News Update – 15 Sept – Marriage Week, Adoption, Plebiscite, Pauline Hanson, Gambling
It’s always amazing how much happens in ONE week!
Happy reading đŸ™‚
News Update – 16 September 2016
Australian News
1. Marriage Week – 11-17 September – Celebrate marriage!
2. Victoria – REVIEW of Adoption Act by Law Reform Commission
3. Homosexual ‘marriage’ – Plebiscite legislation, Q&A, Melbourne FORUM
3.1 Malcolm Turnbull introduces ‘plebiscite enabling legislation’
3.2 Bill Shorten strengthens his opposition to plebiscite
3.3 Homosexual groups unite in condemning plebiscite question
3.4 Q&A – Nationals Senator questioned on Q&A – by homosexual brother
3.5 Melbourne FORUM: ‘Why is it Important to Preserve the Marriage Act?’
4. Pauline Hanson – Maiden speech, Islam, Muslim immigration … and criticism
5. Victoria: Tribunal rules that two women can’t BOTH be listed as ‘Mother’ on birth certificate
6. Australian losses on gambling – $23 BILLION – HALF on pokies!
7. Victoria: Government plans to ban fracking and coal seam gas
8. NSW: LGBTIQ ‘teaching resource’ taken out of classrooms
9. NSW: Man carries out ‘Islamic State’ edict and stabs man
Overseas News
1. Mexico – A million march for marriage
News Update – 16 September 2016
Australian News
1. Marriage Week – 11-17 September – Celebrate marriage!
Let’s start with something ‘positive’!
This week is ‘Marriage Week’ in Australia. “Marriage Week is a coalition of the Christian church, media, ministries, and other organisations across Australia who have the same vision of marriage being upheld and strengthened…..”
It shouldn’t need to be stated that this means ‘marriage between a man and a woman, voluntarily entered into for life’!
Celebrate marriage – check out the resources and links… Join in by celebrating your marriage with the ‘Great Aussie Date Night’ on Saturday 17 September!
Website: Marriage Week
2. Victoria – REVIEW of Adoption Act by Law Reform Commission
In December 2015, the Andrews Labor government asked the Victorian Law Reform Commission to review the Adoption Act. The review is already underway, with Consultations held during August. Submissions close tomorrow, 16 September.
We’ve already had some changes to Victoria’s Adoption Act. . .
In December 2015, the Adoption Act was changed to allow same-sex couples to ADOPT children. That came into force on 1st September, 2016.
This review looks at other possible changes – relating to adoption by single people, by relatives, by step parents. Apparently the theme is “whether the legislation works in the best interest of the child, and how exactly is “best interest” defined.”
The review will not cover same-sex adoption (already legal) or inter-country adoptions (a federal issue).
See the Law Reform Commission webpage: Adoption Act
It includes Background, details on what the Review covers, and a Consultation Paper.
Submissions are due by 16 September 2016.
Click this link to make a submission: Make a submission to the review of the Adoption Act.
Article: State government begins righting a ridiculous wrong, The Age, 27/8/2016.
3. Homosexual ‘marriage’ – Plebiscite legislation, Q&A, Melbourne FORUM
3.1 Malcolm Turnbull introduces ‘plebiscite enabling legislation’
PM Malcolm Turnbull has introduced the Bill to parliament that would enable a plebiscite to be held on the issue of homosexual ‘marriage’. It is called the Plebiscite (Same-Sex Marriage) Bill.
During his speech he defended holding the plebiscite. He reiterated his support for same-sex ‘marriage’ and said, “The time has come. From the bottom of my heart – our society would be stronger if more people were married and there were fewer divorces.”
Article: Malcolm Turnbull introduces same-sex marriage plebiscite legislation to Parliament, SMH, 14/9/2016.
3.2 Bill Shorten strengthens his opposition to plebiscite
Labor leader Bill Shorten is increasing his opposition to the plebiscite and is continuing to label ANY opposition to homosexual ‘marriage as “bigotry”. He said, “The fact the Liberals announced public funding to give a platform to bigotry shows no interest from the government to work with Labor on this.”
3.3 Homosexual groups unite in condemning plebiscite question
“LGBTI organisations also released a joint statement slamming the provision of public funding for both sides and calling the proposed question “unnecessarily complex” and not inclusive of all gender-diverse relationships.” (Source)
Star Observer wrote, “SIXTY of Australia’s major LGBTI organisations have released a joint statement today condemning the Plebiscite (Same-Sex Marriage) Bill.”
