Category Archives: Articles
News Update – 25 Nov – Activists, Discrimination, Euthanasia and more…
News Update – 25 Nov – Activists, Discrimination, Euthanasia and more…
A round up of the news…
Every week I try to cover some of the highlights… from the issues we cover. Naturaylly I can’t cover EVERYTHING!
Australian of the Year – MORE ACTIVISTS nominated!
The finalists from each State for the ‘Australian of the Year’ have been announced.
Again, a number of activists have been nominated. IN Victoria the nomination for ‘Young Australian of the Year’, the homosexual footballer who has campaigned for the AFL to have a ‘Pride Round’ and so on. He is described as a “diversity and inclusion champion”.
Other ‘causes’ of the nominees (for both ‘Australian of the Year’ and ‘Young Australian of the Year’) include refugees, anti-torture, suicide prevention, reconciliation, and campaigns against slavery.
Some former winners of the award have spoken up, saying that the awards have been ‘hijacked by activists’ and the system should be overhauled!
Ironically, one of them was transgender advocate Cate McGregor, formerly army officer Malcolm McGregor, who missed out on being chosen as ‘Australian of the Year’ this year when David Morrison, the former Army Chief who champions against ‘Domestic Violence’ was chosen! At the time we noted that it is becoming the ‘battle of the causes’!
Article: Australian of the Year finalists,, 24/11/2016.
Article: Australian of the Year awards hijacked by activists, say former winners, The Australian, 25/11/2016.
Victoria – Poll finds Premier Daniel Andrew loses control on crime wave
A new poll has found that about HALF of Labor voters think Labor Premier Daniel Andrews is not tough enough on crime.
Perhaps he should be spending more time trying to deal with youth crime, carjackings etc. instead of on programs like the Safe Schools Coalition that tell young people they can ‘be what you want to be, do what you want to do’!
The Herald Sun reports, “The results from the Herald Sun/Galaxy poll show it’s not just Coalition-leaning voters who believe the Premier is a soft touch. About half of Labor supporters believe Dan Andrews’s government isn’t tough enough on youth crime, and more than half (56 per cent) think Apex is in control.”
Daniel Andrews still has a 24 point lead over Liberal leader Matthew Guy, though 28% were uncommitted.
Article: Labor supporters call on Premier Daniel Andrews to get tough on law and order, Herald Sun, 21/11/2016. [Subscriber article – try Googling title if link doesn’t show article.]
Photographer who caught Roz Ward in action CLOSES his business after THREATS
Kenji Wardenclyffe, the freelance photojournalist who took the photo of Safe Schools Coalition founder Roz Ward harassing a bystander during an anti-Trump rally in Melbourne on 12 November, has closed his business because of the threats he had received. He is known for taking photos of ‘left-right’ clashes and has always tried to be unbiased in his portrayal of events. He says, “In my work I attempt to remain unbiased, and my first loyalty is to the truth. I cannot take sides or censor, it goes against my journalist ethics”.
Here is his Kenjii’s Facebook photo album of photos taken at the rally on 12 November. The link opens to the photo of the young man who is wearing a Trump 2016 T-shirt and cap, and the following two photos show Roz Ward trying to remove his cap.
Kenjii announced on Facebook, “Wardenclyffe Photography is now on indefinite hiatus.” He made a follow-up Facebook post, explaining the CONTEXT of taking the photo, and it being published, and said, “Unfortunately people felt hurt by this, of which I understand, but I have since received threats, abuse, harassment and been told in no simple terms I probably will not be welcome to cover left wing rallies (none of this by the subject of the photo, just to be clear) so I felt like I needed to remove myself from the situation.”
Kenjii has since closed his Twitter and Instagram accounts.
Although he has closed his active photojournalism business for now, Kenjii has just released a 10 minute video on ‘Press Freedoms and Unbiased Media’… see it here. Of that, he writes, “This is a video I thought I should make in light of recent events. I needed to explain the ethical and professional motivations behind why I kept myself as unbiased as possible and why I wouldn’t self censor nor allow others to me censor while I did photojournalism.”
Watch Kenjii’s video – posted on Facebook – click here.
We support Kenjii’s action in proclaiming that the press should be free and unbiased – instead of being harassed by the left when they don’t do their bidding!
One question: Kenjii notes that there were many other photographers taking photos of the incident involving Roz Ward. If they were from the media, where are their photos?
Media report: Photographer who captured Safe Schools founder harassing bystander shuts down business,, 24/11/2016.
Vic legislation: Birth certificates and transgender – Bill in Legislative Council
The Labor government’s Bill would allow people to change the sex on their birth certificate WITHOUT having sex re-assignment surgery, allow people to choose their OWN sex/gender descriptor, allow the ‘gender’ of children to be changed on birth certificates and allow a married person to change their sex on their birth certificate.
It has still NOT been debated by the Legislative Council.
There are ONLY THREE more sitting days left this year – 6, 7, 8 December. The government MAY try and push the legislation through in that sitting week, so PLEASE CONTACT your FIVE Members in the Legislative Council NOW!
For information about the progress of the Bill, see the Parliament’s Bills and Legislation page.
Then scroll down to “Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2016” and click on title.
Citizen Go is running a PETITION that asks the Legislative Council to NOT PASS this proposed Bill.
Sign it online – click here.
Contact your FIVE Members in the Legislative Council
Keep your letter simple
Put the key message in the Header – Please vote AGAINST the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2016 (use own words).
