Category Archives: Articles

News Update – 28 Oct – Marriage, Halloween, Persecution

News Update – 28 Oct – Marriage, Halloween, Persecution

News ball Fotolia 31010118 320x200* More developments on the ‘marriage’ front….
* Why we should avoid ‘Halloween’ (and our updated webpage)…
* Persecution of Christians increases in overseas nations.



News Update – 28 Oct – Marriage, Halloween, Persecution

Australian News

1. Update on the push for homosexual ‘marriage’
     1.1 NEW plebiscite proposal from Liberal MP Warren Entsch

     1.2 NEW campaign to ‘unite Australians to support marriage equality’
     1.3 Actor/blogger says she fears an ‘emotional bloodbath’ from a plebiscite
     1.4 More name-calling – court rules on the ‘f’ word
     1.5 Plebiscite a “political deal” – Christine Forster
2. LISTEN to Senator Eric’s speech to our Dinner

3. Vic: Update on the TWO Bills – Birth certificates & Religious exceptions in employment
4. Vic: ‘Respectful Relationships’ curriculum and explicit videos
5. Feature: Halloween on 31 October…

Overseas News

1. Pakistan – Persecution of Christians and Closure of House Churches
2. Cairo: Archbishop urges Christian leaders “Prepare for martyrdom”
3. USA: Transgender male ADMITS to using Target’s policy to FILM women in changerooms

News Update – 28 Oct – Marriage, Halloween, Persecution

Australian News

1. Update on the push for homosexual ‘marriage’

The issue isn’t going away, even though we know the Senate is not expected to pass the government’s Bill that would enable the holding of a plebiscite.

Here’s a selection of this week’s developments…

1.1 NEW plebiscite proposal from Liberal MP Warren Entsch
Liberal MP Warren Entsch, who supports homosexual ‘marriage’, has offered a ‘compromise proposal’ for a plebiscite.

The proposal involves postal and electronic voting, at a cost of around $53 million instead of $160 million. This would avoid the handing out of literature at polling booths.

The proposal also:

     – “mentions providing tax-deductible status to the ‘yes’ campaign for a limited period leading up to and after a plebiscite.”

     – “states the result of a plebiscite would be binding on parliament”

     – Provides “less funding to both sides of the campaign” and “the excess money would be provided to Headspace for additional counselling services.”

Gay News Network report that, “GNN can confirm Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was made aware of the proposal and approved Mr Entsch to investigate it, most likely to gauge public opinion first.”

Nick Xenophon and his Senators have responded by saying that they don’t support a plebiscite in ANY form and would not support this proposal.


1.2 NEW campaign to ‘unite Australians to support marriage equality’
Two of the main homosexual lobby groups have combined to run a NEW campaign. Their aim is to HUMANISE ‘marriage equality, according to a report from Mumbrella.

They say, it aims to “bring it back to the Australians that are directly impacted.”

Mumbrella write, “The equality campaign’ via Principleco, sees hundreds of friends, families and couples uniting to paint a rainbow map of Australia, as a representation of community support for the movement. . . The video features volunteers adding tag lines as they paint the mural, such as ‘for my mums’, ‘for fairness,’ ‘for love,’ to give their reasons for support.”

This is a major tactic of the homosexual groups – to personalise the issue – which, in turn, makes it harder for those opposing the legalisation of homosexual ‘marriage’, who are often accused of being ‘against the person’!

The campaign includes images and a video… see articles for details and photos. have a detailed article looking at this new strategy by the homosexual lobby groups.

Article: With a plebiscite almost certainly doomed, marriage equality campaigners employ new tactics to get law reform passed,, 24/10/2016.

Article: Australians unite for marriage equality in campaign by Principleco, Mumbrella, 26/10/2016.

Article: Lead Marriage Equality Advocates Launch New Campaign, B&T, 26/10/2016.

1.3 Actor/blogger says she fears an ‘emotional bloodbath’ from a plebiscite
The emotional language continues to be rolled out – there seems to be a renewed push from activists to try and ensure the Senate won’t relent and agree to a plebiscite…

Bianca Biasi, who has a lesbian partner and twin 10 month old daughters, said she had received support from her 47,000 Instagram following. That shows the impact of social media – that a person has so many followers, and that any issue can attract immediate ‘support’.

She also used two aspects of the ‘religion card’ – saying that both women were from “religious backgrounds” – and that they understand what the churches were concerned about and “wouldn’t want any priest or pastor to be forced to conduct same sex weddings, only those who wanted to.”

Article: Gay mum fears for children if marriage plebiscite goes ahead, Daily Telegraph/Manly Daily, 26/10/2016.

1.4 More name-calling – court rules on the ‘f’ word
When three protesters used the ‘f’ word’ at a ‘marriage equality’ rally – including a specific reference to ‘f… Fred Nile’ – they were charged with using offensive language. The Local Court magistrate has now dismissed the charges, ‘saying the words were used “to dismiss the argument against marriage equality” rather than to cause offence.’

One of the protesters, April Holcombe, is the LGBTI Officer for the National Union of Students. “The protest was organised by activist group Community Action Against Homophobia (CAAH) to counter an anti same-sex marriage march organised by Christian Democratic Party leader and upper house MP Fred Nile and Christian group Unity Australia.”

Of course, the protesters had support from lots of lawyers, with the SMH writing, “The protesters were represented by a phalanx of lawyers, including Sydney barristers Stephen Lawrence and Felicity Graham and solicitor Charles Stanford….”

Two points to note:

* The judge said that whether the word “f—” is part of a child’s vernacular “depends on the words that a child listens to from others”.

* The word was only offensive if it was “calculated to wound the feelings, arouse anger or resentment or disgust and outrage in the mind of a reasonable person”.

Article: Court finds ‘f— Fred Nile’ not offensive language at marriage equality rally, SMH, 25/10/2016.

1.5 Plebiscite a “political deal” – Christine Forster
Christine Forster, the lesbian sister of former PM Tony Abbott described the Liberal Party policy to hold a plebiscite as a “shitty political deal” struck as an agreement between the Liberal Party’s conservative and moderate factions. She made the comment during a debate at a Sydney City Council meeting this week.

The SMH noted this would challenge Malcolm Turnbull. “But her claim in an open council meeting that a plebiscite was a political deal will be a blow to Mr Turnbull, who has maintained that it was a “legitimate and democratic” way forward, rather than part of the price he paid in taking the leadership from Mr Abbott, a strident opponent of same-sex marriage.”

We need to remember that the proposal for the plebiscite came as a proposal to the party room to avoid granting a conscience vote to Coalition MPs.

Article: Same-sex marriage plebiscite was a ‘shitty political deal’ between Liberal factions: Christine Forster, SMH, 25/10/2016.

2. LISTEN to Senator Eric’s speech to our Dinner
If you missed our email earlier this week, the PODCAST of the speech that Senator Abetz gave to our website is now ON our website podcasts page (18 minutes). You can listen to it online OR download the mp3 file. Includes links to the transcript of the speech. Click here.

3. Vic: Update on the TWO Bills – Birth certificates & Religious exceptions in employment
The BILLS page on the Victorian Parliament’s website shows that the second reading debate hasn’t been held yet on EITHER of these Bills…

The Victorian Legislative Council hasn’t debated or voted on the two controversial Bills we have been reporting on – regarding changes of ‘Sex’ on birth certificates and the removal of exceptions for religious organisations regarding employment. 
At this stage the two Bills webpages show that the Bills have passed the Legislative Assembly and have had their FIRST reading in the Legislative Council.

Click here for the BILLS page: then scroll to each Bill and click on title for full details of Bill and PROGRESS (or the links on the following titles should work).

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2016

Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016

One of the Bills would REMOVE religious exceptions regarding employment in the Equal Opportunity Act, which means Christian schools and religious organisations would have to PROVE that it is an “inherent requirement” of the job to be a Christian or to adhere to certain moral behaviour regarding sexuality or marital status.

The second Bill would allow people to change the SEX on their birth certificate – to ANY chosen ‘gender descriptor’ (so long as it isn’t obscene) – WITHOUT having to undergo any sex reassignment surgery or even taking hormones.

ACTION: If you live in Victoria, there is still time to contact your FIVE Members in the Legislative Council to ask them to vote against these Bills.
Click here, then type in your postcode etc and Search to get all your Members.

For more information, see our Action Alert on both Bills – click here.

4. Vic: ‘Respectful Relationships’ curriculum and explicit videos
We have previously reported on the Victorian State Government’s curriculum called ‘Respectful Relationships’ which is supposed to address the problem of ‘domestic violence’ in society.

This week it was reported that some of the videos for the program are highly objectionable.

“The Andrews government is on a collision course with the powerful Christian lobby over new classroom videos that use animated penises and other sexual imagery to educate students about porn, relationships and raunch culture.”

“The Australian Christian Lobby wants Education Minister James Merlino to remove web links from the Respectful Relationships teaching resource. The web links take teachers to a number of video lessons with titles such as “Porn – what you should know”, “The truth about desire”, and “When’s the Right Time” (which asks students to consider when they are ready for sex).”

In particular… “One of the Lobby’s main concerns centres on a video for students in year 8, which features illustrated images of male and female anatomy, a topless cowboy, scantily-clad women and a barrage of messages about sex. “If you’re mixing penises with bums, vaginas or mouths, you should really use a ‘party hat’,” says one segment, in reference to the use of condoms. Elsewhere on the video, a giant penis stands on a theatre stage, while the narrator declares that porn “usually makes the penis look like the boss of the whole show.”

Education Minister James Merlino said he didn’t plan to intervene, “As education minister, I’m not going to be writing resources or imposing change on materials that are written by experts and are absolutely age-appropriate.”

Article: Andrews faces Christian Lobby showdown over sexual classroom videos, The Age, 23/10/2016

Vickie Janson wrote a blog about the sexualised imagery in the videos associated with the ‘Respectful Relationships’ curriculum…

Blog: Giant Talking Penises & Shrinking Silent Politicians, 23/10/2016.

5. Feature: Halloween on 31 October…
Walk into a supermarket this week and you are immediately confronted by displays of chocolate and assorted decorations for ‘Halloween’.

This celebration of ‘Halloween’ is really an ‘import’ from the USA, and wasn’t celebrated in Australia until recent times. Over the years this event has gained in prominence – and much of it has been led by manufacturers who have seen the marketing opportunity of another ‘event’!

Over the years, we have written on the problems associated with Christians celebrating Halloween, especially in its recent focus on witches, the dead and the occult. The Bible tells us not to participate in such activities, and we don’t support any participation in ‘Halloween’.