The homosexual newspaper published a list of organisations PLUS their four page statement.
Article: 60 LGBTI groups come together to condemn plebiscite, Star Observer, 15/9/2016.
3.4 Q&A – Nationals Senator questioned on Q&A – by homosexual brother
Victorian Nationals Senator, Bridget McKenzie, who is married, publicly opposes the legalisation of homosexual ‘marriage’. She has previously stated that she would not vote for it, even if a plebiscite voted in favour.
Last Monday night, Senator McKenzie was a panelist on Q&A. The show played a video question from her BROTHER, Alastair McKenzie, who is homosexual, which asked about the ‘emotional toll’ a plebiscite would have on same-sex attracted people.
Thankfully, Senator McKenzie stuck to her principles. Sky News reported, “Senator McKenzie said she thought the debate would only be damaging if people chose not to respect each other’s views. ‘I have obviously a conscience view on this issue, I believe it is a conscience issue, and it is that the definition of marriage is between a man and a woman,’ Senator McKenzie told the program.”
She then proposed a way of removing the ‘tension’ relating to MPs who do not support homosexual ‘marriage’ on conscience grounds… “Make the plebiscite binding!”
Article: Senator’s gay brother questions plebiscite, Sky News, 13/9/2016.
3.5 Melbourne FORUM: ‘Why is it Important to Preserve the Marriage Act?’
Three speakers: Hon Kevin Andrews MP, Mrs Vickie Janson, Father Tony Kerin.
“Following presentations tackling the consequence of a change in legislation & the importance of preserving natural marriage, the panel will take your questions.”
I’ll be the MC for the evening!
DAY & TIME: Tuesday 20th September, 2016 at 7.30 pm.
VENUE: Maureen Clifton Centre, St Clement of Rome, Egan Drive, BULLEEN
4. Pauline Hanson – Maiden speech, Islam, Muslim immigration … and criticism
Pauline Hanson gave her ‘maiden speech’ in the Senate yesterday. It referenced her previous ‘maiden speech’ in the House of Representatives 20 years ago, which talked of Australia being “swamped by Asians”. This time she said Australia was at risk of being “swamped by Muslims” and she called on a halt to Muslim immigration.
If you ONLY saw the headlines and a few seconds of her speech on the news, then please READ ALL the speech (SMH link below).
With reference to the ‘swamped’ comment, she said, “In my first speech in 1996 I said we were in danger of being swamped by Asians. This was not said out of disrespect for Asians but was meant as a slap in the face to both the Liberal and Labor governments who opened the floodgates to immigration, targeting cultures purely for the vote, as expressed by former Labor minister Barry Jones – to such an extent that society changed too rapidly due to migrants coming in the front door but also the back door, via New Zealand. Now we are in danger of being swamped by Muslims, who bear a culture and ideology that is incompatible with our own.”
Shen then spoke about culture, beliefs and identity, and the beliefs of Islam: “Why then has Islam and its teachings had such an impact on Australia like no other religion? Islam sees itself as a theocracy. Islam does not believe in democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, or freedom of assembly. It does not separate religion and politics. It is partly a religion, but it is much more than that. It has a political agenda that goes far outside the realm of religion. It regulates Muslims’ social and domestic life, their legal system and politics – their total life.”
The Greens walked out, she was criticised by Malcolm Turnbull, Nick Xenophon said he was ‘heartbroken’ – but she was congratulated by Derryn Hinch!
Former Prime Minister John Howard warned against making the same mistake that was made 20 years ago, by marginalising her, and ‘demonising’ her and her supporters!
Article and Transcript: Pauline Hanson’s 2016 maiden speech to the senate: Full transcript, SMH, 15/9/2016.
Article: Pauline Hanson calls for Muslim immigration ban in maiden speech to Senate, ABC, 14/9/2016.
Article: Don’t marginalise Pauline Hanson again, John Howard warns, MSN, 14/9/2016.