Address the Member by name (you only have five to do!)
Tell them you are very concerned about the proposed changes this Bill – that is will allow people to change the sex on their birth certificate WITHOUT having sex re-assignment surgery, allow people to choose their OWN sex/gender descriptor, allow the ‘gender’ of children to be changed on birth certificates and allow a married person to change their sex on their birth certificate.
Keep the letter short and polite. Add some other info if you like.
Ask for a response.
Finish with a ‘Yours sincerely’ or similar greeting, along with your name, address and phone number.
MLC Details…
Click here to find your SIX MLCs. Enter your postcode, click ‘Search’ and pink and green boxes appear.
Click the pink one and your SIX MLCS will be shown.
Have your letter prepared… Click through to their email address, then paste your letter and adjust the name and Region.
Aboriginal ‘Sistergirls and Brotherboys’ – transgender gathering
In aboriginal communities, people who claim to be ‘transgender’ use different terms… Men who change to be a woman are called ‘Sistergirls’ and women who want to be men are called ‘Brotherboys’.
The ABC reports that, “Recently Sistergirls, brotherboys and gender-diverse Aboriginal Australians from around the country have come together to share stories of culture, identity and struggle”.
These terns are both used in the Safe Schools Coalition ‘All of Us’ curriculum as variations of gender (see Page 34).
Article: Sistergirls and Brotherboys unite to strengthen spirits, ABC, 21/11/2016.
Euthanasia – medical oncologist changes his mind on euthanasia – now supports palliative care
An insightful article about death and dying, euthanasia and palliative care by Ian Haines. He describes himself as a ‘secular humanist’ and says palliative care means people can “die with equal or more dignity than euthanasia will provide”.
Ian is a medical oncologist who says he used to support euthanasia but now believes that palliative care is the best option. Ian talks about receiving requests for euthanasia, but writes, “I have invariably found that they quickly disappear as reassurance and adequate medication doses provide the comfort that is desired and the newly exposed opportunities for patients and families to share deep and poignant moments of bonding and reflection, or nurse a new-born grandchild, or attend a wedding or a graduation.”
He does talk about increasing medication to relieve suffering, writing, “If a patient and their family needs help for a comfortable and peaceful death, doctors routinely increase the dose of medications, even if the patient dies sooner as a result. As long as the primary goal of this treatment is the relief of suffering and not to cause death, this is permitted.”
He notes he is a secular humanist… “This “law of double effect” is a legal grey area that allows doctors to provide optimal care short of primarily trying to kill the patient. Some would call it passive euthanasia. Perhaps it is. However, as a secular humanist, it is a subtle but huge difference that allows me to relieve suffering, to share some of the most profound human experiences possible and to sleep comfortably at night.”
Then adds, “As an oncologist with 35 years’ full-time experience, I have seen palliative care reach the point where the terminally ill can die with equal or more dignity than euthanasia will provide.”
Article: ‘I believed that euthanasia was the only humane solution. I no longer believe that.’, The Age, 20/11/2016.
Deakin Uni: ‘Where are YOU on the sexuality spectrum?’
This is what our universities are spending time on to research… all with our taxpayer dollars of course.
The following article, on the Deakin University website, explains the ‘sexuality spectrum – but goes into bisexuality, polyamory and more…
“Dr Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, a Senior Lecturer with Deakin’s School of Health and Social Development recently worked with Sara Lubowitz from the Sydney-based Women With Bi Partners Network to study mixed-orientation relationships or MOREs, as she refers to them.
“The research included interviews with 78 culturally and sexually diverse Australian women aged between 19 and 65. All of the women had been in monogamous, open and polyamorous relationships with bisexual men. They identified as heterosexual, bisexual and lesbian, while some didn’t label themselves.”
If you want to see the extent of this, this article provides an insight into ‘fluid sexuality’!
Article: Where are YOU on the sexuality spectrum?, Deakin Uni.
Comment: An Australian Donald Trump-style politician is around the corner
Political analyst Jennifer Oriel, writing at The Australian, warns that “Unless the major parties correct their course, it seems likely that a Donald Trump-style politician will rise to prominence in Australia.”
She says, “The appeal of populist and nationalist politicians lies in their novelty, their revival of patriotism and pride in Western culture. The five causes that fired Trump’s ascendancy are being championed by anti-establishment figures across the West. During the past week, three of those causes came to the fore in Australian politics: sovereign borders, the PC establishment and freedom of speech…”
Jennifer concludes with the agenda of the Greens on these issues, and concludes: “Let us counter their efforts!”
Article: An Australian Donald Trump-style politician is around the corner, The Australian, 22/11/2016. [Or Google title.]
Overseas News
Europe – Homosexual ‘marriage’ and suicide rates
We often hear about suicide rates and homosexuality – in fact, the recent Media Release from the Salvation Army, about their support for Safe Schools, mentioned higher suicide rates.
Often the activists blame the discrimination and non-acceptance by society as major factors.
But recent research from Europe shows that homosexuals who are ‘married’, with all the so-called acceptance that brings, have a higher risk of suicide.
Lifesite reports: “Homosexuals who “marry” each other are almost three times more likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual counterparts, even in very gay-friendly Sweden, according to a study published in the May issue of the European Journal of Epidemiology.
The authors of the study noted that social intolerance of homosexual behavior could not so easily be blamed for increased suicide risk, given that Sweden is known for its accepting attitude towards same-sex relationships.
