Category Archives: Articles
Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained
Cursed World (Genesis)
Eternal State (Revelation)
Cursed ground (3:17)
No more curse (22:3)
Daily Sorrow (3:17)
No more sorrow (21:4)
Thorns and thistles (3:18)
No more pain (21:4)
Sweat on the face (3:19)
Tears wiped away (21:4)
Eating herbs of the field (3:18)
Twelve manner of fruits (22:2)
Returning to the dust (3:19)
No more death (21:4)
Evil continually (6:5)
Nothing that defiles (21:27)
Coats of skins (3:21)
Fine linen, white & clean (19:14)
Satan opposing (3:15)
Satan banished (20:10)
Kept from the Tree of Life (3:24)
Access to the Tree of Life (22:14)
Banished from the Garden (3:23)
Free entry to the city (22:14)
Redeemer promised (3:15)
Redemption accomplished (5:9,10)
Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained
Cursed World (Genesis)
Eternal State (Revelation)
Cursed ground (3:17)
No more curse (22:3)
Daily Sorrow (3:17)
No more sorrow (21:4)
Thorns and thistles (3:18)
No more pain (21:4)
Sweat on the face (3:19)
Tears wiped away (21:4)
Eating herbs of the field (3:18)
Twelve manner of fruits (22:2)
Returning to the dust (3:19)
No more death (21:4)
Evil continually (6:5)
Nothing that defiles (21:27)
Coats of skins (3:21)
Fine linen, white & clean (19:14)
Satan opposing (3:15)
Satan banished (20:10)
Kept from the Tree of Life (3:24)
Access to the Tree of Life (22:14)
Banished from the Garden (3:23)
Free entry to the city (22:14)
Redeemer promised (3:15)
Redemption accomplished (5:9,10)
Money Matters Part 2
Money Matters Part 2
SYRIA: Could the Civil War Become a World War?
is bogged down with Kurdish sectarianism, and Obama wants to minimise, not accelerate, military involvement in the region. Are they willing to take the gamble of invading Syria, thus provoking Russia and Iran? It seems far-fetched, until you heard the quotes and see the actions.
SYRIA: Could the Civil War Become a World War?
is bogged down with Kurdish sectarianism, and Obama wants to minimise, not accelerate, military involvement in the region. Are they willing to take the gamble of invading Syria, thus provoking Russia and Iran? It seems far-fetched, until you heard the quotes and see the actions.
Hello fellows and seekers!
Welcome to Church in Melbourne. We are here to help you connect with Jesus Christ who is the reason we exist. Before He left this world he said “he will build his church” and we are that assembly of believers that continues in this city of Melbourne. And we have this assurance that even where two or three gather in Jesus name he is right there in the midst of us.
So you are very welcome to be part of the Church in Melbourne and we will help you connect with others through this site.
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