Marcia Montenegro, of Christian Answers for the New Age, outlines the pagan and occult origins and connections, and the association with Christian traditions. She urges us to avoid involvement in the ‘celebration’, and encourages us to pray for those caught up in the occult on this day. She also warns Christians not to spread false rumours about ‘sacrificing’ etc. Marcia urges Christian parents not to let their children dress up as a witch, demon, etc. Since Marcia was involved in the New Age and occult practices herself, she is sensitive towards those who are ensnared by the attraction of the occult and New Age philosophies.
Read Marcia’s statement on Halloween – click here.
Read about Marcia’s background – click here.

Have a look at our recently updated webpage on Halloween, which includes a range of articles and links.

Overseas News

1. Pakistan – Persecution of Christians and Closure of House Churches
Persecution of Christians continues in Pakistan. Christians are often accused of ‘blasphemy’ when ‘negative’ comments are made against Islam. This week there was a report of a mob of around 50 men invading a pastor’s home and beating him and his family, apparently trying to seize his property.

Pakistan has recently ordered the closure of house churches.

“Meanwhile, Pakistan Christian Post notes that community tension has been increasing in Pakistan as Muslims call for the execution of two Christians accused of blasphemy. Despite the call for justice for Christian mother Asia Bibi and teen Nabeel Masih, the Post said the law courts have failed them.

“British Pakistani Christian Association chairman Wilson Chowdhry released a statement expressing his dismay at the hatred of the Muslim community against the Christians in Pakistan. He also called on the Western countries to utilize their power of leverage to fight for the defenseless like Bibi and Masih.”

Please pray for Christians in Pakistan who are being persecuted.

Article: Pakistan orders closure of Christian house churches, Christian Daily, 25/10/2016.

Article: Muslim mob in Pakistan beats and evicts Christian pastor’s family from home, Christian Daily, 26/10/2016.

2. Cairo: Archbishop urges Christian leaders “Prepare for martyrdom”
An indication of the increasing persecution of Christians overseas is this warning from Cairo’s Anglican Archbishop Mouneer Anis. In a recent speech to Christian leaders, he said Christians should be prepared for martyrdom in the face of worldwide persecution and violence done in the name of religion.

“He also highlighted polygamy, corruption, harsh treatment of women, and false teaching of the prosperity gospel as among the weaknesses that affect Christians. The false teaching Anis talked about includes the prosperity gospel being propagated by the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and other non-Christian groups. The Cairo archbishop emphasized the importance of truth, unity, and being found faithful by God.”

In addition the leaders released an 11 point statement on homosexuality and the Biblical position.
“To prevent the Anglican Church from sliding to the same change as the churches in the West, its leaders released an 11-point statement reaffirming its teachings about homosexuality. The seventh point in the statement affirms that same-sex relations are against God’s design of complementary sexual relations and are offensive to Him.”

Article: Cairo archbishop urges Christian leaders to prepare for martyrdom in the face of persecution, Christian Daily, 25/10/2016.

3. USA: Transgender male ADMITS to using Target’s policy to FILM women in changerooms
When Target USA announced that transgender men could use the women’s changerooms, there was great concern.

Now a biological man, who presents as ‘transgender’ – but is sexually attracted to women – has admitted in court that he FILMED women whilst in the women’s changeroom in a Target store in the USA – and took advantage of their ‘gender inclusive’ policy. The man was accused of peering over the partition with his cell phone and recording an 18-year-old female changing into swimwear.

As Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth, said, “Common sense and maintaining safety for women and girls dictate that we keep biological men out of female restrooms and locker rooms—period.”

Article: Transgender’ man pleads guilty to videotaping women in a Target Changing Room, Lifesite News, 24/10/2016.


News Update – 21 Oct – Marriage, Euthanasia, Religious freedom and more

News Update – 21 Oct – Marriage, Euthanasia, Religious freedom and more...

News with man Fotolia 60714122 320x200A selection of the week’s highlights on these important matters…

Plus a link to our report on our Dinner…

God bless you as you read, pray and act… 



News Update – 21 Oct –  Marriage, euthanasia and more…

Australian News

1. South Australia: Euthanasia Bill withdrawn to be re-written
2. Marriage: Plebiscite vote in House of reps, Greens Senator’s ‘name-calling’
     2.1 Plebiscite Bill PASSES House of Representatives
     2.2 Greens Senator: ‘right-wing dinosaurs’ 
3. Salt Shakers ‘Farewell Celebration Dinner” – Speech by Senator Eric Abetz 
4. Family First Senator Bob Day resigns

5. Report: March for the Babies (and date for NEXT year)
6. Victorians – TWO Bills needing your ongoing ACTION!

Overseas News

1. UK: Abortion and disability
2. Paris: Tens of thousands march calling for REPEAL of same-sex ‘marriage’ 
3. USA: Pregnancy Centers ordered to PROMOTE abortion

News Update – 21 Oct –  Marriage, euthanasia and more…

Australian News

1. South Australia: Euthanasia Bill withdrawn to be re-written
The euthanasia Bill introduced by Labor MP Steph Key in South Australia has been withdrawn after five MPs expressed concern about the wording of the Bill. The ABC reports that it could delay debate on the Bill ‘for up to a month’.

The ABC reported, “Debate on the proposed law, co-sponsored by Liberal MP Duncan McFetridge and Labor MP Steph Key, was due to start today. It was introduced to parliament in February and since then a number of amendments had been proposed to allay concerns that MPs had. However Dr McFetridge said five MPs were still unwilling to support the bill.”

He said that a new Bill would incorporate the suggested amendments.

ACTION: If you live in South Australia, you now have another opportunity to CONTACT your MPs – ONE in the House of Assembly and ALL Members in the Legislative Council. Ask them to vote AGAINST the euthanasia Bill.
Click here for contact details for all MPs.

Article:  Euthanasia laws in South Australia delayed as MPs unwilling to back wordingABC, 20/10/2016.

Family Voice produced a Briefing Paper on the proposed Bill which was posted on …

The South Australia Euthanasia Bill Alert

2. Marriage: Plebiscite vote in House of reps, Greens Senator’s ‘name-calling’

2.1 Plebiscite Bill PASSES House of Representatives

The Bill that would enable a plebiscite has passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 76 to 67.

The Bill will now go the Senate – but with both Labor and the Greens opposing the Bill, it is not expected to pass.

During the debate, there was an inkling of what might lie ahead…

“Independent Andrew Wilkie earlier challenged coalition MPs to cross the floor and support either a Labor or crossbench private bill for marriage equality once the national vote was “dead and buried”.”If you’re in this place in the pursuit of the public interest, then that’s what you’ll do,” he said. Mr Wilkie thinks there’s enough people of “good heart” in the government who will see the sense in dealing with the matter in parliament.”

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull ‘refused to be drawn’ on what his ‘Plan B’ is if the Bill for a plebiscite doesn’t pass in the Senate.

Read the text and progress of the Bill: Plebiscite (Same-Sex Marriage) Bill 2016

The VOTE in the House of Representatives was 76 to 67.
Click here for the Second Reading vote details.

Article: Same-sex marriage plebiscite passes Lower, 20/10/2016.

2.2 Greens Senator: ‘right-wing dinosaurs’ 
They can’t help calling people names! On Q&A on Monday night, Greens Senator Richard Di Natale called on Malcolm Turnbull to ‘stand up to those right-wing dinosaurs’.

He said, “He can stand up to those right-wing dinosaurs inside his own party, show some leadership, be true to who he is, because people are feeling betrayed. Be a leader, stand up, let’s have a free vote in the parliament, and let’s get this thing done.”

Thankfully, economist Judith Sloan spoke up, saying that the term “right-wing dinosaur” went “against civil debate.”

Then Labor MP Tim Watts joined in, to support Di Natale in opposing the plebiscite.

Article: Q&A: Malcolm Turnbull should stand up to ‘right wing dinosaurs’, Richard Di Natale saysSMH, 18/10/2016.

3. Salt Shakers ‘Farewell Celebration Dinner” – Speech by Senator Eric Abetz 
If you missed reading the email report on our Dinner, and the inspiring speeches given by our two Guest Speakers, you can read the report online.

We’ve included the transcript of Eric’s speech – read it and be encouraged to continue to ‘make a difference’!

Click here to read the report.

4. Family First Senator Bob Day resigns
Bob Day, who was elected as a senator for the South Australia in 2013, representing Family First, and was re-elected in 2016, has announced his resignation from the Senate.

The reason is that his family business, Home Australia Group, has gone into liquidation, leaving homeowners with unfinished homes and sub-contractors unpaid. He will lose his family home, as well as his position in the Senate.

In his statement, Bob Day said he was “naturally devastated” and “incredibly sorry” and promised to re-pay the debts. One group, the Taxpayers Alliance, has started a campaign to raise funds to repay the debt so that Senator Day can remain in the Senate, and some funds have already been paid to one subcontractor.

Family First will choose a replacement as a Senator for South Australia. Possible contenders are Rikki Lambert, his Chief of Staff, and Rob Brokenshire, who is a Member of the Legislative Council for Family First.

Article: Bob Day quits Senate as company Home Australia collapsesThe Advertiser, 18/10/2016.

Article: Bob Day: Senator promises to begin paying debt to subcontractor from money raised by fundraising pageABC, 21/10/2016.

5. Report: March for the Babies (and date for NEXT year)
The March for the Babies was held on Saturday 8 October. Thank you to everyone who attended!

The March for the Babies Facebook page has a report and photos – click here.

The March for the Babies website also has coverage of Marches from previous years (2012-2015).

Next year’s March for the Babies . . .

“The 9th Annual March for the Babies will be held in Melbourne on Saturday, October 7, 2017 beginning at 1pm. Please put it in your diary NOW and ask family and friends to join you in standing up for the babies.”

Click here for details.

6. Victorians – TWO Bills needing your ongoing ACTION!

The Victorian Legislative Council hasn’t debated or voted on the two controversial Bills we have been reporting on – regarding changes of ‘Sex’ on birth certificates and the removal of exceptions for religious organisations regarding employment. 
At this stage the two Bills webpages show that the Bills have passed the Legislative Assembly and have had their FIRST reading in the Legislative Council.

Click here for the BILLS page: then scroll to each Bill and click on title for full details of Bill and PROGRESS (or the links on the following titles should work).

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2016

Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016

One of the Bills would REMOVE religious exceptions regarding employment in the Equal Opportunity Act, which means Christian schools and religious organisations would have to PROVE that it is an “inherent requirement” of the job to be a Christian or to adhere to certain moral behaviour regarding sexuality or marital status.

The second Bill would allow people to change the SEX on their birth certificate – to ANY chosen ‘gender descriptor’ (so long as it isn’t obscene) – WITHOUT having to undergo any sex reassignment surgery or even taking hormones.

