The church needs to send a clearer message on domestic violence, argues the executive director of the Women’s Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance.
Category Archives: Theology
Insulting Religion and Legal Consequences
Newcastle University Professor of Law discusses recent news items that have raised issues of free speech about religion and its legal consequences.
Submission to Inquiry into End of Life Choices
Submission on behalf of the Social Responsibilities Committee of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne to the Inquiry into End of Life Choices by the Victorian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Legal and Social Issues.
Endnotes for Zadok Paper S212
Here you will find the endnotes for Gordon Preece’s Zadok Paper ‘Re-Tayloring Time’. You can subscribe to Zadok Perspectives via the Publications section of our website.
Is there a need for a Safe Schools program?
Is there a need for a Safe Schools program? Gordon Preece’s short piece leads the discussion, followed by links to related articles.
The offer of sanctuary that should shock and shame us
We should all be disturbed and ashamed over the treatment of asylum seekers in Australia.
Places of Refuge: What Legal Basis for the Churches’ Offer of ‘Sanctuary’?
Neil Foster, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Newcastle, reflects on the legal issues surrounding ‘sanctuary’ in Australia for ABC’s Religion and Ethics.
High Court correct but law allows inexcusable neglect of asylum seekers
Whatever the legalities, the indeterminate limbo of life in detention for seeking safety is unjustified, writes Gordon Preece.
Prayer and the Divine Community
Prayer is an expression of our communion with the Trinitarian community, writes Scott Buchanan.
Brunch is the new Communion
Amanda Jackson, Executive Director of the WEA Women’s Commission, looks at ways to address – and ways not to address – declining female church attendance.