How do we find sexual fulfilment when love has gone cold?
Category Archives: News
Thank God It’s Friday
Thinking Biblically About Work – Jesus and Redemption
Putting on the lippy
I grew up in a Church that had an external idea about holiness. Ladies, for instance, couldn’t wear make up, colour their hair, shave their legs or wear jewellery. We didn’t get more holiness, just a lot of ugly women. A little bit of lipstick would have gone a long way.
The bride of Christ is the same. A little lippy helps. People who come to our churches look at our faces before they feel our heart. We do not need to turn them off before they can engage. We need to invest in what is externally attractive not religiously or culturally off putting? Put in the feel good and take out the cringe factors and people may start to bring their friends, and visitors may stay.
I went to a church recently where the sound was crackling, the biscuits were in an open packet, the seats were cracked, the overheads were woefully out of synch, the song leader self absorbed, the set up still frenetically happening after starting time, the communion speaker on a pet rant, the small congregation interjecting with comments, misspelled words on worship slides, off-key voices or instruments, cut and paste graphics, mindless testimonies, etc etc. It was face palm Sunday. Needless to say they were in slow decline. If the bride is to be attractive she has to work on it and put on some lippy. A good heart is more important but if we turn people away with our face, no one will ever know our heart. Maybe it’s time to hold up the mirror.
The post Putting on the lippy appeared first on Australian Christian Churches.
Logos Live 38: Encountering a Skeptic
When is skepticism reasonable? Hear Rob Buckingham’s story of skepticism and how Jesus found him, even though Rob wasn’t even looking.
Extraordinary justice
How do we find justice in a world where life is unfair?
Logos Live 37: Encountering God himself?
The tables are turned on Logos Live – the hunter becomes the hunted! Regular host Robert Martin is the guest and shares about what we are to make of death and how we can know God is really there.
Rethinking work – Good Work
Rediscover the goodness of work
Rethinking Work – Why Work?
Understanding this could change your day
Rethinking work – Why Work? Question Time
Question time from Rethinking work – talk 1 – Why Work?
Logos Live 36: Encountering the brokenness of the world
What is wrong with the world? Hear Tim Curtis’ story of brokenness and powerful encounter with Jesus.