ACTION: If you live in Victoria, there is still time to contact your FIVE Members in the Legislative Council to ask them to vote against these Bills.
Click here, then type in your postcode etc and Search to get all your Members.

 For more information,, see our Action Alert on both Bills – click here.

Overseas News

1. UK: Abortion and disability
Christian Concern report, “This Friday (21 October) Lord Shinkwin’s Abortion (Disability Equality) Bill is receiving its second reading in the House of Lords. You may be surprised to hear that an unborn child with a disability can be aborted right up to birth under current law. Lord Shinkwin’s Bill seeks to remove section 1(1)(d) from the 1967 Abortion Act, which currently allows for disability abortion up to birth.”

Christian Concern write, “This will only happen if the Government makes time in the parliamentary calendar for Lord Shinkwin’s Bill to complete its passage through the House of Lords, so that a Member of Parliament can introduce the Bill in the House of Commons.”

They are running the We’re All Equal campaign, urging people to contact their MPs to ask them to urge the Prime Minister to ensure that time is made for the Bill to be debated. 

2. Paris: Tens of thousands march calling for REPEAL of same-sex ‘marriage’ 
AP report, “Tens of thousands of people have marched in Paris to call for the repeal of a law allowing gay marriage, six months before France’s next presidential election…

“The protesters ended up at Trocadero Plaza, near the Eiffel Tower. Police estimated the crowd at 24,000, while organizers gave a figure of 200,000.

“They were also protesting Sunday against the use of assisted reproduction techniques and surrogate mothers to help same-sex couples have babies. Assisted reproduction is allowed in France only for infertile heterosexual couples and surrogacy is banned.

“The group organizing the march presents itself as promoting the traditional family model of “one mother and one father.” It hopes to influence the debate before the presidential election next year.”

Article: Tens of Thousands March in Paris Against Same-Sex MarriageAP, 16/10/2016.

3. USA: Pregnancy Centers ordered to PROMOTE abortion 
We thought it was bad when Victoria’s doctors who had a conscientious objection to abortion, and were not prepared to assist a woman obtain an abortion, were ordered to REFER the woman to a doctor ‘they know will perform an abortion’.

(This is the controversial Section 8 of the Abortion Law Reform Act.)

Now the Pregnancy Centers in California have been ordered to promote abortion to women who come to them seeking help!

As Lifesite reports: “Non-profit medical clinics that exist to provide life-affirming alternatives to abortion in the state of California will be forced to promote abortion or face severe financial consequences, after the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the state’s so-called “Reproductive FACT Act” on Friday.”

The article continues and explains what is being REQUIRED…

Signed into law Oct. 9, 2015, by Gov. Jerry Brownthe act went into effect Jan. 1, 2016, but has been largely unenforced while municipalities waited out a series of lawsuits challenging the law’s alleged infringement on free speech rights guaranteed by the Constitution’s First Amendment. This is the fifth time a challenge has been turned away by the courts starting last December.

The law specifies that 75 pro-life pregnancy centers offering ultrasounds — all of which are state-licensed entities that operate completely free of taxpayer funds — post or disseminate a state-mandated disclaimer notifying women in unexpected pregnancies of state-covered abortions and contraception offered through Medi-Cal.

Most urgently, the clinics are required to violate their deeply held religious beliefs by giving their patients the phone number of a county social services agency where they can obtain an abortion — a requirement the centers say amounts to an abortion referral….”

Article: BREAKING: Ninth Court orders California pregnancy centers to promote abortionLifesite, 14/10/2016. 



News Update – 13 October – Homosexuality, Islam, Discrimination, Domestic Violence, Abortion and Persecution

News Update – 13 October – Homosexuality, Islam, Discrimination, Domestic Violence, Abortion and Persecution

News hand Fotolia 43542893 320x200On a wide range of topics this week…



News Update – 13 October

Australian News

1. Victoria gives ‘multicultural funding’ to LGBTIQA+ groups
2. Polls shows Australians concerned about the rise of Islamic ‘extremism’
3. Legal fund established to defend Christians against claims of ‘discrimination’
4. Two teenagers arrested in Sydney on terrorism charges
5. Senator Abetz: Speech at the Hobart launch of David van Gend’s book
6. Domestic violence – Sen Leyonhjelm questions expenditure and focus
7. Bills in Victoria
8. Senate passes CFA legislation

Overseas News

1. Abortion – being exposed to the facts beings revelation
2. USA: Chief Justice Roy Moore suspended for actions on same-sex ‘marriage’


News Update – 13 October

Australian News

1. Victoria gives ‘multicultural funding’ to LGBTIQA+ groups

The Victorian Labor government has announced that they will give more than $500,000 in funding to nine “culturally diverse” LGBTI groups. This is the first time that grants to LGBTIQA+ groups have been specifically provided under a ‘multicultural banner’. It seems like the Andrews government is trying to find even more ‘reasons’ to provide funding to a greater number of homosexual groups!

The government’s Media Release said, “The LGBTI Multicultural grants – the first of their kind in Australia – will be managed through the Community Harmony Grant and Capacity Building and Participation programs and will help unite and educate the community to allow all Victorians, of all backgrounds, achieve their full potential.”

See how the Ministers tried to link ‘religious and cultural diversity’ with ‘sexuality and gender’ diversity…

The Minister for Multicultural Affairs said, “Sexual and gender diversity is found amongst people of all faiths and backgrounds, and just as we respect and celebrate cultural and religious diversity, we respect the diversity of gender and sexuality in our community.”

The Minister for Equality, Martin Foley, said, “Strong communities should value and celebrate a range of differences. There should be no barrier to diverse genders and sexualities being counted and celebrated as part of our diverse multicultural community.”

The groups to receive funding include “Muslims for Progressive Values, La Trobe University, North Richmond Community Health Centre, the Greek Welfare Society (PRONIA), the Australian GLBTQ Multicultural Council, Switchboard Victoria, Drummond Street Services, Marhaba and Joy FM.”

Some of the groups to receive funding aren’t particularly ‘multicultural’ – including the homosexual radio station Joy FM! We’d also ask what part of Latrobe University is receiving funding. Is it the group that Roz Ward works for? The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society is the group that already receives government funding for ‘research’ and running ‘Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria’!

Government Media Release: Supporting Culturally Diverse LGBTI Victorians

Article: Victorian LGBTI groups receive $500,000 in funding, Gay News Network, 5/10/2016.

2. Polls shows Australians concerned about the rise of Islamic ‘extremism’

The Australian National University conducted a poll in July – the poll found that “71 per cent of Australians were ‘very concerned’ or ‘somewhat concerned’ about the rise of Islamic extremism in Australia”.

One of the authors, Director of the ANU Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies Professor Amin Saikal, said that heightened discussion about terrorism under PM Tony Abbott contributed to the result. He also said that ‘issues such as Islamic extremism, terrorism and Islamist ideologies had been used interchangeably and blur the line between violence and terrorism.’

He said people conflated the ideas of extremism and terrorism: “While many Australians fear terrorist attacks and a majority are prepared to compromise their individual rights and freedoms in favour of living in security, they have at the same time conflated terrorism with extremism and have not been able to make a clear distinction between the two.”

Yet the “survey said 55 per cent of respondents were ‘not at all concerned’ or ‘not very concerned’ about being the victim of a terrorist attack.” Around 70% of respondents said “that the country’s Muslims should not be subject to additional scrutiny simply because of their religion.’

It seems that the respondents DID distinguish between ‘extremism’ and ‘terrorism’!

Article: ‘We are not being swamped by anyone’, says Shorten after poll shows majority fear Islamic extremism, SBS, 10/10/2016.

Article: Australia not being swamped by anyone, Sky News, 10/10/2016.

3. Legal fund established to defend Christians against claims of ‘discrimination’

In the USA, the Alliance Defending Freedom assists in defending people against claims of discrimination when they act according to conscience. ADF was actually formed back in January 1994 by a group of 30 Christian leaders from a wide range of Christian organisations, including James Dobson, James Kennedy, Marlin Maddoux, and Bill Bright. See here and here.

In the UK, Christina Concern provide similar legal support to people who are facing legal challenges on faith and conscience issues.

A new group has been set up in Australia, called the “Human Rights Law Alliance” which will help people who have claims of discrimination against them – like the florist or baker who refuse to do flower arrangements or bake a cake for a ‘same-sex wedding’.

The new group has been set up by ACL, and Martin Iles is running the new group. The Australian reported on the group in early September, and Martin said the new group had a ‘soft launch’ in April 2016. The Age just seems to have caught up – running an article this week, delving more into the background of the group, and its relationship and funding arrangements with ACL.
The Human Rights Law Alliance has a website – click here.

One point made by Martin is that “unfortunately, the human rights law centres are part of the problem”. As we’ve repeatedly reported, those centres are taking cases based on enforcing the anti-discrimination laws, not supporting freedom as a whole, and then do not assist the people who are defending themselves against those complaints!

Article: Christian fighting fund to bankroll legal action for same-sex marriage objectors, The Age, 5/10/2016.

Article: Human Rights Law Alliance formed to fight for essential freedoms, The Australian, 2/9/2016.

4. Two teenagers arrested in Sydney on terrorism charges

The ABC reports, “Two 16-year-old boys facing terrorism-related charges after their arrest in Sydney yesterday have been refused bail, with NSW Police saying they were about to commit an Islamic State inspired attack.

“The teenagers were arrested by the NSW Joint Counter Terrorism Team at Bankstown in Sydney yesterday, in the lane behind a Muslim prayer hall. They were found in possession of two large bayonet-style knives, bought earlier that day, and religious notes that allegedly pledged allegiance to Islamic State.”

One of the boys is the son of a convicted terrorist, the ABC understands. The pair did not appear in Parramatta Children’s Court this morning and did not apply for bail, and it was formally refused. They are due to return to court in December, unless they apply for bail before then….”

Article: Terrorism-related charges laid against 16-year-olds after Sydney arrest, ABC, 13/10/2016.

5. Senator Abetz: Speech at the Hobart launch of David van Gend’s book

Senator Eric Abetz gave an excellent speech at the Hobart launch of David van Gend’s book, Stealing from a Child: The Injustice of ‘Marriage Equality’ on 7th October.

You can read Eric’s speech online…

Address to the Launch of Stealing from a Child – the Injustice of ‘Marriage Equality’ by David van Gend, Hobart

After noting that every sentence in the book is ‘meaty’ and is worth underlining, Eric stated, “In David van Gend’s masterful work, “Stealing from a Child – The Injustice of ‘Marriage Equality’”, we are treated to a tour de force which steps through an issue of current media interest with genuine sensitivity combined with unassailable hard evidentiary support which comprehensively debunks the glibness, the shallowness, and the hollowness of the case which seeks to deconstruct our society’s foundational institution – an institution which pre-existed the nation-state, parliaments and courts – an institution which has the same basic components of father, mother and child in all cultures, be it our own Judeo-Christian culture, the Indigenous culture, the Pacific Islander culture, or the Muslim world view.

