ‘man after God’s own heart’ (I Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22), the faithful servant of God who rules from the throne first established by Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18), which is Jerusalem.
II Samuel is the story of David’s 40 year reign. It begins with some great triumphs, like the elimination of the Ishbosheth threat, conquest of Jerusalem, subduing of the Philistines, alliance with Tyre, bringing the ark to Jerusalem, and receiving the Davidic covenant. 
However, after David became successful and careless, he sinned grievously. This began a period of tragedy, including the death of his faithful mighty man Uriah the Hittite, the death of his infant son by Bathsheba, the rape of his daughter Tamar, the murder of her treacherous half-brother Amnon, the rebellions of Absalom and Sheba, a famine because of the Gibeonites, and the dreadful plague after the foolish census.
The theme: Obedience to God (chapters 1-7) bring God’s blessing; however, sin (11) brings punishment (12-24). To whom much is given, much is required (Luke 12:48).
And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. 13He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever — II Samuel 7:12-13
The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness: according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me II Samuel 22:21
    The Davidic covenant (7; I Chronicles 11): This is one of the most important parts of the Bible. It is by this covenant that David is promised a son and heir who would reign from his throne forever. In addition, David son will be simultaneously God’s Son. This ‘Son of David is known as ‘the Messiah,’ the ‘anointed one.’ Of course, this Son is none other than Jesus of Nazareth. When He came the first time, He was crucified as ‘The King of the Jews.’ When He comes the second time, it will be to reign over the whole world from David’s throne in Jerusalem.
   Sin of David: The Bible does not try to air-brush the faults of its heroes and David is no exception. His sin with Bathsheba and the subsequent trouble in his family serves as a warning to us all. Galatians 6:7 says Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Let us remember that we will reap what we sow, therefore let us sow to the Spirit, not to the flesh.
I.         Victories of David (1:1-10:19)
    Political Victories (1:1-5:25): Reign in Hebron, overcoming the Ishbosheth threat, conquest and reign in Jerusalem, defeat of the Philistines, alliance with Tyre
    Spiritual Victories (6:1-7:29): The ark is brought to Jerusalem, Davidic covenant ratified.
    Military Victories (8:1-10:19): Over the Philistines; Moabites, Zobah, Syrians, and Ammonites. He also remembers his covenant with Jonathan and treats his son Mephibosheth with respect.
II.      Sin of David (11:1-27)
    David covets Bathsheba
    David steals Bathsheba
    David commits adultery with Bathsheba
    David murders her husband, Uriah the Hittite
III.    Judgment in David’s Family (12:1-13:36)
    Nathan’s prophecy and David’s repentance
    Infant son of Bathsheba and David dies; Solomon is born
    Amnon rapes sister Tamar
    Amnon murdered by Tamar’s brother, Absalom
IV.   Judgment in David’s Kingdom (13:37-24:25)
    Absalom’s revolt
    Absalom murdered, rebellion ends
    Sheba’s revolt & execution
    Famine due to the Gibeonites
    Mighty men and Philistine war
    Foolish census
    Plague as a judgement for the census
    Sacrifice at the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite

God’s Peace Process – Part 02

It is precious, wonderful, and at times, rare. The world longs for peace but it always seems to be elusive. It is said of the Ottoman Turkish Empire (1300-1922) that there were only 24 consecutive years of peace throughout its entire history; otherwise, they were either fighting to take territory or to retain it.
While the world survived two world wars and a cold war, today there remain global hotspots, particularly in Asia, that are like dry tinder in a hot summer. One misguided spark and the region, if not the world, could go up in flames.
Add to that how even in the relatively prosperous and peaceful western world, many people lack personal peace, even as Christians. Be assured, this is not God’s will and He does have the best way forward.
In Part One, we learned that God has peace that surpasses all understanding. It is freely given, universal in scope, and eternal in duration. We learned that the pre-requisite to receiving this peace is to make a decision to obey Jesus’ command: don’t let your heart be troubled or afraid (John 14:27).
Here in Part Two, we want to learn how to establish God’s peace in your life.
In regard to the cause of conflict, even war, we need not go any further than the Book of James:
James 4:1-3 (MEV): Where do wars and fights among you come from? Do they not come from your lusts that war in your body? 2 You lust and do not have, so you kill. You desire to have and cannot obtain. you fight and war. Yet you do not have, because you do not ask. 3. You ask, and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your passions.
Bad as this – that our lusts cause conflict and war – there is something even worse. Humanity is serious danger of incurring the wrath of God, in part because of the lusts, greed, and sin. The Book of Romans says that God’s wrath is being stored up against all ungodliness and unrighteousness (1:18), hardness and impenitent hearts (2:5), and contentious people who do not obey the truth. Though we are made in God’s image, our sin nature and actions have put as in enmity towards God. The carnal mind is on a  collision course with God and it cannot be subject to His law (8:7).
Frankly, it is the most dire situation to be an enemy with the living God, but that’s what Romans tells us. Yet, God unilaterally instituted a solution to rectify this situation.
It is called the gospel of Jesus Christ. He died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the 3rd day; this is the gospel in a nutshell. Believe this and receive Him and an amazing thing happens. We are ‘saved’ and ‘justified,’ which means we are declared not guilty and righteous.
Peace Established
Do you want to enter the peace process? From the very outset, God’s peace will come upon your heart and mind. A tranquility beyond your own enablement will enter in. How do you get it?
Say ‘Yes’ to the gospel and the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ, receive justification, and look what comes next:
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus ChristRomans 5:1
It couldn’t been easier or clearer. When the Prince of Peace comes into your life, you are reconciled with God, adopted into His family, grafted into Israel’s olive tree (Romans 11:17-24) justification sets in, and a peace beyond all understanding will take control of your life.
Till this day, I will never forget the feeling of joy and peace I received when I asked Jesus into my life. That peace has stayed with me ever since. What God has done for me, He will do for you.
Unlike the manmade ‘peace process,’ where peace is given in instalments, God gives you complete peace on the spot. Yet, it is possible to grow in peace, like you can grow in grace, faith and glory. In fact, you can come to a place of great peace, perfect peace, and permanent peace.
Our upcoming articles will show you how.
Verses to Ponder
Romans 5:9
Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
Colossians 1:20
And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

