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News Update – 15 Sept – Marriage Week, Adoption, Plebiscite, Pauline Hanson, Gambling

News Update – 15 Sept – Marriage Week, Adoption, Plebiscite, Pauline Hanson, Gambling

News ball Fotolia 31010118 320x200It’s always amazing how much happens in ONE week!

Happy reading 🙂



News Update – 16 September 2016

Australian News
1. Marriage Week – 11-17 September – Celebrate marriage!

2. Victoria – REVIEW of Adoption Act by Law Reform Commission
3. Homosexual ‘marriage’ – Plebiscite legislation, Q&A, Melbourne FORUM
3.1 Malcolm Turnbull introduces ‘plebiscite enabling legislation’

3.2 Bill Shorten strengthens his opposition to plebiscite
3.3 Homosexual groups unite in condemning plebiscite question
3.4 Q&A – Nationals Senator questioned on Q&A – by homosexual brother
3.5 Melbourne FORUM: ‘Why is it Important to Preserve the Marriage Act?’
4. Pauline Hanson – Maiden speech, Islam, Muslim immigration … and criticism

5. Victoria: Tribunal rules that two women can’t BOTH be listed as ‘Mother’ on birth certificate
6. Australian losses on gambling – $23 BILLION – HALF on pokies!
7. Victoria: Government plans to ban fracking and coal seam gas

8. NSW: LGBTIQ ‘teaching resource’ taken out of classrooms
9. NSW: Man carries out ‘Islamic State’ edict and stabs man

Overseas News

1. Mexico – A million march for marriage


News Update – 16 September 2016

Australian News

1. Marriage Week – 11-17 September – Celebrate marriage!
Let’s start with something ‘positive’!
This week is ‘Marriage Week’ in Australia. “Marriage Week is a coalition of the Christian church, media, ministries, and other organisations across Australia who have the same vision of marriage being upheld and strengthened…..”

It shouldn’t need to be stated that this means ‘marriage between a man and a woman, voluntarily entered into for life’!

Celebrate marriage – check out the resources and links… Join in by celebrating your marriage with the ‘Great Aussie Date Night’ on Saturday 17 September!

Website: Marriage Week

2. Victoria – REVIEW of Adoption Act by Law Reform Commission
In December 2015, the Andrews Labor government asked the Victorian Law Reform Commission to review the Adoption Act. The review is already underway, with Consultations held during August. Submissions close tomorrow, 16 September.

We’ve already had some changes to Victoria’s Adoption Act. . .
In December 2015, the Adoption Act was changed to allow same-sex couples to ADOPT children. That came into force on 1st September, 2016.

This review looks at other possible changes – relating to adoption by single people, by relatives, by step parents. Apparently the theme is “whether the legislation works in the best interest of the child, and how exactly is “best interest” defined.”

The review will not cover same-sex adoption (already legal) or inter-country adoptions (a federal issue).

See the Law Reform Commission webpage: Adoption Act
It includes Background, details on what the Review covers, and a Consultation Paper.

Submissions are due by 16 September 2016. 
Click this link to make a submission: Make a submission to the review of the Adoption Act.

Article: State government begins righting a ridiculous wrong, The Age, 27/8/2016.

3. Homosexual ‘marriage’ – Plebiscite legislation, Q&A, Melbourne FORUM

3.1 Malcolm Turnbull introduces ‘plebiscite enabling legislation’
PM Malcolm Turnbull has introduced the Bill to parliament that would enable a plebiscite to be held on the issue of homosexual ‘marriage’. It is called the Plebiscite (Same-Sex Marriage) Bill.

During his speech he defended holding the plebiscite. He reiterated his support for same-sex ‘marriage’ and said, “The time has come. From the bottom of my heart – our society would be stronger if more people were married and there were fewer divorces.”

Article: Malcolm Turnbull introduces same-sex marriage plebiscite legislation to Parliament, SMH, 14/9/2016.

3.2 Bill Shorten strengthens his opposition to plebiscite
Labor leader Bill Shorten is increasing his opposition to the plebiscite and is continuing to label ANY opposition to homosexual ‘marriage as “bigotry”. He said, “The fact the Liberals announced public funding to give a platform to bigotry shows no interest from the government to work with Labor on this.”