“The threat to our society and the irreparable damage to the next generation are well set out, in language easy to understand, and backed up with 463 footnotes. Those 463 footnotes highlight the depth of reading and research undertaken by our author. Those 463 footnotes provide the support and underpinning to his 236 page treatise. …

Read the rest of his speech!

6. Domestic violence – Sen Leyonhjelm questions expenditure and focus

Senator Leyonhjelm has questioned the money spent, and the focus of the actual programs, on dealing with ‘domestic violence.

Senator Leyonhjelm planned to ask questions about the spending at Senate Estimates hearings.

He is concerned that the domestic violence framework is based on an “ideologically-driven agenda which denies female participation in family violence, contrary to a vast body of research both here and overseas.”

Senator Leyonhjelm also criticised the ‘ever-expanding definitions’. He cited the ‘announcement of new domestic violence guidelines for magistrates and judges released last week by Attorney General George Brandis. These include criticising a partner’s appearance or housework skills or even remaining silent’. He said, “The ludicrous, ever-expanding definitions of domestic violence make a mockery of this serious social problem.”

We regularly hear how the courts, including the Family Court, regularly take the woman’s side even when there is compelling evidence that the man is innocent and that abuse has been meted out by the woman.

We’ve also mentioned the ‘One in Three’ website, which shows academic research that finds one in three victims of domestic violence are men.

Article: Vested interests ‘have taken over domestic violence debate’: Leyonhjelm, Bettina Arndt, The Australian, 26/8/2016.

7. Bills in Victoria

As I write this, I haven’t heard there has been no news about whether the Legislative Council has considered either of the TWO Bills that we are concerned about.

One is a Bill to allow people to change the ‘Sex’ on their birth certificate, and also to allow them to use any ‘Gender description’ they choose. If passed, there would be NO requirement for sex reassignment surgery, or hormones or even counselling. The description could be changed every 12 months, and there would be no requirement for a married person to divorce before being allowed to legally change their sex on their birth certificate.

The second Bill is the one relating to the REMOVAL of exceptions for religious organisations and Christian schools that allow them to apply their Christian principles of faith and sexuality in employing people.

See our Latest email on contacting your FIVE Members in the Legislative Council, on these two issues, complete with contact details.

8. Senate passes CFA legislation

The Turnbull government has now passed the legislation, with the support of crossbenchers in the Senate, which restores some rights to volunteers in the Country Fire Authority in Victoria. This is about enabling volunteers to have some say, over a policy from the Andrews Labor government that put the unions and professional paid firefighters first.

“The changes will make it unlawful for enterprise agreements to “undermine” volunteers in favour of professional, unionised workers, as the United Firefighters Union was accused of doing in Victoria.”

Article: ‘A dark cloud has finally been lifted’: Country Fire Authority legislation passes Senate, The Age, SMH, 11/10/2016.

Overseas News

1. Abortion – being exposed to the facts beings revelation

Often when people really face the truth of an issue they can change their position.

This article by Ann McElhinney reveals how that change occurred for her.

Ann is a documentary film maker, along with Phelim McAleer – I have previously seen her film relating to global warming… so a film on abortion is not her regular sort of film.

Ann reveals how talking to people who had abortions and finding out what REALLY happens in an abortion shocked her and changed her view on the issue.

The film is about Kermit Gosnell, “who was convicted on three of the murder charges, 21 felony counts of illegal late-term abortion, and 211 counts of violating the 24-hour informed consent law, in May 2013.” (info on Ann and the film at Wikipedia.)

Article: Ann McElhinney – “Making a film about abortion in the US opened my eyes.”

From the email I received from the group:
“The article details some of the facts about abortion she has learned in making the Gosnell movie and writing the Gosnell book. The op/ed contains no opinion — just facts — horrific facts that many in the pro-choice lobby would rather not publicize. Please read and share and don’t forget to leave a comment in the Irish Times comment section.”

Ann spoke at the Pro-Life Campaign conference in Dublin on Saturday, Oct 8th. See details.

2. USA: Chief Justice Roy Moore suspended for actions on same-sex ‘marriage’

Over the years Chief Justice Roy Moore from Alabama has stood up for Christian principles. He previously refused to remove a Ten Commandments statue.

Now he has been suspended for the rest of his term, WITHOUT PAY, because of his position on same-sex ‘marriage’. . .

“A complaint was filed by the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission charging Moore with violating judicial ethics in issuing an order in January stating that probate judges in the state “have a ministerial duty not to issue” marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

“In a 50-page judgment Friday, two days after Moore appeared for a hearing in the case, Alabama’s Court of the Judiciary found him guilty of failing to comply with the law, uphold the integrity of the court and “perform the duties of his office impartially.”

Mat Staver, from Liberty Counsel, said, “To suspend Chief Justice Moore for the rest of his term is the same as removal. Staver said that because the commission lacked the votes to fully remove him, “the majority instead chose to ignore the law and the rules.”

In June, Roy Moore spoke at a public meeting about the case “Welcome to the new world. It’s just changed for you Christians. You are going to be persecuted…”

Now he has seen the result of that persecution.

Mat Staver from Liberty Counsel has written a piece THIS WEEK about the exile of Chief Justice Roy Moore. He gives some key details of the case and some quotes – and announces that Chief Justice Roy Moore will APPEAL against the decision, with the FULL support of Liberty Counsel. [Final article – please read!]

Article: Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore suspended for defiance over same-sex marriage, Washington Post, 30/9/2016.

Article: Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore says Christians will be ‘persecuted’ after same-sex marriage ruling, Altoday, 29/6/2016.

Article: Chief Justice Moore: Exiled, Liberty Counsel, 10/10/2016.


News Update – 7 Oct – PC Governments, Bills, gender ‘equity’ and plastic bags…

News Update – 7 Oct – PC Governments, Bills, gender ‘equity’ and plastic bags…

News ball Fotolia 31010118 320x200More news. More political correctness. More bad laws…

If our governments focused on goodness and righteousness, and on God’s laws instead of making up their own, what a different world we’d have!



News Update – 7 October

Australian News

1. Victorian government – focus on the ‘trivial’ issues (and social change) instead of CRIME
2. Vic: ACTION needed on Two Bills – ‘Gender’ & Birth Certificates / Removal of religious exceptions
3. Is it good to ‘discriminate’ regarding employment? 
4. Queensland: More PC – STUDY on ‘Quotas for women’ on government Boards 
5. Federal push for ‘gender equity’ for women on Boards 
6. Vic: Greens introduce Bill to ‘restrict’ sales of plastic bags 
7. Queensland: Abortion law proposal – LNP commit to oppose legalisation 
8. Kameel Majdali – On the EU, Brexit, Turley and Israel… Next Monday 10 October 
9. Plebiscites on other issues

Overseas News

1. Good news! The UN did NOT declare an ‘International Safe Abortion Day’

News Update – 7 October

Australian News

1. Victorian government – focus on the ‘trivial’ issues (and social change) instead of CRIME
Rather than focusing on the economy and other important matters, such as dealing with CRIME, the Victorian Labor government is putting forward various left-wing proposals. Columnist Rita Panahi has written about the left-wing policies of the Victorian Labor government, and their focus on the ‘trivial’ rather than on the important issues affecting our state.

Rita highlights the high crime rates that aren’t being addressed and mentions that the government’s focus is on matters like the ‘gender and birth certificates issue’. She writes, “The twisted priorities are best illustrated by the government’s celebration of legislation that leaves many utterly bewildered. Ministers have trumpeted the virtues of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill, which will allow Victorians to choose their sex on birth certificates without undertaking gender reassignment surgery or clinical treatment.”

ArticleDaniel Andrews government ignores big issues like crime, while focusing on the trivial, writes Rita Panahi, Herald Sun, 4/10/2016. [Google title if link goes to subscriber article.]

2. Vic: ACTION needed on Two Bills – ‘Gender’ & Birth Certificates / Removal of religious exceptions
We’ve already commented on the removal of religious exceptions regarding employment, and the ‘birth certificate’ Bill where anyone can change the ‘GENDER’ on their birth certificate with NO requirement for surgery, hormones or counselling. Those TWO Bills have been passed by the Legislative Assembly and goes to the Legislative Council NEXT WEEK.

If you live in Victoria, please see our email post from earlier this week and CONTACT the FIVE Members in the Legislative Council for your region – and POLITELY ASK them to vote AGAINST these Bills, on ‘gender identity and birth certificates’ and the ‘removal of religious exceptions regarding employment.

The two BILLS are:
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2016 
Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016

Click here and scroll down to title of BILL, then click to get full details, actual Bill and progress.

To write individual letters, click here, type in suburb/postcode, Search, then go to the PINK box where your FIVE Members will be listed.
See our email post from Tuesday for details on the BILLS and comments on where the political parties and Independents stand on these issues.

3. Is it good to ‘discriminate’ regarding employment? 
There used to be a time when a business or organisation could employ who they WANTED to employ! But with today’s discrimination law, employers could be subjected to a complaint – and have to justify their decision to a Tribunal – if an applicant feels aggrieved. The person might claim to be ‘better qualified’. But the employer should be able to consider many things – not just ‘qualifications’, but how the applicant will FIT in the organisation.

In the current situation in Victoria regarding discrimination and employment, political parties are exempt. The Greens don’t have to employ a climate change denier, and the Labor Party doesn’t have to employ a Liberal Party member. 
Rightly so! The same, of course, should apply to religious organisations – AND it should also apply to everyone. Why shouldn’t the employer to able to employ WHO they WANT to employ?

As Vickie Janson pointed out at the Briefing this week, it is really about FIT – which applicant is the best ‘fit’ for the position AND for the company. This has always been standard recruitment practice.

Andrew Bolt highlighted an interesting twist on this recently. The Adelaide Feast Festival, an LGBTIQA+ festival, recently sacked their Director, who was ‘straight’.

Andrew Bolt asked, “So can no gay or lesbian person represent straights? Do these champions of identity politics really want to go there?’ Adelaide’s Feast Festival co-­founder Helen Bock believes a straight person leading a queer festival is equivalent to a white person leading an indigenous ­organisation and supports the decision to suspend the festival’s general manager.

The lesbian artistic director was made redundant two years ago, and some on the Board felt the festival was ‘too heterosexual’! Not all the Board agree with the sacking – four resigned after the meeting!

