At our May 2016 Delegates Dinner our BUV family resolved together to take a stand against Family Violence. The resolution is posted here. Each BUV Church is charged with outworking how to enact these commitments in the local church setting:
1. Urge Baptist churches to
1.1 Shine a light on the issue of family violence and not allow it to be hidden.
- Create communities where it is safe for both victims and perpetrators to disclose and to be supported
- Work sensitively in engaging people and cultures who find it shameful to even speak about family violence, to appropriately address these issues
1.2 Commit to training and education programs, drawing especially on
- Anger management courses for the whole church (not just men)
- Respectful relationship preaching, teaching and training
- Up-to-date information and links from the BUV website
- Gender inequality education and awareness raising resources
1.3 Be equipped and informed to refer people to relevant specialist support and empowerment agencies like the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
1.4 Promote White Ribbon Day on November 25, the YWCA "Week without Violence" campaign in the third week of October, and other public awareness campaigns to stop family violence
2. Call on the State and Federal Governments to:
2.1 Increase education on gender equality and respect in schools, and invest in more community awareness campaigns to reduce shame and educate the community on the different types of family violence.
2.2 Increase affordable housing options for women and children including private rental brokerage and Safe at Home programs.