3.3 Homosexual groups unite in condemning plebiscite question
“LGBTI organisations also released a joint statement slamming the provision of public funding for both sides and calling the proposed question “unnecessarily complex” and not inclusive of all gender-diverse relationships.” (Source)

Star Observer wrote, “SIXTY of Australia’s major LGBTI organisations have released a joint statement today condemning the Plebiscite (Same-Sex Marriage) Bill.”

The homosexual newspaper published a list of organisations PLUS their four page statement.
Article: 60 LGBTI groups come together to condemn plebiscite, Star Observer, 15/9/2016.

3.4 Q&A – Nationals Senator questioned on Q&A – by homosexual brother
Victorian Nationals Senator, Bridget McKenzie, who is married, publicly opposes the legalisation of homosexual ‘marriage’. She has previously stated that she would not vote for it, even if a plebiscite voted in favour.

Last Monday night, Senator McKenzie was a panelist on Q&A. The show played a video question from her BROTHER, Alastair McKenzie, who is homosexual, which asked about the ‘emotional toll’ a plebiscite would have on same-sex attracted people.

Thankfully, Senator McKenzie stuck to her principles. Sky News reported, “Senator McKenzie said she thought the debate would only be damaging if people chose not to respect each other’s views. ‘I have obviously a conscience view on this issue, I believe it is a conscience issue, and it is that the definition of marriage is between a man and a woman,’ Senator McKenzie told the program.”

She then proposed a way of removing the ‘tension’ relating to MPs who do not support homosexual ‘marriage’ on conscience grounds… “Make the plebiscite binding!”

Article: Senator’s gay brother questions plebiscite, Sky News, 13/9/2016.

3.5 Melbourne FORUM: ‘Why is it Important to Preserve the Marriage Act?’
Three speakers: Hon Kevin Andrews MP, Mrs Vickie Janson, Father Tony Kerin.
“Following presentations tackling the consequence of a change in legislation & the importance of preserving natural marriage, the panel will take your questions.”
I’ll be the MC for the evening!

DAY & TIME: Tuesday 20th September, 2016 at 7.30 pm.
VENUE: Maureen Clifton Centre, St Clement of Rome, Egan Drive, BULLEEN

4. Pauline Hanson – Maiden speech, Islam, Muslim immigration … and criticism
Pauline Hanson gave her ‘maiden speech’ in the Senate yesterday. It referenced her previous ‘maiden speech’ in the House of Representatives 20 years ago, which talked of Australia being “swamped by Asians”. This time she said Australia was at risk of being “swamped by Muslims” and she called on a halt to Muslim immigration.

If you ONLY saw the headlines and a few seconds of her speech on the news, then please READ ALL the speech (SMH link below).

With reference to the ‘swamped’ comment, she said, “In my first speech in 1996 I said we were in danger of being swamped by Asians. This was not said out of disrespect for Asians but was meant as a slap in the face to both the Liberal and Labor governments who opened the floodgates to immigration, targeting cultures purely for the vote, as expressed by former Labor minister Barry Jones – to such an extent that society changed too rapidly due to migrants coming in the front door but also the back door, via New Zealand. Now we are in danger of being swamped by Muslims, who bear a culture and ideology that is incompatible with our own.”

Shen then spoke about culture, beliefs and identity, and the beliefs of Islam: “Why then has Islam and its teachings had such an impact on Australia like no other religion? Islam sees itself as a theocracy. Islam does not believe in democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, or freedom of assembly. It does not separate religion and politics. It is partly a religion, but it is much more than that. It has a political agenda that goes far outside the realm of religion. It regulates Muslims’ social and domestic life, their legal system and politics – their total life.”

The Greens walked out, she was criticised by Malcolm Turnbull, Nick Xenophon said he was ‘heartbroken’ – but she was congratulated by Derryn Hinch!

Former Prime Minister John Howard warned against making the same mistake that was made 20 years ago, by marginalising her, and ‘demonising’ her and her supporters!

Article and Transcript: Pauline Hanson’s 2016 maiden speech to the senate: Full transcript, SMH, 15/9/2016.

