The wealth of the Australian church is the result of colonisation – of systematic murder, rape, theft and lies, disrespect for elders, hatred for Indigenous neighbours enshrined in law, built up over the generations through the use of stolen labour, stolen wages, stolen children and stolen lives. So what should we do?
Category Archives: Theology
Jesus, ‘Son of Man’ – me, frail human
August 6 is earmarked by the Church to remember the Transfiguration of Jesus – each of the gospels records the event. For me Mark’s narrative captures, in Peter’s response, the way I’d surely feel in any ‘situation extremus’ when confronted by divine glory or my own human frailty.
History’s shadows will never find rest / Until the wanderer finds love and care
Film review: Hillbilly Elegy
J.D. Vance’s memoir was extolled as bringing enlightenment to ignorant elites who no longer understood white working-class America, providing an explanation for how Trump won over the resentful victims of decades of growing inequality. In the subversive interpretation of Howard’s film version, Hillbilly Elegy is a timely elegy for American democracy.
Foreword to Finding God in Suffering
For young and mature Christians alike, Siu Fung draws on Christ, Paul’s and his own experience, offering a rich blend of suffering and sustainable spirituality for the long haul. But he also draws on the global experience of suffering Christians in poverty and persecution as a great encouragement to western readers.
A Winter’s Sight
Snowflakes tickle the tops of the trees, / Snow-kissed, sun missed, blanketed in the frigid snow.
Book Review: Eve’s Return
Eve’s Return is an in-depth, comprehensive, at times challenging, but deeply invitational reflection on how we live together in community. Andrea leaves more than enough imaginative room to draw out the parallels and disconnections to our own reality.
God Had Fun
God must have had such fun making you! / With layers of heart in your fingertips / Everything you touch, stitched / With your care and courage.
Book Review: Bright Shining: How Grace Changes Everything
The idea of getting something for nothing goes against the grain of human nature. Baird’s book shows us how grace lights our daily lives as much as the Sun starts our days and the Moon signifies our nights.
Review essay: A Pocket Christian Catechism: Keeping the Faith in the Challenges of the 21st Century
In our visual learning culture, catechesis is an increasingly strange and foreign idea; its slow and oral work runs deeply counter to the spirit of our times. Charles Ringma’s pocket catechism seeks to re-centre our minds on deep and time-tested Christian truths.