RASP is humbled by the audacious generosity extended to the non-Indigenous Australian people through the forgiveness and renewed co-existence offered to us through the Statement. We commit our research to both listening and speaking truth.
Category Archives: Spirituality
Giving agency: A priest, a voiceless woman and hearing from God
Sometimes our acts of kindness – though well-intentioned – can do more damage than good. How can we do good in a way that respects the agency and voice of the other, especially those who seem more than most to be ‘acted upon’?
Book review: Abortion: A Personal Story, A Political Choice
Pauline Harmange tells her personal story of her own abortion together with her reflections on the social and political conditions that influence attitudes to abortion. But what of the moral arguments for and against abortion?
Learning from the Margins
I’ve learnt more from the marginalised, the stigmatised and the devalued than from any celebrity pastor. And it’s been humbling.
No Ordinary Election
Most Christian believers acknowledge Pentecost Sunday as the Church’s birthday. Luke’s treatise, the Acts of the Apostles, records the ‘birth’ and early experiences. Recently John Kidson ‘discovered’ the journal of an apparent younger follower.
if you still your heart / to hear the tales of ocean waves /
if you lay your ear on a seashell / to learn the dance on a distant shore
Book Review Keeping Faith: How Christian organisations can stay true to the way of Jesus
In this book, the former CEO of Hammondcare, a disability theologian and a practical theologian of faith-work issues challenge church-related agencies to assess the faithfulness of their organisations to their mission. Could the same challenge be extended to denominations and congregations?
Earth Day 2023: A spiritual shift is also needed
Earth Day is a chance for us to pause and ask: Have we, as Christians, internalised a utilitarian paradigm of nature, seeing it fundamentally in terms of how it serves the human economy? Has our theology somehow underpinned this? Is environmental care an ‘add on’, disconnected from our theology?
Supplication of a Sometime Believer
God, give me doubt / Doubt, to pierce my too small image of you / To overcome the certainties with which I would fence you
Book review: Winning in the Workplace
How do I balance faithful witness in the workplace with career ambitions? Akemu pushes back against theologically sound resources that are ignorant of real-world pressures. But if you are looking for a rich gospel-driven theology of work and a pastoral voice, this book will disappoint.