Article: Pauline Hanson calls for Muslim immigration ban in maiden speech to Senate, ABC, 14/9/2016.

Article: Don’t marginalise Pauline Hanson again, John Howard warns, MSN, 14/9/2016.

5. Victoria: Tribunal rules that two women can’t BOTH be listed as ‘Mother’ on birth certificate
Two lesbian women, Tamara and Linda Arc-­Dekker, have taken the Victorian Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, because the Registrar refused to change a birth certificate of a child to record ‘two mothers’. The child, now four, has Tamara as the ‘birth mother’. When the child was born, Tamara was named on the birth certificate as the ‘Mother’ and Linda was named ‘Parent’. They asked that they be both labelled as ‘Mother’ or, failing that, that they both be allowed to be labelled ‘Parent’. The court refused their request to both be labelled ‘Mother’ – but didn’t rule out them both being labelled as ‘parent. The Registrar now has to consider that second request.

Article: Lesbian couple told they ‘can’t both be mother’, The Australian, 15/9/2016.

6. Australian losses on gambling – $23 BILLION – HALF on pokies!
The Age reported recently, “Australian punters lost nearly $23 billion last year, with a 30 per cent growth in sports betting helping to drive a continued rise in annual gambling losses.

“New Australian Gambling Statistics figures show Australians lost $1241 per head in 2014-15, with poker machines still the biggest cause of punter losses with $11.6 billion lost, an increase of 4.9 per cent.”

So pokies are still the biggest reason for LOSSES – at a staggering $1.6 billion LOST.

Although the rate of growth is high for sports betting, it still only has losses of $864 million. Even so, that’s a huge amount!

In other areas, losses in racing were $2.8 billion, and on Lotto losses were $1.7 billion.

Article: Australian punters lose $23 billion, half on the pokies, The Age, 22/8/2016.

7. Victoria: Government plans to ban fracking and coal seam gas
In response to concerns expressed by local farmers and others, the Victorian government has announced that they plan to ban ‘fracking’ and exploration for underground gas.

Reports from the USA reveal that the fracking process can release harmful gases into the water supply.

Article: Victorian unconventional gas exploration ban to end fracking and CSG extraction, ABC, 30/8/2016.

8. NSW: LGBTIQ ‘teaching resource’ taken out of classrooms
Last week The Australian reported that an LGBTI ‘resource’ was posted on the NSW Education Department website. Huffington Post picked up the story. ‘The official 17-page document, which is said to be based on the Safe Schools program, is aimed at encouraging teachers to be more inclusive of LGBTI issues, such as incorporating same-sex families into classroom language.’

Education Minister Adrian Piccoli was unaware of the resource, despite the fact it was developed by his own Department and posted online. He ordered that it be removed from schools, and the Department’s website, and fully reviewed.

Article: LGBTI Teaching Resource Pulled From NSW Schools, Huffington Post, 8/9/2016.

9. NSW: Man carries out ‘Islamic State’ edict and stabs man
Following the edict from IS/Islamic State, an Islamic man has stabbed a neighbour whilst he was out walking. The man has since been charged with committing a terrorist act and with attempted murder.

Article: IS radical’s mission to ‘kill an Aussie’, Daily Telegraph, 12/9/2016.

Overseas News

1. Mexico – A million march for marriage
Mexico is currently considering the issue of homosexual ‘marriage’. The President, Enrique Peña Nieto, is planning to “enshrine same-sex “marriage” in the nation’s Constitution”.

The pro-family activist group Frente Nacional Por La Familia (“National Front for the Family”) organized the protests – it is estimated that more than 1 million Mexicans marched, across 122 cities.

Now they are planning a NATIONAL march“On September 24, Frente Nacional Por La Familia will host a Grand National March in Mexico City.”

As Ros Phillips from FamilyVoice says, “Mexico City and several Mexican states have legalised same-sex “marriage” – but many Mexican people disagree.  Some media say the number who marched in support of natural marriage in cities throughout Mexico on Saturday was “tens of thousands” – but organisers show there were more than a million.”