Andrew concludes, “Why are taxpayers funding this exclusionary nonsense?

Article: Queer group sacks straight, Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, 11/9/2016.

4. Queensland: More PC – STUDY on ‘Quotas for women’ on government Boards 
The Queensland Labor government launched a report by Deloitte Access Economics this week – which purports to show that increasing the number of women on government Boards will have a financial benefit to the state of $87 million!

A lengthy statement was published by the government (link below).

The government has published a detailed outline of the program – click here.

The Queensland Labor government has been promoting this politically correct position for some time. In July 2015, Queensland’s Labor Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced that Cabinet had decided to MANDATE that 50 per cent of board positions on state-owned corporations will be held by women by 2020. She also urged private companies to follow suit.

The Premier had been personally promoting this position – in May 2015 she complained that only 31% of Queensland government Board appointments were women – and saying that there should be “equal gender representation”. She said, it is “important that women are equally represented at all levels of leadership, on boards and committees for government bodies”.

The government is moving ahead with their plans to implement this policy by 2020.

This Report by Deloitte is one of the strategies being used. 

What happened to MERIT?

Shouldn’t ‘merit’ be considered’ – as well as who will be the best ‘fit’ for the organisation?

Ironically, this affirmative action process seems to be in direct contradiction to the principle of the ‘best person’ or the ‘best qualifications’ for the job. Yet BOTH are based on discrimination law principles!

As for people being selected on a ‘quota’ basis, Ros Phillips, from FamilyVoice, writing in a Media Release, quotes Maggie Thatcher, former UK Prime Minister. Ros writes,

“Britain’s first woman Prime Minister would have been deeply concerned by yesterday’s media release announcing the Queensland government’s new policy of a 50% quota for women on all government boards by 2020. I would hate a person to ask me a question, ‘Are you a quota woman or are you a merit woman?’” she once told a journalist.  “I would like the assessment (of whatever I did) to be because I was the right person for the job.  It didn’t matter as a man or as a woman.  I had the right qualities for the job.  I had the right beliefs, the right principles.  I wasn’t a quota.”

DELOITTE REPORT: Research Summary – Toward Gender Parity: Women On Boards Initiative

Government statement: New initiative tackles Queensland’s gender inequality on boards, 5/10/2016.

Full program outline: Women on boards

Article: More women on Qld boards could deliver $87 million: Deloitte reportBrisbane Times, 5/10/2016.   

Article: Half of Queensland board positions to be women by 2020Australian Financial Review, 28/7/2015.

Article: Queensland Premier’s push for more women on boardsBrisbane Times, 22/5/2016.

FamilyVoice Australia, Media Release: Flaws in Queensland’s affirmative action plan, 6/10/2016.

5. Federal push for ‘gender equity’ for women on Boards 
It isn’t just Queensland that is pursuing this ‘gender equality’ issue on government Boards.

Last year, the Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee conducted a parliamentary inquiry into ‘gender representation’ on Australian Government Boards. A REPORT was published by the Committee on 10 November 2015.

The Inquiry followed the introduction of a BILL into the Senate, called the Australian Government Boards (Gender Balanced Representation) Bill 2015. The Bill was introduced by Senators Nick Xenophon and Jacquie Lambie. The Summary of the Bill says it “Requires Government boards to comprise of at least 40 per cent men and 40 per cent women; and provides for annual reporting requirements in relation to the gender composition of Government boards.”

The Bill lapsed when the election was held this year. But it may come back!

BILL page – click here.

Inquiry website – click here.

REPORT – click here.

6. Vic: Greens introduce Bill to ‘restrict’ sales of plastic bags 
Another indication of the direction of the GREENS, and their politically correct agenda, is the Bill they’ve introduced to the Victorian Legislative Council about restricting the supply and sale of PLASTIC BAGS.  An Inquiry is being held by the Victorian parliament.

The Greens have been talking about banning them for years. Now those plastic bags you get goods in are under threat. No-one stops to think that, if you don’t have plastic supermarket bags, you’ll have to buy plastic bags to line your rubbish bin! Or that they’re often re-used and recycled.

The official announcement said, “The Victorian Parliament’s Environment and Planning Committee is conducting an inquiry into the Environment Protection Amendment (Banning Plastic Bags, Packaging and Microbeads) Bill 2016.”

You can even have your say… submissions close on 21 October.
See overview and outline for submissions – click here.
[Bill on Bills webpage – More details on Committee’s website.]

BUT the parliament didn’t ask what we thought about birth certificate changes OR religious exceptions. The government is absolutely committed to them and are trying to push them through!

7. Queensland: Abortion law proposal – LNP commit to oppose legalisation 
The Coalition for the Defence of Human Life (WA) recently reported on developments relating to proposed Bills to legalise abortion in Queensland.

IN their latest newsletter, they wrote,

“Great news! The Liberal-National Party has pledged to not support any changes to abortion law in Queensland., sounding a certain death knell for the two Bills introduced by Rob Pyne in May and August respectively. 
“At the recent LNP State Convention, the motion was passed by a massive 95% to reaffirm the party’s policy that there should be no change to the Criminal Code regarding abortion.”

8. Kameel Majdali – On the EU, Brexit, Turley and Israel… Next Monday 10 October 
Kameel Majdali, who runs Teach All Nations, is giving another of his talks about current trends – in MELBOURNE, 10 October at 7.30 pm.

Kameel writes, 
“Recently, over a period of 1 month, I gave this message 25 times across Australia, from Sydney to Cairns, Brisbane to Perth. The tour was with Vision Radio – see details, and article.) 
Now, I offer it to my home-town, Melbourne. It is called ‘The Great End-Time Shaking: The EU BREXIT, Turkey, and Israel.’ Why these topics? Because you will be hearing about them for a long time to come. Our goal is to help you to understand what is happening and why, so that you can become ‘Future-Ready.’ Also, as always, I will end with a note of great hope from the Scriptures.
BONUS: Due to many inquiries, there will be a (brief) commentary on Donald Trump and the US elections coming next month.
Mark your calendars: Monday 10 October. Venue: Grow Church, Ringwood (cafe will be open after 6 for those who want dinner or refreshments). See you there.” 
Venue details – click //,145.2174354,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x6ad63966ed664523:0x2247ef8814ccd952!8m2!3d-37.8211413!4d145.2196241″ href=”,145.2174354,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x6ad63966ed664523:0x2247ef8814ccd952!8m2!3d-37.8211413!4d145.2196241″ target=”_blank”>here.

9. Plebiscites on other issues
What else will we have a plebiscite on?

Recently a climate action group, calling itself CLEXIT, called on the Australian government to hold a plebiscite to withdraw Australia from the Paris climate agreement.

Posted at Clexit website – click here.

Overseas News

1. Good news! The UN did NOT declare an ‘International Safe Abortion Day’
We recently reported that the pro-abortion lobby sought to make the 28th of September an “International Safe Abortion Day” at the United Nations – we encouraged you to sign a petition against the move that was organised by Citizen Go.

They report, “Almost 450 pro-abortion organizations wrote a letter in support of this request, to make the 28th of September an “International Safe Abortion Day” at the United Nations, to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, UN Women, UNDP, etc.”

Citizen Go report, “But the story didn’t end there! Nearly 170,000 people signed our petition and wrote to Secretary Ban Ki-moo, asking him to refuse the request. Several media outlets reported on our campaign, which was launched in English, French, Portuguese, Croatian, Hungarian, Russian, and Spanish.”

They write, “What did we argue?

– The only certainty in abortion is the killing of an innocent.

– You cannot declare an “international day” to celebrate the violation of a fundamental right: the right to life.

– If the UN declared this day, it would be an illegitimate ideological interference in the politics of UN member countries who wish to protect unborn life.

The UN refused the request. Citizen Go thank all those who signed the petition, and encourage us all to be vigilant, and add our voices to such campaigns.


News Update – 23 Sept – Religious freedom, Marriage, Book banning, unsafe schools

News Update – 23 Sept – Religious freedom, Marriage, Book banning, unsafe schools

News jigsaw Fotolia 59083953 320x200Every week seems to get worse! With meetings being closed down, a printing firm refusing to print a book, and the removal of the right to employ people in accord with our Christian beliefs, our freedom of speech and religious freedom are increasingly under threat!

Read the latest…



News Update – 22 September 2016

Australian News

1. Victoria – REMOVING ‘religious exceptions’ for employment
2. Marriage – Book banning, Plebiscite, parliament vote?
    2.1 BOOK BANNING – Printer REFUSES to print book
    2.2 Labor comments – Mark Dreyfus still opposing a plebiscite

2.3 What will happen if the plebiscite legislation ISN’T passed?
2.4 Homosexual activism in closing down meetings – ACL response
3. Tasmania: Anti-discrimination law changes
4. Safe Schools Coalition and OTHER similar programs
    4.1 NSW parliament debates the Safe Schools program

    4.2 NSW: Crossroads ‘Teacher Toolbox’ teaches gender fluidity
5. Pornography: Survey – boys say it there ‘in your face’

Overseas News

1. Proposed ‘International Safe Abortion Day’ at the United Nations
2. Canada has just approved prescription heroin

News Update – 22 September 2016

Australian News

1. Victoria – REMOVING ‘religious exceptions’ for employment
The Victorian Legislative Assembly has PASSED the Bill, proposed by Labor under Daniel Andrews’ leadership, to impose restrictions on religious groups so that they cannot freely employ people on the basis of their religious beliefs, or on moral grounds such as sexuality and gender identity. There would be an ‘inherent requirement test’ where religious groups and schools would have to PROVE that it was an ‘inherent requirement’ of the job to meet their stated religious or moral requirements.

The Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016 was passed by the Legislative Assembly on 15 September, 2016.

The Bill now goes to the Legislative Council. It was introduced on 15 September – and debate is usually expected two weeks from that date – meaning it could be NEXT week, possibly on Thursday 29 September.

To read the BILL and see the PROGRESS of the Bill, click here and scroll down to the TITLE of the Bill (currently at Number 31.)

ACTION: If you live in Victoria, PLEASE contact your FIVE Members in the Legislative Council.

ASK them to VOTE AGAINST this Bill in order to protect religious freedom.

To find your own 5 Members in the Legislative Council, click here, type in your suburb or postcode. Then click Search.
When the results are displayed click on the PINK box – that gives your FIVE Members.

2. Marriage – Book banning, Plebiscite, parliament vote?

2.1 BOOK BANNING – Printer REFUSES to print book

In the latest attack on free speech, a printing firm in Maryborough, Victoria, has REFUSED to print a book opposing the legalisation of homosexual ‘marriage. The book, ‘Stealing from a Child’, by Dr David van Gend, from the Australian Marriage Forum, is being published by Connor Court.

