It seems that, apart from a small number of women who will benefit from egg-freezing, it is mostly a marketing ‘false fact’ designed to play on women’s guilt.
Category Archives: Theology
How can work make us happy?
On May Day, Kara Martin responds to an editorial in The Age on job satisfaction and time spent in the workplace, drawing on research to show that Christians experience greater purpose and meaning in their work.
Strength in Weakness
By seeing disability as gift not punishment, strength not weakness, we can more fully embrace those with disability – and learn, from their disability and our own, the beautiful simplicity of faith.
Link highlights | April 2017
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces for April 2017.
Advertise here with Beacon AdsLET’S MAKE IT SIMPLE: WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? (A sermon) Preachers could learn from TED / TEDx talks. Their motto: ‘ideas-worth-spreading.’ The world’s leading ‘thinkers and doers’ – like Bill Gates and Richard Branson, and a few hundred others – speak for 18 minutes or less. The talks are then posted daily, free, on […]
Advertise here with Beacon AdsWAS JESUS A CHRISTIAN? (I DOUBT IT) Christians come in about 13 varieties. These varieties (or mindsets) can be found in all religions. You mustn’t judge any religion simply on its caricatures. My theses: Each mind-set makes part of Christianity the whole of it. There’s nothing wrong with the parts
Advertise here with Beacon AdsThe question: ‘WHAT ARE THE BEST REASONS – IN WHAT ORDER – FOR SOMEONE CHOOSING TO BELIEVE IN [THE EXISTENCE OF] GOD? What’s your experience? Here are my rough notes on ten classic routes from non-theism to theism/Christianity. I’ve put them in the order I’ve experienced them (both in terms of time, and relevance). Yours? […]
Let’s amend 18C to say what it means
Section 18C should be amended to stamp out racial vilification while upholding freedom of speech even when people are insulted or offended. The bar should be set at the same level before the Human Rights Commission as it would be before the courts.
Man, Woman and Well
Women like the nameless ‘woman at the well’ prepare us to receive the astounding news that the saviour of the world will be seen not in a powerful male, but in a broken person upon a cross.