Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces for May 1st to June 6th.
Category Archives: Theology
Former ABC head warns Christians against retreat into comfortable media worlds
Eternity News reports on former ABC Mark Scott’s address at the 2016 Work & Faith Award.
Faith in the election
Ultimately, for the Christian, the core of voting means voting for the party that will do the most for those who are most disadvantaged in the world, not the party that will do the most for ourselves.
Political Questions that Can’t be Answered by our Publicly Funded Public Relations Firms
We have seen genuine political parties give way to the rise of ‘public relations firms’, threatening to undermine respect for public governance, for state-crafting,
This exploration of Daniel Akst’s ‘Facing Up to Death,’ a review of Katie Roiphe’s The Violet Hour, looks at how ‘religion’ is experienced by everyday people as they face death.
Response to letter in The Age about voluntary euthanasia in Oregon
Suicide rates have not fallen, but in fact increased, since the introduction of ‘assisted dying’ in Oregon, USA. Therefore the claim that legalising assisted dying might reduce the suicide rate in Australia is spurious.
Victorian Late-Term Abortion Legislation
A response for discussion ahead of this week’s vote in the Victorian Parliament on Late-Term Abortions.
Casting a Net of Caring
The church needs to send a clearer message on domestic violence, argues the executive director of the Women’s Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance.
Insulting Religion and Legal Consequences
Newcastle University Professor of Law discusses recent news items that have raised issues of free speech about religion and its legal consequences.
Submission to Inquiry into End of Life Choices
Submission on behalf of the Social Responsibilities Committee of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne to the Inquiry into End of Life Choices by the Victorian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Legal and Social Issues.