The printing firm is McPherson’s, which is now owned by Opus Group, headquartered in Sydney.

A national ‘launch’ tour for the book starts in Brisbane today.
Click here for details of the national tour.

David van Gend reveals that the printers have had the book for TWO WEEKS, and had agreed to print it, but only told the publisher the DAY BEFORE the book launch that they would not be printing it!
The printer wrote, “Due to the subject matter and content of your book, unfortunately I have been instructed by senior management not to proceed with printing this title.”

David van Gend said, “If they were trying to make it impossible for me to supply books for the national tour, they have failed, because the heavy early demand for books meant we had to run off a few thousand interim copies digitally at a different company and we will be able to supply demand for at least the next week, until we find a new offset-printer.”

AMF have issued a Media Release, with some insightful comments. David said, “I defy anyone to find a single word in my book that should not be printed. I can understand the gay lobby being worried about a book that so clearly exposes the harms of genderless ‘marriage’ and of the whole genderless package deal that comes with it, but they should not try to shut down our side of the debate by banning a book!”

David said, “I can only say to people, read the book and try to find anything that could justify this printing company acting as a branch of the Thought Police. Only today a Member of Parliament messaged me and said, “I couldn’t put the book down. It’s a clarion call to the complacent – a wonderfully kind but persuasive read.”

Apparently, homosexuals are planning to ‘infiltrate’ and protest at the book launch – see report here.
The organiser said it was a “peaceful vigil” but added that “far left” groups and “militant unions” would be in attendance!
This report includes a very good 9 minute speech by Dr David van Gend. Well worth watching.

Read the Australian Marriage Forum Media Release: Censored! OpusGroup refuses to print Dr van Gend’s book

Buy the book – click here.
Or you can purchase one at any of the launch events.

Andrew Bolt posted a blog about the book banning – click here.

He also did a statement on TV – click here for it on the AMF site.
David van Gend writes, “Don’t worry: the national book launch of STEALING FROM A CHILD: THE INJUSTICE OF ‘MARRIAGE EQUALITY’ will proceed and the books will be supplied by a company that wants to print books, not dictate what Australian adults can and can’t read or discuss!”

As one commenter on Andrew Bolt’s blog said, “What we are seeing is the tip of the iceberg in regards to what will happen if SSM is legalised ..They are already showing us their real colours.” Another said, “Based on this example, those who oppose SSM should have the right to refuse to have anything to do commercially with a SSM ceremony, like baking a cake, printing invitations, providing a venue. But don’t bet on it! One rule for them, another rule for us.”

2.2 Labor comments – Mark Dreyfus still opposing a plebiscite
With Labor leader Bill Shorten ‘hardening his rhetoric’ even more regarding his opposition to a plebiscite, it has been looking unlikely that Labor would support the ‘plebiscite enabling legislation’.

However, some reports were noting that, if Labor didn’t support a plebiscite, then there might not be an opportunity to get homosexual ‘marriage’ legalised in this term of government.

Today, Mark Dreyfus, the Labor Shadow Attorney-General, made some public statements on ABC’s AM program, prior to speaking to the Christian Faith and Freedom conference. On the program, he said he remains opposed to the proposed plebiscite, insisting “This is a matter that should be resolved by a vote in the Parliament.” He also stated that said that Labor remained opposed to any public funding for the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ campaigns.

Mark Dreyfus said that he is meeting with Attorney-General George Brandis on Monday to discuss the matter. The Labor caucus doesn’t meet until 10 October when parliament returns.

You will hear snippets of this interview on news reports.

Read the full TRANSCRIPT, or listen to the audio, and you’ll see where Labor REALLY stands on this matter.

ABC AM transcript: ‘We oppose public funding’ for marriage equality plebiscite campaigns: Mark Dreyfus, ABC AM, 23/9/2016.

2.3 What will happen if the plebiscite legislation ISN’T passed?
Andrew Bolt has warned that the Prime Minister has not been forthcoming in saying WHAT might happen if the plebiscite legislation is defeated. Last Friday, Mr Turnbull said on 3AW, after making compromises on superannuation changes, “We may have to negotiate on all of these matters.”

If that includes homosexual ‘marriage’, then what happens if the plebiscite legislation isn’t passed?
|If a plebiscite is not held, would we end up with a vote in parliament? Andrew Bolt thinks it could lead to that… first presenting the issue to the Cabinet and then to the party room as well, and then a potential vote of parliament.

Andrew also highlights the new politics we face, and writes about the closing down of the meeting organised by Christian groups this week.

Prior to the election, we wrote that, if the ‘plebiscite enabling legislation’ is defeated, then a likely scenario might be a ‘cross-party’ Bill, like we saw with RU 486…

Article: Vote on marriage equality reveals the haters of the Left, Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, 19/9/2016.
If link doesn’t open, Google “Vote reveals the haters of the Left” or try here.

2.4 Homosexual activism in closing down meetings – ACL response
This week we’ve seen the moving of a meeting from a hotel following abusive activism by homosexuals. A meeting of more than 100 groups who were discussing a campaign relating to the legalisation of homosexual ‘marriage’ in a plebiscite was MOVED to a ‘secret venue’.

Abusive phone calls, and an attack on the Mercure Hotel’s Facebook page, giving them ‘1 star ratings’ led to the event being MOVED from the venue.

Lyle Shelton, of Australian Christian Lobby, wrote about the situation; of having to meet in secret. He also criticised the failure of homosexual organisations, that are promoting homosexual ‘marriage’, to condemn the threats made by LGBTIQA+ activists.

Article: SSM leaders’ failure to condemn violence endangers everyone’s safety, ACL, 20/9/2016.

3. Tasmania: Anti-discrimination law changes
The Liberal government has proposed some CHANGES to the state’s anti-discrimination law. Although they are aimed at improving the freedom of speech and religion, they don’t go FAR ENOUGH!

The proposed “amendment, tabled in the House of Assembly this week, would provide a “religious purpose” exception to section 17(1), which outlaws conduct that offends, humiliates, intimidates, insults or ridicules another on the basis of attributes including race, age, gender, gender identity and sexual orientation.”

But the actual ‘offends’ and ‘insults’ would REMAIN. One would have to PROVE in a Tribunal that the exception applies!
This is the law that a transgender activist used to take a complaint against Catholic Archbishop Julian Porteous.

And even if religious people or comments were protected, NON-religious comments would have no protection and would still be subject to complaints!

Liberal Premier Will Hodgman defended his Bill against criticism by the Labor Opposition leader and the Greens.

If you live in Tasmania, please encourage your MPs in both Houses to vote against the Bill.
Click here for Tasmanian MP contacts.

Media article: Lobby groups critical of proposed changes to anti-discrimination laws, Mercury, 22/9/2016.

FamilyVoice Australia Media Release:  Innocuous comments still risky in Tasmania, 22/9/2016.

4. Safe Schools Coalition and OTHER similar programs

4.1 NSW parliament debates the Safe Schools program
Following the tabling of a petition organised by the Chinese community, with more than 17,000 signatures, the NSW Parliament was set to debate the issue on Thursday afternoon (ACL Media Release).

The petition was presented by Liberal MP Damien Tudehope.

Read the ABC‘s report on the debate in parliament – click here.

4.2 NSW: Crossroads ‘Teacher Toolbox’ teaches gender fluidity

We’ve previously reported that state Education Departments are ALREADY teaching some of the concepts found tin the notorious un-Safe Schools Coalition program.

In New South Wales, the Education Department has the ‘Crossroads’ program. Two of the so-called ‘resources’ are entitled “Teacher Toolbox for delivering content relating to diversity of s*x, s*xuality and gender” and “Do opposites really attract?”

The New South Wales Teachers Federation’s LGBTIQ Newsletter promoted the release of the first resource in August 2016.

Columnist Miranda Devine criticised the program, highlighting some of the elements of the program. Miranda writes, “After Piccoli repeatedly denied that Cheltenham Girls High teachers had been asked to use gender-neutral language as part of their Safe Schools preparation, we find the Department of Education has launched an official 17-page teaching resource that says exactly that. The “Teacher toolbox for delivering content relating to diversity of s*x, s*xuality and gender” says, on page five: “Use simple strategies within classroom teaching and learning activities, such as: de-gender language.”

Miranda pointed out that, “It’s actually one of the most benign aspects of the newly ­sexualised curriculum in which both gender and sexuality are ­absurdly taught to be as changeable as the weather. Another resource that forms part of the department’s 2015 “Crossroads” sex education program, titled “Do opposites really attract” says that: “It is important for students to move beyond ­binary thinking or thinking in terms of opposites. “They need to understand that gender is not fixed.”

This is getting quite ridiculous.

The Australian Family Association released information on this earlier this week. They urge parents (and concerned citizens) to contact their state MPs about the (un) Safe Schools Coalition program.

If people live in NSW they are encouraged to also complain about these resources in the Crossroads program. Even if you don’t live in NSW you can email NSW MPs and Mr Piccoli about your concerns.

Click here for the AFA page that enables you to QUICKLY email MPs!

In her insightful article, Miranda noted that NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli sends his OWN children to a school where they WON’T be exposed to the program!

Article: Truth is a fluid concept for Adrian Piccoli, Miranda Devine, Daily Telegraph, 21/9/2016.

5. Pornography: Survey – boys say it there ‘in your face’
A recent survey which asked teenage boys about pornography found that many teenage boys said that it is ‘always there’, and that most of them had seen it. A play is being produced to highlight the issue.

With the prevalence of smartphones with ‘data’, there is constant access to the internet. The problem of access to pornography by children and teenagers was highlighted by the ‘Porn Harms Kids’ Symposium earlier this year. The Symposium has called for a filter on the internet to reduce the problem of access to pornography. A Senate Inquiry was held, but was not completed due to the election being held (see here).
The Australian Institute of Family Studies published a Report in May 2016, highlighting the problem of accessing pornography and the harms done:

Children and young people’s exposure to pornography

Liz Walker’s BOOK and WEBSITE ‘Not for Kids’ provides helpful resources in dealing with the problem of online pornography – click here.

Article: ‘Porn is always just there in your face’: Teen boys tell all in survey on pornography, ABC, 26/8/2016.

Overseas News

1. Proposed ‘International Safe Abortion Day’ at the United Nations
A coalition of pro-abortion groups recently sent the Secretary-General of the United Nations a letter, requesting the establishment of an “International Safe Abortion Day” at the United Nations.

Citizen Go has launched a petition, to ask the United Nations to NOT have such a ‘day’!

Please sign the petition – click here.

2. Canada has just approved prescription heroin
“The Canadian government has quietly approved new drug regulations that will permit doctors to prescribe pharmaceutical-grade heroin to treat severe addicts who have not responded to more conventional approaches.”

