One man’s stand in the face of tyranny
Category Archives: Events
Where are you in your work and personal journey?
Becoming the person you are designed to be
Ep 194: Is God real? | What about suffering? | Hasn’t science disproved God?
Confronting three of life’s biggest questions
Ep 193: How do we build a better world after Covid?
Reflecting on the need for a new social contract
Is the resurrection just wish fulfilment?
Is the resurrection and hope of eternal life too good to be true?
Paradise Lost: A Fool’s Paradise?
A Reflection on Australia’s Trajectory
The crux of Easter – relief from guilt and shame
John Dickson explains how it’s possible
Easter Reboot?
How Easter can give you the reboot you’re looking for
Ep 192: Is Jesus’ resurrection history’s greatest hoax?
Was that first Easter fake news?
In this series we look at how real Christianity is revolutionary – but in a way that is really surprising, deep and lasting.