Would we see more than a MILLION people out on the streets in Australia supporting marriage continuing to be between a man and a woman?

Ros said that the politicians introducing homosexual ‘marriage’ Bills this week, “do not understand the fundamental man-woman meaning marriage has always had throughout history”.

“Marriage is already ‘equal’,” Ros Phillips said.  “Every man has an equal right to marry a woman, as Federal Court Justice Jayne Jagot pointed out on 21 February 2013. The issue is not about ‘marriage equality’.  It is Marriage Reality!”

FamilyVoice Australia Media Release: A million march for marriage in Mexico, 13/9/2016.

Lifesite article: Over 1 million march in Mexico against same-sex ‘marriage’, 13/9/2016.


Overwhelmed and Defeated? Try the ‘Samuel Solution’

Overwhelmed and Defeated? Try the ‘Samuel Solution’
Life has always been filled with challenges. Handled correctly, they can leverage you to a better place. Handled unwisely, the demotion can be swift.
What about when the enemies and problems proliferate? Like the ‘verbal bombs’ of the culture war, the spread of violent jihadism, and rise in temperature at global ‘hot spots?’ Why are once great nations being humbled by a much smaller enemy in this asymmetrical war? When the troubles, pressures, and the enemy comes in like a flood (Isaiah 59:19), what do you do?
For the God-fearer, the question should be: Is there a Word from the LORD?
Short Answer: Yes! It’s the ‘Samuel Solution’
Solomon wisely observed that there is ‘nothing new under the sun’ (Ecclesiastes 1:9). What we see in our day has a parallel in Biblical history.
During the time of Samuel, the last judge of Israel, there was great distress in the land. Their sworn-enemy, the Philistines, was winning victory after victory. In one particular incident, they came to Shiloh, their ancient capital where the tabernacle stood. They stole the Ark of the Covenant, destroyed the city, and brought a great slaughter to Israel. Eli the Priest and his sons Hophni and Phinehas were all slain. It was like Armageddon.
Eventually, in their darkest hour, a chastened Israel came to seek counsel from Samuel, the man of God. They looked for, and received, a ‘word from the Lord.’ A couple of powerful insights came from this encounter.
Samuel’s First Principle – Backsliding: The reason Israel was defeated by the Philistines was not because of the strength of the enemy but by the backsliding of the people. God gave generous promises of protection but if the people were unfaithful to the LORD, His protective hand would be withdrawn. In Deuteronomy 28:25 (NKJV), failure to obey the voice of the LORD your God, would bring humiliating results with the enemy.
The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them; and you shall become troublesome to all the kingdoms of the earth.
Again and again, we learn it is not the strength of the enemy but the strength of our sin that will defeat us.
Samuel’s Second Principle – Revival: There is a promise and prospect of deliverance and victory. The key to this is found in I Samuel 7:3. Samuel told a humbled Israel:
If you return to the Lord with all your hearts, then put away the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths from among you, and prepare your hearts for the Lord, and serve Him only; and He will deliver you from the hand of the Philistines.
Can it be any simpler? Deliverance and victory come by doing the following:
1.      Return to the LORD with all your hearts;
2.      Put away (get rid of) the false gods and unclean things among you;
3.      Prepare your hearts for the LORD;
4.      Serve the LORD only.
Do these simple principles (even a child can understand them) and God promises to deliver you from the ‘hand of the Philistines.’ You will go from being ‘overwhelmed’ to being an ‘overcomer.’
How did Israel respond to Samuel? They immediately got rid of the Baals and Ashtoreths and served the LORD only (I Samuel 7:4).
Then Samuel called all Israel for prayer at Mizpeh. When the Philistines heard it, they came rushing toward them like a flood. The people of Israel began to panic and said to Samuel to cry out to the LORD to save them. God heard the prayer of Samuel – and noted the repentance of Israel – sent a loud thunder upon the Philistines and they were overcome.
Samuel took a stone and called it ‘EBENEZER,’ meaning ‘Thus far the LORD has helped us.’
Israelite cities which had been taken by the Philistines were restored. Please note I Samuel 7:13:
So the Philistines were subdued, and they did not come anymore into the territory of Israel. And the hand of the Lord was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel.
Repentance, fruit of repentance (put away the false gods), returning to God, and prayer, are part of the Biblical prescription for deliverance from enemies. It is called ‘revival.’ Note that as long as Samuel was the judge, the Philistines – Israel’s relentless enemy – no longer came into their territory.
Today, we need Godly leadership which will position God’s people into a state of blessing and protection, while keeping the enemy at bay: humble-servant leaders, not lordship leaders; shepherds, not CEOs; saints, not superstars.
The problems of the western world will not be solved by national elections, government funding, or trendy ideologies. Only by employing the ‘Samuel Solution’ – prayer for a Holy Spirit revival – with exemplary leadership, will turn the tide. God will hear our prayer, forgive our sin, and heal our land (II Chronicles 7:14).