This is a big expansion of the current situation, where ONE “clinic has a ‘heroin-maintenance program, in which addicts come in as many as three times a day and receive prescribed injections of legally obtained heroin from a nurse free.”

Article: Canada has just approved prescription heroin, Washington Post, 13/9/2016.


Renee’s Lebanese Kitchen: Baked Kibbeh or Kibbeh in a Tray

Kibbeh is Lebanon’s national dish: a combination of lean mince meat, cracked wheat, and spices. Traditionally you could hear the sound of the the Lebanese village cook pulverising the meat in a mortar and pestle all day long. Today, the meat grinder or food processor does a pretty good job.

Served with a tossed salad or, better still, tabouli, kibbeh is a real treat – piping hot or cold out of the fridge. It can be served as a ‘football’ but this recipe is kibbeh baked in a tray.
Kibbeh Base
1 1/4 cup fine cracked wheat (also known as burghul – for the gluten intolerant, use corn couscous)
350 grams very lean lamb, finely ground
3 Tablespoons diced onions
2 Tablespoons chopped mint leaves
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoons pepper
1/2 teaspoons allspice
Wash cracked wheat and set aside for 45 minutes to drain thoroughly.
The lamb meat must be finely ground until its pulverised. Either do so in your own machine or obtain from a Middle East butcher (in a pinch, you can use extra lean lamb or beef from the supermarket). Add the mint and onions to the mince. Place in the mixing bowl.
In the sink, knead the kibbeh in the bowl. Add part of the softened, fully-drained cracked wheat and knead into the kibbeh. Keep your hands moist while you continue to add the wheat. Add the salt, pepper, and allspice. Knead the two ingredients until they are thoroughly mixed together.
Refrigerate if not using immediately.
Kibbeh Filling
350 grams minced lamb or beef.
1 large onion chopped finely
1 Tablespoon butter
1/3 cup pine nuts
1/2 teaspoon sumac (if available – a purple spice found in Middle Eastern stores and some supermarkets)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon allspice
(Renee likes to add a teaspoon of chilli powder for an extra kick but this is totally optional)
Brown the lamb in a frying pan without any oil. Break up clumps of meat with the wooden spoon. Add the onion, sumac, salt, pepper, and allspice to the browned mixture.
While the meat is cooking, melt the butter in a small saucepan. Add pine nuts and cook until lightly tanned. Be careful not to let this butter mixture or pine nuts burn. Add to the mince mixture.
Turn on low and cook for about 15 minutes. Stir occasionally and do not let it burn. Once cooked, place into a bowl to cool.
Preheat the oven to 200 C.
Your baked kibbeh will resemble a pie, with crust and filling, except it will be in a cake pan or tray, not a pie tin.
Divide the kibbeh base into two. Grease the baking tray (a round or square cake pan will do) with olive oil. Take half of the kibbeh base and spread on the bottom and sides of the tray (like a pie crust). Place kibbeh filling inside the tray. Use the other half of the kibbeh base to cover the filling. One suggestion is to turn the remaining kibbeh into patties, spread on the top of the filling, and use your moist fingers to smooth over the gaps until it is one solid crust.
Take a sharp knife and cut the kibbeh diagonally into diamond shapes as well as the sides of the pan. Pour about 4 tablespoons of olive oil or melted butter on top of the kibbeh. Cover with foil and bake for 40-45 minutes. In the last 10 minutes, remove the foil. Make sure the kibbeh does not dry out.
Serve with buttery rice, yogurt, salad (tabouli).
NOTE: If you don’t want to go through effort of baked kibbeh then take the kibbeh base, form into patties, and fry like a hamburger. However, the baked version is sensational and worth the effort.

On the Edge Part 03: How Democracy Is Undermined in the West

We live in a time of populist revolts which, among other things, are the result (or cause) of political instability. There have been ‘shock election results’ in 2015, the unexpected vote for BREXIT in Britain, the rise of Donald Trump in the US and of right-wing parties in Europe.
It is our conviction that the erosion of democracy in the western world is part of the reason for these political shakings. In the previous article, we look at the ingredients of a truly democratic society (which includes but goes much further than elections). Again, they are
1.      Regular elections, free and fair;
2.      Rule of Law;
3.      Universally recognised human rights;
4.      Independent, constitutionally-based judiciary;
5.      Free and responsible press;
6.      Separation of powers;
7.      Balance of power;
8.      Separation yet equal respect of church and state;
9.      Basic moral foundations.
Yet, these important pillars are being attacked across the world. This is especially true of ‘free speech,’ which is being assaulted by political correctness and hate-speech laws. When free speech goes, democracy goes with it.
Here are some examples of the erosion of democracy:
Remember the Russian Revolution of February 1917? It was a genuine revolution with democratic aspirations. However, the revolution was hijacked in October 1917 by the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin. He allowed a planned referendum to go ahead a few days later. To his shock horror, the referendum result was exactly the opposite of what he wanted. Lenin was not about to allow the Russian electorate to subvert his plans for a communist paradise. So he cancelled the results and thus began the Marxist totalitarian regime we came to know as the Soviet Union.
Though the European Union (EU) espouses democracy and makes it a requirement for membership, remember that EU laws – which are binding on all member nations – are not made by an elected parliament. They are crafted by the 28 member unelected European Commission. The EU Parliament either amends, edits, or rejects the laws. When EU member states have EU-related referendums which fail – no worries – they get them to vote again or repackage the legislation to help it pass. Combine this with heavy EU regulations and a vast bureaucracy, you have the choking, not flourishing, of democracy.
Even the birthplace of modern democracy, the United States, has been witnessing the deterioration of democracy right under its nose. Modern presidents, probably since the 1930s, have been using a procedure called ‘Executive Order,’ where they ‘order’ a course of action without the approval of Congress. These orders are not mandated or allowed in the US Constitution.
The modern US Supreme Court has been notorious for going beyond its mandate to interpret law in light of the American Constitution. Instead, progressivist judges have become de facto legislators. They did it in 1973 with the Roe versus Wade ruling, which made abortion legal in all 50 US states. While pro-abortion (euphemistically called ‘pro-choice’) advocates say Roe versus Wade gave women a ‘constitutional right’ to an abortion, how can this be when nothing – absolutely nothing – in the US Constitution even hints at abortion rights? America was trying to resolve the abortion issue, democratically, state-by-state. Yet, the Supreme Court came and short-circuited the whole process. Thirty-one states were immediately left without abortion laws. Far from resolving the issue, Roe v. Wade became one of the great battle cries of the continuing ‘cultural civil war’ and the most contentious social issue since the abolition of slavery.
Again in 2015, with Obergefell vs. Hodges, the US Supreme Court ruled that all 50 states must allow same-sex marriage. The American states were trying to work out the issue democratically, and the court came in and overruled them. As US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts said of this court decision, ‘The Constitution had nothing to do with it.’ Democracy was overruled yet again.
Whenever an issue is fundamental to society, the most democratic thing to do is have a civil, informed debate and then let the electorate decide. That especially true with the definition of marriage, a bedrock of society. In September 2016, the Australian federal government proposed a marriage plebiscite for 2017 to let the people decide on whether to marriage should be defined as an exclusive union between a ‘man and woman,’ or between ‘two persons.’ The leftist political parties are against it! To say that the Australian electorate is incapable of making an intelligent and fair-minded decision on this vital is an anti-democratic attitude. You may want to read Dennis Prager’s article Why the Left Hates Referendums (
When the press or courts or parliament or executive branch or the military or some or all of the above go beyond their constitutional mandate, then democracy is undermined. When that happens, political stability begins to suffer, too.

If we can return to true democracy, Biblical morality, a commitment to absolute truth, and a spiritual revival, stability is assured. After all, we will learn what Jesus means when He says those who obey His word are wise people who build their lives on the rock, not the sinking sand (Matthew 7:24-27). 

There Was No King in Israel: Why Study the Book of Judges?

It was the best of times and the worst of times. The children of Israel, liberated from Egyptian bondage and dwelling in the land of promise, should have been enjoying the blessings of God, living under their own vines and fig trees. Instead, they faced cycles of backsliding, carnality, followed by repressive foreign occupation.
When they woke up to their sin, Israel called out to God, who sent them a human deliverer called a ‘judge.’ Once the judge delivered the nation from their oppressors, Israel remained faithful to the LORD as long as the judge lived. Once he or she passed away, then they returned to their old worldly ways.
This pattern, which occurred with nauseating regularity, is the story of the Book of Judges. This book covers a period of over 350 years from the time of Joshua the conqueror until the coming of Samuel, the final judge (who is first mentioned in I Samuel, not Judges).
There are some great stories of deliverance in it, like that of Deborah and Barak, Gideon, Samson, and Jephthah. Some of these judges are so noteworthy that they merit a mention in the ‘hall of faith’ in Hebrews Chapter 11. Yet there are some real scandals, like the Danites stealing Micah’s idols and priest and setting up the northern city of Dan on a foundation of idolatry. Years later, Jeroboam’s golden calf was installed here, the altar platform is still present until today. Even worse was the brutal rape and murder of the Levite’s concubine which led to civil war and the near annihilation of the tribe of Benjamin.
Great insights and lessons await you as you study the Book of Judges.
Hebrew Name
It is easy to confuse the heroes of this book with men and women, wearing long black robes and white whigs while pounding a gavel in a courtroom. The Hebrew name for judges is shophetim which translated means rulers, saviours, and deliverers. The judge can settle disputes, win battles, liberate and deliver people. After their military victory, they settle down to to civilian leadership, where they rule and judge.
Anonymous, though tradition nominates Samuel as the author.
Probably after Saul became king. The reason is that the Book of Judges uses the phrase ‘There was no king in Israel,’ implying that Israel had a king at the time of writing.
Cycles of reprobation and revival. The pattern was one of:
The Descent
Service (of God),
Servitude (to foreign occupiers) – this is where they hit rock bottom
The Ascent
Seeking God,
Sanctification, and
This pattern is what happened again and again and again.
Portrait of Christ in Judges
In Judges we learn about Christ as Saviour-Ruler. As long as the judge lived, Israel served the LORD. Since Christ rose from the dead and lives forevermore, His people will remain eternally faithful to God.
Like the rest of the Bible, Judges does not do a whitewash of the main characters. It tells their story just as it was, warts and all: Gideon made an ephod in Oprah, Samson had ‘women problems,’ and Jephthah uttered a rash vow. Yet all of this helps to highlight to glory of Christ, who never sinned and is able to save us to the uttermost (Hebrews 7:25).
Judges serves as a reminder, if one was needed, how humanity stands in desperate need for a Saviour.
Key Verses in Judges
Judges 2:20-21:And the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel; and he said, Because that this people hath transgressed my covenant which I commanded their fathers, and have not hearkened unto my voice; 21 I also will not henceforth drive out any from before them of the nations which Joshua left when he died:
Judges 21:25:In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.
Judges is a real object lesson of ‘comparison and contrast.’ We see good and evil, light and darkness, faithfulness and debauchery, living side-by-side. While this may seem like deep dark ancient history, it helps illustrate the ‘last days,’ which Scripture teaches is a time of ‘contrasts,’ just like Judges.
   Contrast: God’s faithfulness to Israel’s backsliding.
   Contrast: A penitent Israel to a hedonistic Israel.
   Contrast: The faith of the judges to the faithlessness of the people.
   Contrast: The perfection of Christ to the flaws of the judges.
Outline of Judges
1.       Failure of Israel to Conquer all the Land (1:1-3:34): Failure of Judah, Benjamin, Joseph, Zebulon, Asher, Naphtali, Dan. Angel makes announcement.
2.       Southern Campaign: Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar (3:5-31)
3.       Northern Campaign: Deborah/Barak (4:1-5:31)
4.       Central Campaign: Gideon, Abimelech, Tola, Jair (6:1-10:5)
5.       Eastern Campaign: Jephthah (10:6-12:7)
6.       Second Northern Campaign: (12:8-15)
7.       Western Campaign: Samson (13-16)
8.       Israel’s Idolatry (17:1-18:31)
9.       Israel’s Immorality (19:1-30)
10.   Israel’s Civil War (20:1-21:25)


