In June 2016, Al Stewart answered four difficult questions with four confronting answers. Listen to what Jesus says about prayer.
Category Archives: Events
The “Don’s” granddaughter…. and Blokes making their families better!
“Grandfather was such a modest and humble man”
Plus – how blokes can be real blokes to make their families better!
Logos Live 44: Religion and politics: a toxic mix?
Should we get religion out of politics? Hear from an aspiring Christian politician and media commentator.
Huldrych Zwingli
A dynamic and provocative priest and intellectual from Zurich, Zwingli led his own unique branch of the Reformation. It all started off with a controversy about sausages …
Helping out in a city rocked by tragedy
Is there hope for the future?
In June 2016, Al Stewart answered four difficult questions with four confronting answers. Listen to what Jesus says about hope.
Parenting expert Sharon Witt on the events in Orlando
A story of bravery and how a magpie changed a families life…..
“Like I’d spoken to some people and they said “you should not do this”, and I said “I don’t care, it has to be done!””
Plus how a magpie changed one families life. – Cameron Bloom
Logos Live 43: The X Files returns: is the truth still out there?
Are we alone in the universe? Would the existence of intelligent alien life challenge the Christian message?