“Even in a country with a comparatively tolerant climate regarding homosexuality such as Sweden, same-sex married individuals evidence a higher risk for suicide than other married individuals,” the authors note.
The study, “Suicide in married couples in Sweden: Is the risk greater in same-sex couples?” used the government of Sweden’s detailed databases to compare a population of over six thousand homosexual “married” couples to the larger population of heterosexual couples who married during the period between 1996 and 2009, following them until 2011.
The study found that participants in homosexual marriages had an overall 2.7 times greater chance of suicide than participants in heterosexual marriages, with the true value having a 95% probability of falling somewhere between 1.5 and 4.8.
Homosexual men in same-sex “marriages” were found to have a higher elevated risk (2.9) than women (2.5).”
Read more at the Lifesite article… there is also data about “a strong relationship between homosexual behavior and a variety of negative psychological outcomes, even in countries that are very accepting of homosexual behavior….”
Article: People in homosexual ‘marriages’ almost 3 times more likely to commit suicide: study, Lifesite, 5/8/2016.
Transgender rhetoric – Glenn Stanton writes of the ‘inconsistencies’
Glenn Stanton from Focus on the Family has an insightful article about the inconsistences in the transgender ‘message’… he begins, “Gender theory is pure ideology. It is not based in any science or logical objectivity. Its proponents literally make it up as they go along, based solely on the way they wish nature were.”
If we bend the truth, we are sure to get caught in contradictions. This is exactly what’s happening with today’s gender theorists, who tell us everything we have traditionally thought about sex difference is wrong. As their made-up theories are tested in real life, the inevitable contradictions come to light in embarrassing ways. Here are only five of the most damning.
Under these headings, you’ll have to read the article to see all the ‘inconsistencies’!
1. Gender Is a Spectrum
2. Binary Is Bad, But L, G, B, and T Require It
3. Male-Female Is Not Natural, Unless You’re Trans
4. Androgyny Is Natural
5. My Little Boy Is Actually a Girl
Article: 5 Damning Inconsistencies In Transgender Dogma, Glenn Stanton, Focus on the Family, 2/11/2016.
How to Inherit the Earth: Biblical Meekness Part 01
(NEXT MONTH: We will see a great Biblical example of meekness in action).
News Update – 18 Nov – Religion, euthanasia, marriage, adoption . . .
News Update – 18 Nov – Religion, euthanasia, marriage, adoption . . .
More news on the issues… Please read, pray and act!
I was just finishing this report when Peter showed me a short video clip (30 seconds) where Mark Latham (former Labor leader) made some absolutely priceless, satirical, very non-politically correct comments in an interview with Andrew Bolt on The Bolt Report on Sky News. Commenting on Bono winning a ‘Woman of the Year’ award, and then ‘poking fun at himself’, Mark talks about “identity politics” and the Safe Schools program, and ends up concluding, that he is an “Islamic, indigenous, female, transgender lesbian” and he “should be made Australian of the year”! Andrew Bolt waved the white flag!
We’ve shared it on our Facebook page – click here. It’s also posted on The Bolt Report’s Facebook page.
Plus Andrew Bolt has a BRILLIANT 4 minute editorial comment on the homosexual activists who call people ‘homophobic’ – when they actually support them. He also asks if the activists will actually want to make it ILLEGAL to oppose homosexual ‘marriage’ once they get that legalised! See Item 3.
News Update 18 November 2016
Australian News
1. Victoria: Govt backs down from BAN on ‘Christmas carols’
2. South Australia – Euthanasia Bill DEFEATED by ONE vote!
3. Malcolm Turnbull NOT INVITED to attend the LGBTIQ mardi gras
4. Vic: Religious exceptions and equal opportunity legislation
5. SA: Parliament considers Bill to allow homosexual couples to adopt
6. Marriage UPDATE – Senate vote, Dean Smith abstains, Civil Celebrants
6.1 Senate formally votes AGAINST holding a PLEBISCITE on marriage
6.2 Homosexual Liberal Senator Dean Smith ABSTAINS from vote on plebiscite
6.3 Exemption for CIVIL CELEBRANTS flagged by Att-Gen George Brandis
Overseas News
1. Northern Ireland plans to ‘veto’ Bills on homosexual ‘marriage’
2. Northern Ireland: Ashers Bakery case to go to UK Supreme Court
3. Even some of the LEFT don’t like the focus on all things LGBTIQ!
4. Indonesia: Christian Governor under attack re blasphemy charges
5. Cambodia: Commercial surrogacy banned
6. Canada: Euthanasia figures in Quebec much HIGHER than expected
7. UK: Britain will ‘posthumously pardon’ thousands of homosexual men
8. USA: MORE threats by LGBTIQ activists
9. Canada: Court rules ‘non-penetrative sex acts’ with animals are legal…
News Update 18 November 2016
Australian News
1. Victoria: Govt backs down from BAN on ‘Christmas carols’
The Victorian government has backed down from its previous pronouncements regarding the celebration of Christmas in schools, specifically regarding religious Christmas carols and nativity plays.
The Education Minister, James Merlino, says a ‘lot of lies’ were told last year about BANNING of Christmas carols and festivities! So he did a crazy You Tube video with hats to make the point and saying they were all allowed!
