Category Archives: Spirituality
WEA Pays Tribute to Nelson Mandela
Released – IPCC Fifth Assessment Report of Working Group One
Do Evangelicals Really Like Our Planet?
This past year, evangelical pastor Mark Driscoll made headlines for his comments at the Catalyst Conference in Dallas, where he reportedly said, “I know who made the environment. He’s coming back and he’s going to burn it all up. So yes, I drive an SUV.” Noah Toly responds controversy in ‘Sightings’.
Zadok Perspectives – ARPA Publication of the Year
WEA Secretary General Urges Religious Liberty for Arab Christians at Conference in Jordan
Is Politics Passe? New Issue of Zadok Perspectives
Living Politically With Love
Kevin Comes Out – He’s Here to Help Homosexuals
Gordon Preece responds briefly to Kevin Rudd’s change of mind on same-sex marriage.