Be Strong & Of A Good Courage: Why Study the Book of Joshua

Despite so much talk about ‘leadership’ today, there is a curious absence of the most important character quality: courage. Without courage, you cannot go forward, overcome obstacles, suppress fear, and make it safely to your destination. In short, without courage, you cannot lead. Remember that courage is not bravado, bullying, biceps, or bluster. Courage is the mastery of fear, a steeling determination to go forward, to take one’s focus off the obstacles and aim it clearly at the prize. No turning back.
To live as a Bible-believing Christian in an increasingly hostile world takes courage, conviction, and consecration, while willing to turn one’s back on comfort, convenience, and cowardice. In order to become ‘strong and courageous,’ one needs to learn the Bible, God’s Holy Word.
A great inspiration for this is the Book of Joshua. It is the first of a series of historical books in the Bible. The Book of Joshua has a victorious theme: After centuries of exile in Egypt, the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob finally inherit the land promised to their fathers. The exodus is finished, the land is possessed, and the covenant with God renewed in the land.
Here are some points to get you started in your study of Joshua.
Hebrew Name
He came from the tribe of Ephraim and his original name was Hoshea, the son of Nun. Hoshea means ‘salvation.’ In Numbers 13:16, Moses changes his name to Yehoshua or Joshua, which means ‘Yahweh is salvation.’ The diminutive form of Yehoshua is Yeshua, the Hebrew name for Jesus.
While so many Bible books have anonymous authors, this one does not. It says in that Joshua wrote these words in the Book of the Law (Joshua 24:26). So he is the author of the book that bears his name.
Possess your possession.
Portrait of Christ in Joshua
1.       Scarlet cord: Rahab the harlot and her city of Jericho were scheduled for invasion and  destruction. The only thing that would save her and her family was hanging a scarlet coloured cord on the window of their home. Whoever dwelt in the house where the scarlet cord hung when the invasion occurred would be spared (2:18-19). This is similar to an event which happened 40 years earlier in Egypt: The Passoer. The death angel passed over any (Israelite) house in the land of Egypt that had the shed blood of the passover lamb on the window or door. What a powerful metaphor of the blood of Christ cleansing us from all sin (I John 1:7) and delivering us from death.
2.       Commander of the LORD’s Army (5:14): On the eve of the invasion of Jericho, the Commander stood before Joshua, who asked him if he was on Israel’s side or their enemies. He answered ‘Neither: I am Commander of the Lord’s army.’ This Commander had to be the Lord Himself because a) Joshua fell on his face and worshipped him and b) He said that the ground was holy.
Jesus Christ is coming back again, not to take sides, but to take over.   
Key Verses 
Joshua 1:8-9 (NKJV):This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 11:23 (KJV):So Joshua took the whole land, according to all that the LORD said unto Moses; and Joshua gave it for an inheritance unto Israel according to their divisions by their tribes. And the land rested from war.
•     Fulfilled covenant: The Book of Joshua shows the proof that God fulfilled His covenant to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give their descendants the land of Canaan. God is faithful to His word (21:43, 45).
•     Joshua: A forerunner of Jesus, Who leads His people out of sin and into their promised inheritance;
•     Jordan River: Boundary to the promised land. It represents a line of consecration which needs to be crossed.
•     Canaan: Represents our inheritance before God.
•     Gilgal: Israel’s first camp in Canaan. It represents a place of covenant, where the ‘reproach of Egypt’ was rolled away.
•     Conquest of Canaan: We have a glorious inheritance in Christ but we must ‘fight the good fight of faith’ (I Timothy 6:12) in order to receive it;
•     Holy and Herem: The land was the holy inheritance of God but there were parts that were ‘herem,’ the accursed thing assigned for destruction. Jericho was one of those places. Failure to completely destroy the accursed brought judgment on Israel (Joshua 7:10-13).
•     Supernatural intervention: In the battle of the south and the 5 kings, Joshua prayed that the sun would stand still in Gibeon and the moon over the Valley of Aijalon (10:12). The Scripture goes on to say that there was not a day before or sine, when the Lord obeyed a man, for He fought for Israel. God will move heaven and earth to intervene on behalf of His servants who are doing His will.
•     Rest: After the battle, and fighting the good fight of faith, there is rest (Joshua 11:23; 14:15; 21:44; 22:4; 23:1).
Outline of Joshua
Crossing Jordan and Preparation to Invade Jericho                                                     1-5
Conquest of Jericho                                                                                                      6
Sin of Achan                                                                                                                 7
Conquest of Ai                                                                                                              8
Treaty with the Gibeonites                                                                                            9
Conquest of the South                                                                                                  10
Conquest of the North, Kings slain                                                                              11-12
Land divided among the tribes; city of refuge                                                             13-21
Reuben, Gad, Manasseh go to Transjordan; Altar of Witness at Jordan                      22
Farewell speech, Covenant at Shechem, Death of Joshua                                           23-24