The Herald Sun reports, “The Education Department also emailed principals yesterday to reiterate that both religious-based Christmas carols and more commercial songs can be sung. Schools are encouraged to celebrate the diversity and traditions of our society by participating in a range of Christmas festivities, which can include singing carols, trimming the tree, performing the nativity scene or making decorations,” the circular read.
Article: Victorian schools to enjoy Christmas festivities again as state clears up rules, Herald Sun, 15/11/2016.
2. South Australia – Euthanasia Bill DEFEATED by ONE vote!
Great news!
The South Australian parliament has narrowly defeated a Bill aimed at legalising euthanasia that had been proposed by Duncan McFetridge.
The Bill actually passed the ‘second reading’ (in principle) vote by 27 to 19 in the House of Assembly. The Bill was then examined clause by clause and a final vote was taken at 4 am.
The vote was tied at 23 votes each. Speaker Michael Atkinson then used his casting vote to defeat the Bill.
Read the ABC’s article – click here.
3. Malcolm Turnbull NOT INVITED to attend the LGBTIQ mardi gras
Last year Prime Minister made ‘history’ by being the FIRST Australian Prime Minister to attend the Sydney homosexual mardi gras.
But he hasn’t ‘delivered’ as far as the homosexual activists who run the mardi gras are concerned – he hasn’t supported a parliamentary vote on legalising homosexual ‘marriage’.
So the AGM of the mardi gras has voted to not invite him as an ‘Official guest’ at next year’s event.
That’s what we’ve said before – nothing but FULL SURRENDER and SUPPORT is good enough for them!
The ‘BAN’ didn’t deter Malcolm Turnbull – he said he’s be happy to attend in an ‘unofficial capacity’!
There is division in the ranks of the homosexual activists… Not everyone at the meeting was supportive of banning the PM or removing him from the ‘official guest list’ – reported, “At the meeting where the vote was held, a former Mardi Gras chair was even heard to say the organisation had been “hijacked” by left wing activists.”
Andrew Bolt has a BRILLAINT 4 minute video comment on the homosexual activists who call people ‘homophobic’ – when they actually support them (such as Malcolm Turnbull). He also asks if the activists will actually want to make it ILLEGAL to oppose homosexual ‘marriage’!
He also points out that the main person who wanted to dis-invite Turnbull, Cat Rose, ACTUALLY SUPPORTED a plebiscite three years ago!
Watch the short video clip here. And read his column here.
Article: PM ‘officially’ banned from 2017 Mardi Gras, Sky News, 13/11/2016.
Article: Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras to formally not invite Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to 2017 parade due to lack of action of marriage equality,, 13/11/2016.
4. Vic: Religious exceptions legislation
Last week the Victorian Legislative Council debated the Labor government’s Bill that is aimed at REMOVING religious exceptions relating to employment from equal opportunity legislation – UNLESS the Christian school or religious organisation can PROVE that it is an inherent requirement for the job that the person meets conditions relating to religion, sexuality, gender identity or marital status.
Instead of taking a vote on the Bill, the government POSTPONED the debate AND the vote!
We understand that’s because they KNEW the BIll was NOT going to pass!
5. SA: Parliament considers Bill to allow homosexual couples to adopt
The SA Parliament is considering allowing homosexual couples to adopt.
Family Voice’s Media release provides some useful information about why the Bill should be OPPOSED!
Mum and Dad still ideal for kids – FamilyVoice Australia, Media Release, 15/11/2016.
6. Marriage UPDATE – Senate vote, Dean Smith abstains, Civil Celebrants
6.1 Senate formally votes AGAINST holding a PLEBISCITE on marriage
On Monday 7 November, the Senate debated and then voted on the Bill to hold a plebiscite on homosexual ‘marriage’. With Labor and the Greens all voting AGAINST holding a plebiscite, the Bill was defeated by 33 votes to 29.
Article: Same-sex marriage plebiscite bill blocked by Senate, ABC, 7/11/2016.
6.2 Homosexual Liberal Senator Dean Smith ABSTAINS from vote on plebiscite
West Australian Liberal Senator Dean Smith voted AGAINST the government’s plebiscite Bill. We recently reported that he is a homosexual, and is the ‘poster boy’ for the just.equal campaign to legalise homosexual ‘marriage’.
In his speech he spoke about the responsibility and sovereignty of parliament: ‘A plebiscite was an abdication of parliament’s responsibility and would undermine parliament’s sovereignty, he said. “Do we really want to be the first generation of modern parliamentarians who effectively say that we are not capable of resolving difficult issues?” Senator Smith told parliament on Monday. “If this plebiscite proceeds, I fear it would not be the last.”
He went on to speak of the potential for holding plebiscites on religion or immigration. He gave an in-depth interview to Perth Now about his decision to abstain.
Other homosexual Senators also opposed the Bill:
Labor Senator Penny Wong spoke about “public denigration” of her family. She also mentioned religion, saying “Speaking personally, I do not think the God of my faith would be affronted by who I am, my relationship, or my family.” Penny Wong attends Pilgrim Uniting Church in Adelaide. Source
Article: Govt senator slams proposed plebiscite,, 7/11/2016.
Article: Smith abstained from same-sex marriage plebiscite vote, Perth Now, 12/11/2016.
6.3 Exemption for CIVIL CELEBRANTS flagged by Att-Gen George Brandis
In early October, it was reported: “Civil celebrants who oppose same-sex marriage would be allowed to refuse to officiate gay weddings under Attorney-General George Brandis’ vision for marriage equality in Australia….”
