Should we mention the war?
Category Archives: News
Justice at Any Price
One man’s stand in the face of tyranny
Where are you in your work and personal journey?
Becoming the person you are designed to be
Ep 194: Is God real? | What about suffering? | Hasn’t science disproved God?
Confronting three of life’s biggest questions
Ep 193: How do we build a better world after Covid?
Reflecting on the need for a new social contract
Is the resurrection just wish fulfilment?
Is the resurrection and hope of eternal life too good to be true?
Paradise Lost: A Fool’s Paradise?
A Reflection on Australia’s Trajectory
The crux of Easter – relief from guilt and shame
John Dickson explains how it’s possible
Easter Reboot?
How Easter can give you the reboot you’re looking for
Ep 192: Is Jesus’ resurrection history’s greatest hoax?
Was that first Easter fake news?