Joshua is a courageous, overcoming, victorious book. May it help you to become ‘strong and courageous’ in the coming days.


This is a very simple and easy dish which is very tasty. Try it with steamed or roast vegetables. Serves 4.
3 or 4 chicken breasts, skinned
3 tablespoons of honey
3/4 cup water
1 packet of French onion soup
1.    Combine all the ingredients in a overproof baking tray. Cover with plastic wrap and marinate for as long as you can. Turn over.
2.    Cover with foil and bake at 160 C (320 F) for 1 hour.
3.    Remove foil and bake another 30 minutes.
4.    Remove from oven. Rest with foil on top for 10 minutes.

5.    Serve and enjoy.


The July 2016 Australian federal election was volatile and took days to decide.
Days before, the British electorate voted for BREXIT, despite the overwhelming support of the elite for BREMAIN.
The US Presidential campaign is the most turbulent in history.
Why is there such political volatility in the western world? How did a nation like Australia, with a reputation for political stability, get into this situation of having 5 prime ministers in 5 years and a knife’s edge election?
There is a simple explanation: a lack of respect for the democratic process.
As mentioned earlier, in 5 years, 3 prime ministers were replaced by a backroom party manoeuvres, not by the electorate. When an elected leader stands and falls because of his/her colleagues, rather than the voters, this is NOT democracy. The Australian voters, who elected the Rudd government in 2007, should have had a chance to vote for or against it in the 2010 Federal Election. The same applies to the Abbott government, who was clearly elected in 2013. Mr. Abbott, not Mr. Turnbull, who should have led his party in the 2016 election (the same applies to the Gillard government in 2013).
Contempt shown for the democratic process eventually brings instability
This erosion of democracy is by no means limited to the Australia. No sooner had the ballots been counted in the UK EU Referendum, than left-wing voices were calling for another referendum. Petitions were signed, protesters marched in London, and a lawsuit was launched. If the electorate chose a clear pathway, demands to undo their mandate are anti-democratic.
What is True Democracy?
Most people think that democracy is merely ‘free and fair’ elections. This is an important facet but there is much more to democracy than elections. As one person put it, it is what happens in-between elections that constitutes a democracy.
Here are some of the components then of a truly democratic society:
1.      Free and fair elections at regular intervals: ultimately, the people of the nation are the boss and on the most important matters they should be the final arbiters.
2.      Rule of law: This is where parliamentary law reigns, not the whim of a leader. Rule of law means Lex (Law) is Rex (King);
3.      Human rights: Respect for basic, universally recognised human rights is fundamental for a true democracy. These include freedom of speech, freedom of conscious, freedom of worship and religious freedom;
4.      Independent judiciary: The courts properly interprets the constitution; note: justices interpret, they don’t create laws. They should not be controlled by other branches of government;
5.      Free and responsible press: The media should not be controlled by the government but also they should be responsible too, seeking to inform, not indoctrinate, society;
6.      Separation of powers: the executive, judicial, and legislative branches must have clear boundaries and be free to exercise their constitutional powers (but no more);
7.      Balance of power: no branch of government can have too much power. When any branch oversteps its boundaries, instability comes in (this can include military coups);
8.      Separation of church and state: this means that both areas are given due respect but neither encroaches on the other. This separation does not mean ‘freedom from religion’ or marginalising religious belief or ethics in the public square.
9.      Basic moral foundations: More about this in a subsequent article.
Undermine one, or more, of the above tenets, and true democracy will begin to erode. Failure to uphold the ‘rule of law,’ a muzzled or biased press, activism in the courts, one branch of government overstepping another, suppressing human rights … all these things begin the rollback of democracy. In our day, moral sounding terms like ‘political correctness,’ ‘tolerance,’ ‘fairness doctrine,’ ‘inclusion,’ ‘deconstruction’ and similar phrases have been used to used to undercut one or more of the above democratic freedoms.
When this happens, political instability begins to take over.