Previously it was proposed have been that only ministers of religion would be exempt from any requirement to ‘marry’ same-sex couples.
Article: Same-sex marriage: George Brandis flags exemptions for civil celebrants, extra funds for mental health, The Age, 7/10/2016.
Overseas News
1. Northern Ireland plans to ‘veto’ Bills on homosexual ‘marriage’
The Northern Ireland Assembly plans to block any moves to legalise homosexual ‘marriage’ in Northern Ireland.
The leader of the governing party, the Democratic Unionists, First Minister Arlene Foster, said she would use the ‘vetoing mechanism – the petition of concern – in response to future legislative bids in the Stormont Assembly’.
A previous bid to legalise homosexual marriage, in November 2015, had a slim majority of MLAs in favour, but the Bill was ‘vetoed’ under this method. This was the fifth attempt to legalise it.
The DUP is in power until 2021, and the leader plans to continue to veto any moves to legalise homosexual ‘marriage’.
Mrs Foster has been receiving ABUSE from LGBTI activists…
This is what she said… very enlightening – and a strong response!
“Mrs Foster said the torrent of online abuse she received from LGBT activists demanding a law change had made it even less likely for the DUP to support their calls. “Some of the abuse that is directed at me and colleagues online is very, very vicious and I think if activists want to have a conversation about where they are coming from do they seriously think they are going to influence me by sending me abuse?” she asked. “No, they are not going to influence me by sending me abuse – in fact they are going to send me in the opposite direction and people need to reflect on that.“
Article: Poll: DUP’s Foster vows to continue blocking gay marriage reform in Northern Ireland – do you agree with her?, Belfast Telegraph, 27/10/2016.
2. Northern Ireland: Ashers Bakery case to go to UK Supreme Court
The legal case involving the owners of Ashers Bakery, Daniel and Amy McArthur,, who refused to make and decorate a cake that was to have the pro-homosexual-‘marriage’ slogan “Support Gay Marriage” on it, is going further.
The owners of the bakery lost their appeal, when the Court of Appeals in Northern Ireland ruled against them last month.
Now Northern Ireland’s Attorney-General is planning to refer the case to the UK Supreme Court.
“Northern Ireland’s Attorney General John Larkin has now informed the judges that he intends to invoke his power to refer the case to the Supreme Court. Under the terms of the 1998 Northern Ireland Act, Stormont’s chief law officer can ask the Supreme Court to rule on issues related to devolution. Mr Larkin has decided elements of the Ashers case fulfil that criteria.”
Article: Pro-gay marriage cake case to go before Supreme Court, Belfast Telegraph, 16/11/2016.
3. Even some of the LEFT don’t like the focus on all things LGBTIQ!
Austin Ruse from C-FAM reports, “Even the left is coming to realize that the aggressive stance of the Obama administration on the homosexual agenda in foreign policy has come to harm the issue. An essay in the prestigious journal Foreign Affairs is the latest. The Obama administration considers the homosexual agenda as “part of the DNA” of American foreign policy. The US has been very aggressive in promoting that agenda even in countries that do not want it.
“The homosexual rainbow flag has flown over American embassies around the world, even in Muslim countries. The Catholic Church in the Dominican Republic has called for the ouster of the homosexual US Ambassador for his aggressive stance on an issue that offends everyday Dominicans…”
Article: Even Political Left Frustrated with US Focus on Everything Homosexual, C-FAM, 8/9/2016.
4. Indonesia: Christian Governor under attack re blasphemy charges
The Guardian reports,
“The Christian governor of Jakarta, the capital of the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, has been named a suspect in a case of alleged blasphemy, Indonesian police announced on Wednesday. The case involving Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama has caused uproar across the country in recent weeks and is being seen by some as a test of Indonesia’s commitment to religious tolerance and pluralism. The police announcement follows mounting pressure by religious hardliners who earlier this month initiated mass protests across the country to demand the popular figure be arrested and charged with insulting Islam. Some analysts believe the protests to be politically motivated.
“Police have decided to declare Basuki Tjahaja Purnama a suspect and bar him from travelling abroad,” national police chief detective Ari Dono Sukmanto said on Wednesday morning. “After long discussions, we reached a decision that the case should be tried in an open court,” he added.
If found guilty under Indonesia’s 1965 blasphemy law Ahok will face a maximum of five years in jail. Ahok provoked the ire of hardliners after he cited the Al Maidah 51 verse from the Qur’an during a campaign visit to the Thousand Islands in September. He said the verse had been used to deceive voters and justify the assertion that Muslims should not be led by non-Muslims.
The governor later apologised, saying it was not his intention to cause any offence.
Mark Durie has an insightful article on his blog… about the various interpretations of the verse cited by the Governor and the impact this case will have on religious freedom.
Article: Jakarta’s Christian governor to face blasphemy trial over Islam insult claim, The Guardian, 16/11/2016.
Mark Durie’s article: Violent Protests in Indonesia Blow an Ill Will for Religious Tolerance, 10/11/2016.
5. Cambodia: Commercial surrogacy banned
With overseas ‘surrogacy’ increasingly being used by male homosexual couples, and others, some nations are taking a stand to prevent their women being exploited.
Cambodia has become the latest South East Asian nation to ban commercial surrogacy.
Article: Cambodia bans commercial surrogacy, Bio Edge, 5/11/2016.