Finding Legitimacy in an Immoral World
Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.’ –Hebrews 13:4
DE FACTO: Existence without legal or ecclesiastical recognition or sanction.
DE JURE: Existence by right according to law.
Last month we looked at the ever-rising phenomena of de facto relationships, also known as cohabitation. We will explore this topic some more.
Are There Any Benefits to Cohabitation?[i]
Just because something is commonplace and permitted by society does not make it healthy and right. After all, cigarette smoking is legal but it can cost your thousands of dollars a year and have a detrimental effect on your health. Gambling also is legal and look at the trail of trouble and sorrow it leaves.
Some claim that a de facto relationship helps prepare a couple for marriage and prevents divorce. Does it? Research suggests otherwise: couples that live in a de facto relationship before marriage are more likely to divorce than couples that wait until marriage. One statistic said that of couples who were married twenty years or more, 56% of those who lived as a de facto couple before marriage ended up in divorce, while 29% of those who never cohabited before marriage ended up in divorce. According to the Jubilee Report on cohabitation: ‘The idea that first cohabitations that lead to marriage do not result in an increased rate of divorce is not reflected by this data set: prior cohabitation with a spouse is associated with 60 per cent higher risk of divorce (emphasis mine).
Another study concluded that 75% of married couples were still together when their child turned 16; only 7% of de facto couples can make the same claim. That’s a ten-fold increased for the married couples. In Britain, the direct annual cost of family breakdown is GBP 41.7 billion. The Daily Mail Online, ‘Married Parents Ten Times More Likely to Stay Together,’ Sarah Harris (February 2010).[ii]
Why Are Those Who Live Together
Before Marriage More Likely to Divorce?
Why is this the case? Why do couples who live in a de facto relationship have a greater chance of divorce? It is like the analogy of a building during an earthquake. If the building has deep, strong foundations, then it will withstand the tremors. However, if the building has weak foundations, the first shake will bring it down. Life-long relationships have good foundations: Godly commitment, mutual love and respect, morality and strength. These things will help the relationship weather any storm. Unfortunately, the de facto relationship does not have these things and so even when one eventually marries, due to the poor moral and commitment foundations, it will be vulnerable to collapse, even with the slightest of shaking.
Others say that single parents enter into a de facto partnership so that the children can have a father figure in the home. While it is indeed possible for non-biological fathers to show love and kindness to (step) children, there is an alarming trend of the adverse effects de facto relationships have on youngsters.
In his article, “De Facto Danger” (Melbourne Herald Sun, April 6, 1998, page 19), Paul Gray says “Our ongoing willingness to pretend that de facto fathering is just as good as traditional fathering (the biological father living in a stable relationship with the mother) is having horrific consequences.”  Gray quotes former human rights commissioner Brian Burdekin as saying de facto living arrangements have increased the child sex abuse rate by 600 per cent. A NSW Child Protection Council reports says suspected killers in de facto relationships was 6 1/2 times higher than in the population at large. The sad and sensational cases of Jesse Winning (14 months) and Daniel Valerio (age 2), who were murdered by their mother’s de facto partners, only highlights this alarming trend. ‘Traditional fathering, within the stable, two-parent family, is clearly the best way to protect and raise children. For that, the evidence is overwhelming,’ remarks Gray.
If the person is uncommitted to their de facto partner, why would they be caring and committed to the children of that partner?
Above all, there is a far more serious implication about de facto relationships that have a long-term effect. Any sexual activity within these relationships clearly falls into the category of fornication and/or adultery. Apart from the temporal disadvantages of these acts, like venereal disease and unwanted pregnancies, are the eternal consequences. On this matter, God’s Word is very clear. Hebrews 13:4 affirms this. Read also Ephesians 5:3-5; I Timothy 1:9-10; Revelation 21:8; 22:15. The implications couldn’t be plainer
Study after study confirms the following conclusions:
1.   De facto or cohabitation relations lead to a markedly increased risk of divorce compared to those who have never married.
2.   De facto increases the risk of domestic violence against women and men, and also violence against children;
3.   Lower levels of happiness and satisfaction;
4.   De facto relations have serious spiritual consequences.
Having observed the world for all these years, it is impossible to ascribe any benefits whatsoever to cohabitation. Consider the bedrock motivation behind many de facto relationships: a lack of making a genuine, long-term commitment; fear of failure; wanting to reap the benefits and pleasures without taking the responsibilities and commitment those benefits require; exhibiting and enhancing weak character. Of course, these attitudes of de facto-ism are not just in relationships; they can also occur in business, politics, the church, and more.
To be continued


       Over half of all first marriages are proceeded by cohabitation (University of Wisconsin document)
       Cohabitation doesn’t reduce the likelihood of divorce–in fact it leads to a higher divorce risk. One study showed 46% higher risk (1992 Journal of Marriage and Family).
       No positive contribution of cohabitation to marriage has ever been found, not even sexual compatibility, as usually suggest (1993 Journal of Marriage and Family)
       Cohabitants tend not be as committed as married couples, or prepared to work on their differences (1995 Journal of Family issues)
       Particularly problematic is the area of serial cohabitation. It generates a greater willingness to dissolve later relationships. (1993 Journal of Family Issues)
       About 60% of cohabitation ends in marriage (1989 National Study of Cohabitation
       In general, cohabiting relationships tend to be less satisfactory than marriage relationship-s, with cohabiting couples reporting lower levels of happiness, sexual exclusivity and sexual satisfaction, as well as poorer relationships with parents (Bumpass, Sweet & Cherlin’s 1991 study)
       After five years, only 10% of cohabiting couples are together. They do not tend to permanency (Bumpass & Sweet’s 1989 study)
       Married couples have substantial benefits over the unmarried in terms of labour force productivity, physical and mental health, general happiness and longevity (1994 American Journal of Sociology)
       Annual rates of depression among cohabiting couples is more than three times the married rate. (1990 Psychiatric Disorders in America)
       Physical and sexual abuse of a spouse is much higher. One study showed evidence of being twice as high (1991 Journal of marriage and family)
       Abuse is 20 times higher for children with cohabiting, but biological parents, but 33 times greater if the parent was cohabiting with a non-parenting male partner (1993 Family Education trust: London).
       The 1996 poverty rate was 6% with married parents, but 31 % with cohabiting parents (1996 Journal of Marriage and the Family).
–taken from Leadership NOW! January 2000, page 12.

FROM DEFEAT TO VICTORY: A Lesson from Joshua Part 01

Life has a nasty habit of not going according to the script. The journey is often longer, harder, and more unpredictable than expected. Victory and defeat, success and failure, joy and tears, are often next door neighbours, happening in quick succession. However, when you follow Biblical principles, ultimate blessing, success, and victory will be yours.
Let’s take the example from the life of Joshua. As appointed, anointed and directed by God, he led the children of Israel into the promised land – the inheritance promised to their forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. However, the journey from promise to fulfilment went in directions hard to imagine.
1.     Left turn: Jacob/Israel, due to the famine in Joseph’s day, ended up leaving the promised land altogether;
2.     Sojourn: Israel ends up living in Egypt.
3.     Length: The Egyptian sojourn lasted 400 years.
4.     Return: The journey back to the promised land was long and indirect, with twists and turns throughout the wilderness. Due to five sins, the journey took Israel 40 years (I Corinthians 10:5-13).
5.     Fulfilment: Now that Israel left Egypt, made it through the wilderness, and stood at the gate of the promised land, their inheritance would not be handed on a silver platter. They would have to fight for it. There are numerous promises in Scripture and all of them are ‘Yes’ and ‘Amen’ in Christ (II Corinthians 1:20). Yet, we too, will have to ‘fight the good fight of faith’ in order to lay hold of them (I Timothy 6:12).
Victory and Defeat
The first fight was the conquest of Jericho (Joshua 6). Though an impregnable fortress, Jericho’s wall crumbled with ease before the victorious Israelites. Flush with victory, Joshua found out that their next destination, Ai, would be a ‘cake walk.’ No need to send the entire army – just 3,000 men.
This ‘piece of cake’ turned out to be a death trap. The people of Ai came out of their town as tigers and 36 Israelites were smitten.
What went wrong? Why was there this ‘speed bump’ that knocked the entire enterprise off-track? After rising up early in the morning and seeking God, Joshua got a very direct answer from God to explain their defeat. It was not because of the strength of their enemies. The cause came from within: Israel sinned.
The sin was the in several parts (Joshua 7:11):
1.     They transgressed God’s covenant – the binding agreement that attracts great blessing when obeyed and terrible curses when broken;
2.     They took the accursed thing;
3.     They stole it;
4.     Dissembled it;
5.     They put it among their own stuff.
This was no misdemeanour. Failure to obey meant that Israel was rendered powerless before a minor enemy. Furthermore, God said He would no longer be with them until they rooted out the accursed thing.
As is often the case, our greatest challenges come from the enemy within, including our own evil hearts, more than from external foes. One’s ability to be cleansed from the evil attracts God’s presence, which virtually assures victory.
In short, defeat came to Israel because it touched the accursed thing. Only by remedying the situation could victory come.
Next month, we will learn the nature of the accursed thing and have to pass from curse to blessing.