In Part 03, we will see how democracy has been undermined over the years.


Oh, No! Another Coup? It was a horrible sense of deja vu. In 1960, 1970, 1980, and a soft postmodern version in 1997, Turkey had military coups. It was the Turkish government’s worse nightmare. Then, on 15 July 2016, it looked like Turkey was experiencing yet again another coup. This time, however, it failed. The toll, however, was high, with 290 people killed and 1,440 wounded.
The Inevitable Crackdown: With great rapidity, the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took strong action in a matter of hours and days to stamp out the ‘coup virus.’ Consider these statistics (courtesy of Incontext Ministries):
•   22,000 people in education suspended;
•   9,000 in the military arrested;
•   2,700 in the judiciary arrested;
•   50,000-60,000 government employees dismissed.
A 3-month state of emergency has been declared in Turkey, giving President Erdogan sweeping powers. The purpose of the emergency, so the government says, is to ‘preserve freedom and democracy.’
Turkey is in turmoil. And this is bad news … not just for Turkey … not just for the Middle East … but also for the world. Why?
Turkish Secularism – Under Threat? Turkey has had three constitutions (1924, 1961, 1982) and all of them have stated that Turkey is a secular, democratic republic. This secular, western-leaning outlook came courtesy of the founding father of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881-1938). Ataturk, one of the most successful revolutionaries in modern times, took the feudalistic backward Ottoman dominated nation and yanked it from the dark ages to the 20th century. His secular legacy is highly appreciated by many modern Turks to this very day. Turkey’s secularism has been held up as a role-model for other Muslim-majority nations; however, the current instability iis clearly a setback for reformists Muslims everywhere.
A secular, western, democratic Turkey helps preserve the balance of power in the Middle East.
Part of the reason the military took over in Turkey in the previous occasions was because secularism and democracy were under threat. Once the takeover was complete and everything settled down, the country was handed back to civilian democratic rulers.
Military coups are the antithesis of democracy and for this reason many countries condemned this coup attempt. Yet the failed plotters, if they were given a microphone, would probably say that democracy was already under threat in Turkey and that’s why they felt the need to step in.
The ascendancy of Erdogan in 2003, along with his Justice and Development Party (AKP), began to change this unswerving commitment to secularism. Erdogan is an Islamist more than a secularist, even though he continues to give verbal allegiance to Kemalist secularism. He still publicly supports Turkey’s application to join the (secular) European Union, though with less enthusiasm than before. Nevertheless, key areas of society – the military, academic, NGOs, and the media – have been under great scrutiny and pressure by the AKP. The hysterical reaction to popular protests, plans for an executive presidency, a shaky economy and risky foreign policy (e.g. Syria), have the Turkish secularists worried.
Watch Turkey: This service has been saying for years to ‘keep your eyes on Turkey.’ Why? Its history, heritage, location, make it a powerbroker unlike any other. Turkey holds the balance of power in the Middle East and as long as it stays secular, there will be a degree of stability. That’s why Turkey is important to the world. But if this nation heads down the road of political Islam, it will upset the balance of power and the tremors will be felt worldwide.
Two trends to watch:
1. Will Turkey go down the Islamist road (not if the millions of Turkish secularists have their way);
2. Will there be a neo-Ottoman empire in the future? Former Prime-Minister Ahmet DavutoÄŸlu spoke his neo-Ottoman ambition to ‘reintegrate the Balkan region, Middle East and Caucasus… together with Turkey as the centre of world politics in the future.’