5. Victoria: Tribunal rules that two women can’t BOTH be listed as ‘Mother’ on birth certificate
Two lesbian women, Tamara and Linda Arc-Dekker, have taken the Victorian Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, because the Registrar refused to change a birth certificate of a child to record ‘two mothers’. The child, now four, has Tamara as the ‘birth mother’. When the child was born, Tamara was named on the birth certificate as the ‘Mother’ and Linda was named ‘Parent’. They asked that they be both labelled as ‘Mother’ or, failing that, that they both be allowed to be labelled ‘Parent’. The court refused their request to both be labelled ‘Mother’ – but didn’t rule out them both being labelled as ‘parent. The Registrar now has to consider that second request.
Article: Lesbian couple told they ‘can’t both be mother’, The Australian, 15/9/2016.
6. Australian losses on gambling – $23 BILLION – HALF on pokies!
The Age reported recently, “Australian punters lost nearly $23 billion last year, with a 30 per cent growth in sports betting helping to drive a continued rise in annual gambling losses.
“New Australian Gambling Statistics figures show Australians lost $1241 per head in 2014-15, with poker machines still the biggest cause of punter losses with $11.6 billion lost, an increase of 4.9 per cent.”
So pokies are still the biggest reason for LOSSES – at a staggering $1.6 billion LOST.
Although the rate of growth is high for sports betting, it still only has losses of $864 million. Even so, that’s a huge amount!
In other areas, losses in racing were $2.8 billion, and on Lotto losses were $1.7 billion.
Article: Australian punters lose $23 billion, half on the pokies, The Age, 22/8/2016.
7. Victoria: Government plans to ban fracking and coal seam gas
In response to concerns expressed by local farmers and others, the Victorian government has announced that they plan to ban ‘fracking’ and exploration for underground gas.
Reports from the USA reveal that the fracking process can release harmful gases into the water supply.
Article: Victorian unconventional gas exploration ban to end fracking and CSG extraction, ABC, 30/8/2016.
8. NSW: LGBTIQ ‘teaching resource’ taken out of classrooms
Last week The Australian reported that an LGBTI ‘resource’ was posted on the NSW Education Department website. Huffington Post picked up the story. ‘The official 17-page document, which is said to be based on the Safe Schools program, is aimed at encouraging teachers to be more inclusive of LGBTI issues, such as incorporating same-sex families into classroom language.’
Education Minister Adrian Piccoli was unaware of the resource, despite the fact it was developed by his own Department and posted online. He ordered that it be removed from schools, and the Department’s website, and fully reviewed.
Article: LGBTI Teaching Resource Pulled From NSW Schools, Huffington Post, 8/9/2016.
9. NSW: Man carries out ‘Islamic State’ edict and stabs man
Following the edict from IS/Islamic State, an Islamic man has stabbed a neighbour whilst he was out walking. The man has since been charged with committing a terrorist act and with attempted murder.
Article: IS radical’s mission to ‘kill an Aussie’, Daily Telegraph, 12/9/2016.
Overseas News
1. Mexico – A million march for marriage
Mexico is currently considering the issue of homosexual ‘marriage’. The President, Enrique Peña Nieto, is planning to “enshrine same-sex “marriage” in the nation’s Constitution”.
The pro-family activist group Frente Nacional Por La Familia (“National Front for the Family”) organized the protests – it is estimated that more than 1 million Mexicans marched, across 122 cities.
Now they are planning a NATIONAL march – “On September 24, Frente Nacional Por La Familia will host a Grand National March in Mexico City.”
As Ros Phillips from FamilyVoice says, “Mexico City and several Mexican states have legalised same-sex “marriage” – but many Mexican people disagree. Some media say the number who marched in support of natural marriage in cities throughout Mexico on Saturday was “tens of thousands” – but organisers show there were more than a million.”
Would we see more than a MILLION people out on the streets in Australia supporting marriage continuing to be between a man and a woman?
Ros said that the politicians introducing homosexual ‘marriage’ Bills this week, “do not understand the fundamental man-woman meaning marriage has always had throughout history”.
“Marriage is already ‘equal’,” Ros Phillips said. “Every man has an equal right to marry a woman, as Federal Court Justice Jayne Jagot pointed out on 21 February 2013. The issue is not about ‘marriage equality’. It is Marriage Reality!”
FamilyVoice Australia Media Release: A million march for marriage in Mexico, 13/9/2016.
Lifesite article: Over 1 million march in Mexico against same-sex ‘marriage’, 13/9/2016.