6. Canada: Euthanasia figures in Quebec much HIGHER than expected
Euthanasia was legalised in the province of Quebec in December 2015. The Health Minister has expressed surprise that three times as many people have died through euthanasia, in the CITY of Quebec, than he had expected.
The Report also shows that 87 people requested euthanasia but it wasn’t administered – and 21 cases were ‘illegal’ because not all the proper legal requirements were carried out.
Article: Quebec euthanasia deaths soar to three times expected figure, Bio Edge, 5/11/2016.
7. UK: Britain will ‘posthumously pardon’ thousands of homosexual men
We’ve see this ‘pardoning’ of homosexuals here in Australia, now that laws regarding homosexuality have changed. Now the UK is planning to do it too, including pardoning those who have already died!
Article: Britain will posthumously pardon thousands of gay men once considered criminals, SMH, 21/10/2016.
8. USA: MORE threats by LGBTIQ activists
LGBTIO activists have held protests against Johns Hopkins University.
Because two academics at the university, Dr Lawrence Mayer and Dr Paul McHugh, published a study in August which concluded that there was little evidence that supported the ‘born that way’ theory on sexual orientation.
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is objecting to the study and has told the university it will face “consequences” and be penalised if it doesn’t discipline the academics. This includes having its Healthcare Equality Index score lowered!
Fortunately the university has said that its academics have ‘academic freedom’!
Article: University threatened by LGBT group over study, Christian Institute, 31/10/2016.
9. Canada: Court rules ‘non-penetrative sex acts’ with animals are legal…
None of us want to think about, let alone talk about, bestiality, or sex with animals.
But you’ve heard about the ‘slippery slope’ of legalising a range of sexual behaviours…
In this gruesome case, involving the sexual abuse of children, animals were used as part of the sex abuse rituals.
But a judge has ruled that ‘bestiality’, for which the man was convicted, doesn’t actually apply to ‘non-penetrative sex acts’!
CBC reports that some politicians want the law changed – as do animal welfare activists – to broaden the defintion of bestiality so that the acts done in this court case WOULD be considered ILLEGAL!
Please take care if you read more on this one!
The CBC report beings with this: “WARNING: Content of this story may offend and disturb some readers. The story deals with bestiality.”
Article: Canada’s top court rules all non-penetrative sex acts involving animals are legal, RT, 9/6/2016.
Article: Supreme Court’s bestiality ruling prompts call to change ‘archaic’ animal welfare laws, CBC, 10/6/2016.
News Update – 4 Nov – Marriage, Refugees, Politics, Discrimination, Reformation Day
News Update – 4 Nov – Marriage, Refugees, Politics, Discrimination, Reformation Day
More news… more issues…
Plus an article on Reformation Day and what it means…
News Update – 4 November 2016
Australian News
1. Marriage developments
1.1 Irish LGBTIQ campaigners produce video for Senators
1.2 WA Survey on ‘marriage equality’
2. Asylum seekers, Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd – proposed new law
3. Senator Bob day resigns from the Senate
4. Preferred Prime Minister – Popularity Polls
5. Transgender – how do they think?
Overseas News
1. UK: Christian couple warned their daughter ‘could be taken away’ if they don’t accept a ‘gender change’
2. Ireland: Bakers lose appeal over refusing to bake ‘pro-homosexual marriage’ cake
3. Israel: Moves to protect children from online pornography
4. Are Child refugees REALLY children?
Reformation Day – October 31
News Update – 4 November 2016
Australian News
1. Marriage developments
1.1 Irish LGBTIQ campaigners produce video for Senators
Homosexuals from Ireland, and their supporters, who campaigned for the change in the law in Ireland, have produced a video which will be used in Australia to persuade the Senate to vote against a plebiscite.
In the video, homosexual activists and a mother with a homosexual son speak about the ‘negatives’ that occurred during the campaign that led to the referendum vote, which they state included “verbal abuse and hatred”.
The video was produced by the Australian homosexual group just.equal and posted on their You Tube channel. Click here to view the FULL 5 minute video.
The just.equal group is VERY ACTIVE in their campaign to legalise homosexual marriage as well as other ‘discrimination’ matters. Check out their website where they list a number of current campaigns (Contacting federal MPs and Senators re the plebiscite, Tasmania’s anti-discrimination laws and supporting the removal of religious exceptions in Victoria). Click here for the website.
Their You Tube Channel has this heading, with a photo of Dean Smith…
“This is Dean. Dean is a Liberal Senator from WA who supports marriage equality & a free vote in the parliament. Dean is great. LNP MPs and Senators, time for Plan B.” It comes with the hashtag #BeLikeDean.
What they DON’T tell you is that Dean Smith is a homosexual! As we’ve noted before, once you have homosexuals in the parliament, they willinevitably push their cause.
Article: Irish gay marriage campaigners warn of abuse in same-sex marriage vote, 9 News, 3/11/2016.
1.2 WA Survey on ‘marriage equality’
What’s in a survey? A recent report from WA claimed that “almost 70%” of people in WA support ‘marriage equality’.
First, note the changing of terms – we recently sent out an article that spoke of the change in ‘words’ – from ’homosexual marriage’ to ‘same-sex marriage’ to ‘marriage equality’ -which then asked ‘Who doesn’t want ‘equality’ for all?
What TYPE of survey was it?
