The battle to confront slavery in the modern world
Category Archives: Events
The righteous judge
David Robertson finishes his intriguing series on ‘Roman(s) Law’ this week by considering ‘The Righteous Judge’.
What can you hope in?
Hope is essential for persevering through the bleak times of life. But when the future is uncertain, can you really have hope?
Where is God when life is so messed up? The story of Ruth
A bible study walking you through the book of Ruth
One Hundred Coffees
How to build your exposure
Ep 170: Why advocate for asylum seekers?
The inspiring story of (Saint) Judy Wood – now a motion picture
Steve Lawrence shares his story on and off the footy field
Great insights into leadership, weakness and relationships.
What would Jesus say to the afraid?
What would he say to the fearful?
Do we need God in outer space?
The necessity of God in an expanding universe