At Christmas, we’re confronted with an array of options for doing good, which can be confusing and unsettling. God trusted us to make the generous, kind and godly decision.
Category Archives: Theology
Yingiya Mark Guyula MLA’s first speech in NT Parliament
‘I did not want to become a politician but we Yolngu have tried many ways of gaining recognition of Yolngu law, and none have worked.’
Link highlights – November 2016
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces for November 1st to 30th, 2016.
Film Review: Hacksaw Ridge
Saint Lonelyhearts
While Mother Teresa worked amidst heart-breaking poverty, she found her own heart beaten down by interior struggles of doubt, pain, loneliness, and anxiety.
Marriage equality supporters’ hope for a free conscience vote
All members of parliament should be given a free conscience vote on any bill amending the Marriage Act to include same sex marriage.
AFL’s scheduled Good Friday match in 2017 another win for market, not for people
Melbourne Bishop Philip Huggins has criticised a decision by AFL to stage a match on Good Friday next year, saying it was ‘another win for the market, not for people’.
Link highlights – October 2016
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces for October 1st to 31st, 2016.
Singularity of the Gospel of Jesus, the Messiah
Mark Thiessen Nation, ‘The Singularity of the Gospel of Jesus, the Messiah’, Equip, Issue 29, September 2016, pp.13-14 (with endnotes). You can subscribe to Equip via the Publications section of our website.
Letters to the editor – A Climate of Hope?
Join our discussion on climate change, arising from our Zadok Perspectives issue on climate change (A Climate of Hope?, No. 130, Spring 2016).