When Turkey is stable, so is the region. But, as it appears, Turkey is unsettled, then others will be, too.
The Syrian Gamble: Turkey took a gamble when it decided to get involved in the Syrian civil war, with the goal of trying to unseat President Bashar al Assad. They allowed would-be jihadists to cross their territory from Istanbul Airport to the Syrian land border; it gave clandestine support to the so-called Islamic State, then refugees began to flow from Syria into Turkey. Some estimate 2 million Syrians are present in the nation. Then Turkey allowed the migrants to go from its territory into Europe, and then the EU responded with a deal to give Turkey money, visa-free travel, and accelerated EU Admissions talks, for its cooperation in stemming the flow.
Turkey continues to have unrest with the Kurds. Prior to the coup attempt, there have been several sensational terrorist incidents in Ankara and Istanbul, culminating in the attack on Ataturk International Airport (you cannot even walk into the terminal building without going through security twice, however the terrorists detonated outside the building and in the ensuing chaos were able to enter inside and detonate some more).
Turkish Leadership: Turkey has been wired for leadership over the millennia. The Anatolian Peninsula (Asia Minor) hosted the Hittite and Byzantine Empires. The Turks originated in Central Asia and migrated to Asia Minor 1,000 years ago. They led the Seljuk Empire and later the 600 year long Ottoman Empire, dominated North Africa, the Middle East, and SE Europe, while their sultan became the ‘Caliph’ of Islam. The empire collapsed after World War I and was replaced by Ataturk’s secular Turkish Republic. Turkey has become a valued ally of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and recently restored full diplomatic relations with Israel. Erdogan admitted earlier this year that Turkey and Israel need each other.
Other Nations Affected: Already, the Turkish backlash is affecting other countries like Azerbaijan, Armenian, and Turkmenistan. These are Turkic nations, formerly in the USSR, and part of Turkey’s ethnic and linguistic heritage. Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan have had the same leaders since independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 and want to enshrine family members into the high echelons of power. Like Turkey, these nations are endeavouring to have centralisation and security crackdowns to ensure stability and protect them from jihadist threats. Indeed, they are taking their cue from Turkey.
All the recent turmoil has weakened Turkey, despite the governmental crackdown. This is bad news for the region. Again we ask: Will Turkey stay secular and western-leaning or will it go Islamists and neo-Ottoman?

Watch this space.

Renee’s Lebanese Rice

This buttery rice with golden noodles makes a wonderful addition to any dish.

Makes 6 cups
3 cups short grain rice
1/2 cup butter
Stock or stock cubes
1/2 cup egg noodles, broken up
1              Wash the rice and soak it for a least an hour, or 2 or overnight. The longer, the better. It will be more nutritious, too;
2              Melt the butter in the pot. Make sure the heat is not too high or it will burn. Lightly brown the broken egg noodles until golden
3              Quickly add the drained rice into the pot and stir until nicely coated with the butter and noodle mixture, add salt as desired and stir again.
4              Add cold stock or water (with stock cubes) until it is 2 cm above the level of the rice (or put your finger on top of the rice and make sure the liquid reaches your first knuckle).
5              Bring to a boil. Lower heat to a minimum.  Cover and  simmer 20 minutes.

6              Can be used aside any dish that requires rice. May also be served with plain yogurt (Greek who Greek, not fat-free, is best). Add a crushed clove of garlic and a teaspoon of mint to to 500 grams of yogurt, stir, and top the rice.