In essence, it was an online survey where people CHOSE to participate! In other words, the notoriously unreliable ‘self-select’ type of survey. No random sampling, anyone can participate!
The Sunday Times/PerthNow conducted the WA Speaks survey in October. The online survey was open for one week from 2 October and people were invited to participate online – 8832 people took part. There were 50 questions, so people had to show some level of commitment to do the survey!
So despite the headline, the survey result is not very reliable, although it does indicate where this issue is going…
Article: WA Speaks: survey highlights Perth people want marriage equality,, 3/11/2016.
Article: WA Speaks Survey is back, Perth Now, 2/10/2016.
2. Asylum seekers, Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd – proposed new law
The Coalition has announced plans to introduce a new law that would prevent people who had been ‘rejected’ as asylum seekers’ or ‘refugees’ from ever entering the country. The SMH writes, that this would apply “even if they are genuine refugees and seek to come as tourists decades later”. The Bill will be “introduced by Immigration Minister Peter Dutton when Parliament returns. The lifetime ban would apply to all adults detained at the Manus Island or Nauru detention centres from July 19, 2013 – including those who have chosen to return home. Children who were brought by their parents or unaccompanied would be exempt.”
Of course, Bill Shorten criticised the proposal. Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd also criticised the proposal and said Malcolm Turnbull was appeasing the “mad right” of his Party. Even the media report said it is unusual for a former Prime Minister to criticise a current Prime Minister.
Article: Asylum seekers who come by boat banned for life under new laws, SMH, 30/10/2016.
Article: Refugee ban: Kevin Rudd in blistering attack on Malcolm Turnbull over asylum seeker laws, SMH, 1/11/2016.
3. Senator Bob day resigns from the Senate
Senator Bob Day announced his resignation from the Senate this week. His place will be taken by a Senator nominated by Family First. The ABC reports that, “The South Australian parliament will now have to convene a joint sitting to appoint a replacement, a process which requires seven days’ notice. SA Parliament will not sit again until November 15, which would allow Mr Day’s replacement to attend the final two sitting weeks of Federal Parliament.”
In a statement, Senator Day said that a potential investor who had indicated interest in purchasing the company had decided not to proceed.
Article: Bob Day tenders resignation as Family First senator, ABC, 1/11/2016.
4. Preferred Prime Minister – Popularity Polls
In recent years the results of ‘Opinion Polls’, often conducted by newspapers or polling companies, have become increasingly significant in our political process. We saw that under the previous Labor government, when a drop of popularity in the opinion polls led to the demise of Kevin Rudd, and later Julia Gillard, as the Prime Minister. When Tony Abbott’s rating fell, a move was made by Malcolm Turnbull to depose him and take over as Prime Minister. Now Malcolm Turnbull’s rating has fallen to a level that is LOWER than Tony Abbott’s was!
A recent Newspoll showed that Malcolm Turnbull’s rating as ‘Preferred Prime Minister’ had fallen to 29%. “The latest Newspoll, taken exclusively for The Australian, reveals Mr Turnbull’s satisfaction rating of 29 per cent is now lower than Tony Abbott’s measure of 30 per cent when he was toppled as leader in September last year.”
In addition, Labor’s popularity had increased: “Labor chalked up its third successive Newspoll lead of 52 to 48 per cent.”
This week another poll asked WHICH of the Coalition figures people would prefer as Prime Minister.
For the first time, Julie Bishop came out in the lead as ‘Preferred Coalition leader’ with 34% compared to 25% for Malcolm Turnbull. Tony Abbott had 14%. Coalition voters had “Turnbull ahead with 35%, to 25% for Bishop, 16% Abbott and 10% Joyce.”
Article: Turnbull hits lowest rating as Labor maintains lead, says Newspoll, The Australian, 24/10/2016.
Article: Bishop leads Turnbull as better Coalition leader in Morgan poll, The Conversation, 1/11/2016.
5. Transgender – how do they think?
Interesting article by a transgender person on dating and what people really think of them.
Of course, this person doesn’t think they should have to ‘self-disclose’ about their history!
But in reality the TRUTH is the casualty here…
Article: If it’s still taboo to date transgender people, how far have we really come?, SMH, 3/11/2016.
Overseas News
1. UK: Christian couple warned their daughter ‘could be taken away’ if they don’t accept a ‘gender change’
Christian Today reports, “A Christian couple in the U.K. is seeking legal interference against their local council authority after it overruled them, siding with their 14-year-old daughter who wants to transition into a boy. The Daily Mail reports that the girl told local council officials that she wants to begin transitioning to look like a boy. Her identity is under wraps due to legal reasons, and her parents believe that she is too young to be taking such decisions. They plan to meet with teachers and social workers this coming month to discuss how she needs to be addressed and treated at school.
“The Christian Legal Centre, which is funding the couple’s legal battle, accused the “transgender cultural movement” for creating a new “conflict of rights” within the family.”
The couple “has been warned by their lawyer Michael Philips that their daughter could even be taken away from them if they fail to follow the instructions of social workers.”
Article: Christian parents opposing daughter’s wish to become a boy warned she could be taken away from them, Christian Today, 27/10/2016.
2. Bakers lose appeal over refusing to bake ‘pro-homosexual marriage’ cake
Christian Today reports, “After refusing to bake a pro-gay marriage cake on the grounds it would have conflicted with their religious beliefs, the Christian owners of a bakery in Ireland were found guilty of discrimination. The owners have since lost their appeal in a ruling this week.