God’s Peace Process – Part 01

Among the most desirable and least obtainable commodities in the world is peace. In the last century, we had two world wars and dozens of regular wars since. We even had a very dangerous ‘Cold War’ where the American and Soviet superpowers avoided direct conflict, but they facilitated several proxy wars while pointing nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles at each other. We even now have a ‘war on terror,’ which, in reality, is a war with global jihadism.
In addition, there are global hotspots, mostly in Asia, where a miscalculation or lack of statecraft could result in a regional or global conflict. These ‘hotspots’ include the Korean Peninsula, China-Taiwan, India-Pakistan, Israel-Iran, Israel-Arabs, the Syrian war and the threat of the Islamic State.
Yet, even in prosperous and relatively peaceful societies, there is a shocking lack of personal peace. Rates of anxiety and depression are at record levels, especially in prosperous peaceful countries like Australia. Those who suffer from these things derive no comfort from the fact that their country is not in armed conflict.
Are you eager to trade in your fears, anxieties, and depression, for some lasting peace? Then read on.
During the early 1990s, there was a novel approach to the Arab-Israel conflict. Israel entered into the ‘Oslo peace process’ with the Palestine Arabs. Basically, it offered ‘peace in instalments.’ Here’s how it worked: the more land Israel gave to the Palestinians, the ‘more peace’ it would obtain.
While there have been some areas of progress as a result of Oslo (for example, Oslo made it possible for certain countries to enter into diplomatic relations with Israel), the ultimate goal of a just, lasting peace remains elusive.
Nevertheless, there is good news: it is possible to have personal, growing, permanent, life-sustaining peace. It is a priceless gift from Jesus Christ Who, among His many glorious titles, is called the ‘Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus offers every true believer the marvellous gift of peace and it, too, comes as a process. You can ‘grow in peace’ as you do ‘in faith, grace and glory.
If you would like to receive God’s peace, here and now, pay particular attention to this promise from Jesus from John 14:27 (NKJV):
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Most people know the Hebrew word for ‘peace,’ namely ‘Shalom.’ It is used to say ‘hello,’ ‘good-bye,’ and ‘how are you?’ Yet this word goes even deeper. It can also mean ‘wholeness, inner rest, fellowship with God, and total well-being.’ In the Greek language translation of the Old Testament, the Septuagint, ‘shalom’ becomes ‘soteria,’ which means ‘salvation’ (Genesis 26:31; 41:16).
What a wonderful word!
If you would like to enter into God’s ‘Peace Process,’ please understand that the above verse in John 14:27 gives the promise of peace and the pre-requisite for receiving it. Christ promises to leave His peace with you. As the Prince of Peace, His peace will be grander, more powerful, and more wonderful than mere human peace. He promises to give peace in a manner that is impossible for the world to replicate. When the world gives peace, it gives for a price, it gives in part, and it can renege and take it away. When Christ gives, He gives peace fully, freely, and permanently.
Yet, there is a condition you must fulfil. Before you can receive Christ’s peace, you have to obey the simple command: don’t let your heart be troubled or afraid. Despite the march of fleshly fear, overdrive anxiety, and deepening depression, if you will surrender to God, humble yourself, and submit to His grace, you can enter into a personal, mental, and spiritual ‘cease-fire’ which makes receiving Christ’s peace possible.
The Nature of Peace
The World’s Peace
Christ’s Peace
Given for a price
Given freely
Given in part
Given in full
Can be lost or taken back
Remains permanently
Anxiety remains
Anxiety gone
Depression remains
Depression gone
Fear remains
Fear gone
Despair possible
Despair impossible

There are four more steps to entering into God’s peace process. Stay tuned for more