“An appeals court in Belfast with a panel of three judges stood by a lower court’s ruling that Daniel and Amy McArthur, the owners of Ashers Bakery in Belfast, were indeed guilty of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, Christian Post reports. The court stated that despite the family’s religious beliefs, businesses are not allowed to deny services that they willingly offer to the general public.”
This was no ORDINARY wedding cake…
It was a propaganda piece. The cake, ordered by homosexual activist Gareth Lee, was to feature BERT & ERNIE and a slogan saying “SUPPORT gay marriage”!
The McArthurs claimed they didn’t discriminate against Lee because of his sexual orientation, but rather refused to put the picture and slogan on the cake because of ITS CONTENT. Although they accepted their explanation, the court said it wasn’t a valid excuse.
Read what the court said about that…
The court’s explanation read: “The benefit from the message or slogan on the cake could only accrue to gay or bisexual people. The appellants would not have objected to a cake carrying the message ‘Support Heterosexual Marriage’ or indeed ‘Support Marriage.’ We accept that it was the use of the word ‘Gay’ in the context of the message which prevented the order from being fulfilled. The reason that the order was cancelled was that the appellants would not provide a cake with a message supporting a right to marry for those of a particular sexual orientation. This was a case of association with the gay and bisexual community and the protected personal characteristic was the sexual orientation of that community. Accordingly, this was direct discrimination.”
Do bakers have ANY rights about what they have to put on a cake?
What about ‘Legalise abortion” or “Decriminalise marijuana” or “Remove the age of consent” or “Close down all churches” or “God is DEAD”?
What about slogans such as “Imprison pedophiles for life” or “OPPOSE gay marriage” or “BAN abortion”?
What about activities that are ILLEGAL, say a pedophile ordering a cake that says “Sex is good for children”?
Surely the bakers should have the right to decline to put any statements on a cake that they philosophically disagree with!
Article: Christians who refused to bake pro-gay marriage cake lose appeal, Christian Today, 26/10/2016.
3. Israel: Moves to protect children from online pornography
FamilyVoice report…
“FamilyVoice research officer Ros Phillips has praised a recent move by the Israeli Knesset (parliament) to give initial approval to a bill to protect children. It would require internet service providers to block access to pornographic, gambling and violent websites by default. “Customers would have to personally contact their internet providers to have the block removed,” she said. “The bill was co-sponsored by lawmakers from across the political spectrum. The only party that refused to support the bill was left-wing Meretz.”
“Ros Phillips is hoping the current Australian Senate inquiry on the harm to children from online pornography will recommend similar legislation when it hands down its report, due on 23 November this year. “Something needs to be done urgently to address this problem”.”
Israel moves to protect kids from online porn, FAVA Media Release, 3/11/2016.
4. Are Child refugees REALLY children?
A report from Breitbart reveals that two-third of so-called child refugees are REALLY adults!
The article cites a UK case where a dental check revealed that a refugee who was supposed to be a 12 year old child was actually a 21 year old jihadi… Dental checks are routinely used in Europe and the USA and there are calls for them to be used in the UK.
We’ve regularly noted the number of ‘single young men’ who are among those arriving by boat in Australia!
Article: Two Thirds of ‘Child Refugees’ Are Adults, Tory MP Slams ‘Naive Lily Allen Tears’, Breitbart, 19/10/2016.
ARTICLE: Reformation Day – October 31
Some good news… after all our ‘negative’ news, and our report on Halloween last week, some of our readers reminded us that Reformation Day is held on 31 October.
I planned to send a note on that on Monday, but I was unwell.
Reformation Day is celebrated on October 31, particularly by the Lutheran Church and Reformed churches. It marks the day that Martin Luther wrote his 95 Theses – his objections to the way the church was then being run, in particular the sale of indulgences – and nailed them to the door of the cathedral.
Read Stephen Nicholl’s article on the meaning of Reformation Day at Ligonier Ministries (R C Sproul)… He explains the background and the context.
Let me give you this extract…
“One of Luther’s 95 Theses simply declares, “The Church’s true treasure is the gospel of Jesus Christ.” That alone is the meaning of Reformation Day. The church had lost sight of the gospel because it had long ago papered over the pages of God’s Word with layer upon layer of tradition. Tradition always brings about systems of works, of earning your way back to God. It was true of the Pharisees, and it was true of medieval Roman Catholicism. Didn’t Christ Himself say, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light?” Reformation Day celebrates the joyful beauty of the liberating gospel of Jesus Christ.
What is Reformation Day? It is the day the light of the gospel broke forth out of darkness. It was the day that began the Protestant Reformation. It was a day that led to Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, and may other Reformers helping the church find its way back to God’s Word as the only authority for faith and life and leading the church back to the glorious doctrines of justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. It kindled the fires of missionary endeavors, it led to hymn writing and congregational singing, and it led to the centrality of the sermon and preaching for the people of God. It is the celebration of a theological, ecclesiastical, and cultural transformation.
So we celebrate Reformation Day. This day reminds us to be thankful for our past and to the Monk turned Reformer. What’s more, this day reminds us of our duty, our obligation, to keep the light of the gospel at the center of all we do.”
Read the whole article: What is Reformation Day?
May one of the most notable casualties of the upcoming, world-wide, move of God be the glorious defeat of the ‘de facto’ factor. Righteous living, de jure living, is the best antidote, now an