Category Archives: Type


Want to turn a plain meal into a gourmet delight? Or create a nutritional powerhouse that fights off colds and flu? Or enjoy some comfort food on a cold winter’s night?
Then it’s time to bring out the chicken stock. Whether it is to enjoy chicken noodle soup or a variety of other soups, make a risotto that will please the crowds, or even add flavour to rice and pasta dishes, chicken stock is a must. And, if you have time, make it yourself and see the difference. After all, you have a say in the ingredients that go into it.
While it takes time to make a tasty nourishing stock, it couldn’t be more simple. Here is a basic recipe
Basic Chicken Stock
1 kilo (more or less) of chicken bones, chicken frame, or even an old ‘boiler’ chicken.
1-2 carrots, peeled and chopped
1-2 celery ribs, chopped
1-2 onions
1-2 cloves of garlic
1 bay leaf (alternatively, try 1 tablespoon of tomato catsup – it adds amazing flavour)
1-2 stocks of parsley
Splash of vinegar (draws out nutrition but the flavour evaporates)
Salt & pepper to taste.
If possible, roast the first five ingredients in the oven at 200 C (400 F) for one hour. Use a dutch oven if you can. Alternatively, you can stir fry in a couple of tablespoons of oil these same ingredients for a few minutes in the fry pan. The flavour release that roasting or stir-frying does is worth the effort.
If you use a whole chicken, after roasting, allow to cool on a plate. Remove the skin, reserve the white meat (breast) for soup and refrigerate. Take the remainder of the meat and chop up. Put this meat, and all bones, into the pot.
Put all ingredients in a large pot or stockpot. Fill the pot with cold, clean (filtered) water until the bird is just covered. Bring the pot to just before it boils, then reduce the heat and simmer, uncovered. Do not let it boil. It should be gently bubbling. Continue for about 3 hours. Remove the foam the rises to the surface. There is an infusion of flavour and nutrition during the bubbling process.
After cooking, you put the stock in the fridge, chill, and remove the fat. Or, you can use it immediately but put some ice cubes in some muslin cloth, to attract and remove the fat.
Remove bones, vegetables, meat, everything and reserve the pure stock for soups, risottos, and other dishes that require stock.
Chicken soup: there are many varieties. Our family likes chicken, vegetable and noodle (you can use rice instead, but remember that rice and noodles will expand and, if left alone, will take over the entire pot).
Heat the stock, with the chopped up chicken breast (you can use the dark meat if you need), chopped up stock vegetables (or fresh ones), half a cup of noodles or rice, 1-2 chicken stock cubes. Bring to a boil, then simmer gently for 20-30 minutes. A teaspoon of turmeric (optional but it has excellent health properties and adds a nice yellow colour). For Mediterranean-style, add lemon juice (this is a family favourite) and a bit more garlic.
Not only this soup delicious, it helps knock on the head colds and flus.



Want to turn a plain meal into a gourmet delight? Or create a nutritional powerhouse that fights off colds and flu? Or enjoy some comfort food on a cold winter’s night?
Then it’s time to bring out the chicken stock. Whether it is to enjoy chicken noodle soup or a variety of other soups, make a risotto that will please the crowds, or even add flavour to rice and pasta dishes, chicken stock is a must. And, if you have time, make it yourself and see the difference. After all, you have a say in the ingredients that go into it.
While it takes time to make a tasty nourishing stock, it couldn’t be more simple. Here is a basic recipe
Basic Chicken Stock
1 kilo (more or less) of chicken bones, chicken frame, or even an old ‘boiler’ chicken.
1-2 carrots, peeled and chopped
1-2 celery ribs, chopped
1-2 onions
1-2 cloves of garlic
1 bay leaf (alternatively, try 1 tablespoon of tomato catsup – it adds amazing flavour)
1-2 stocks of parsley
Splash of vinegar (draws out nutrition but the flavour evaporates)
Salt & pepper to taste.
If possible, roast the first five ingredients in the oven at 200 C (400 F) for one hour. Use a dutch oven if you can. Alternatively, you can stir fry in a couple of tablespoons of oil these same ingredients for a few minutes in the fry pan. The flavour release that roasting or stir-frying does is worth the effort.
If you use a whole chicken, after roasting, allow to cool on a plate. Remove the skin, reserve the white meat (breast) for soup and refrigerate. Take the remainder of the meat and chop up. Put this meat, and all bones, into the pot.
Put all ingredients in a large pot or stockpot. Fill the pot with cold, clean (filtered) water until the bird is just covered. Bring the pot to just before it boils, then reduce the heat and simmer, uncovered. Do not let it boil. It should be gently bubbling. Continue for about 3 hours. Remove the foam the rises to the surface. There is an infusion of flavour and nutrition during the bubbling process.
After cooking, you put the stock in the fridge, chill, and remove the fat. Or, you can use it immediately but put some ice cubes in some muslin cloth, to attract and remove the fat.
Remove bones, vegetables, meat, everything and reserve the pure stock for soups, risottos, and other dishes that require stock.
Chicken soup: there are many varieties. Our family likes chicken, vegetable and noodle (you can use rice instead, but remember that rice and noodles will expand and, if left alone, will take over the entire pot).
Heat the stock, with the chopped up chicken breast (you can use the dark meat if you need), chopped up stock vegetables (or fresh ones), half a cup of noodles or rice, 1-2 chicken stock cubes. Bring to a boil, then simmer gently for 20-30 minutes. A teaspoon of turmeric (optional but it has excellent health properties and adds a nice yellow colour). For Mediterranean-style, add lemon juice (this is a family favourite) and a bit more garlic.
Not only this soup delicious, it helps knock on the head colds and flus.



Genesis: It is not just the first book of the Bible – it is the foundation stone on which the remainder of Biblical revelation rests. The Hebrew name, Bereshith, is also the first three words of the Bible; it means ‘in the beginning.’ This says it all.
Genesis is indispensable. Without it, we would not know the following fundamental issues:
    God as Creator of the world and universe;
    The beginning of history and the world;
    The beginning of humanity;
    Introduction of sin and death into the world;
    The beginning of Gods plan of redemption, starting in Genesis 3:15;
    Genesis is the foundation of all Biblical revelation; the Bible is the house, and Revelation is the roof.
W. Graham Scroggie says Genesis is the foundation of which the whole superstructure of divine revelation rests.
A Book of Firsts
Just in the first four chapters, we learn about the first mention or origin of the following (this is a partial list):
    God (1:1);
    Heaven and the creation of space (1:1);
    Earth, the creation of matter (1:1);
    Seas (1:10);
    Starts (1:16)
    Male and female (1:27);
    Marriage and wife (2:24);
    Sin (3:6);
    Judgment and core (3:14)
    First Messianic prophecy (3:15);
    Tree of Life (3:22, 24);
    Paradise lost (3:24);
    Sex (4:1);
    Pregnancy (4:1);
    Birth (4:1);
    Murder (4:8);
    Prayer (4:26).
Genesis in Summary
Genesis is remarkable in every way. It devotes 11 chapters to the beginning of the world, including how sin and death entered into God’s good creation. Then the last 39 chapters is devoted to one man, Abraham, and his family, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. Almighty God becomes known as the ‘God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob’ (a phrase used 5 times in the New Testament: Matthew 22:32; Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37; Acts 3:13; 7:32) and the remainder of the Bible, all the way to the Book of Revelation, looks at God’s dealings with this family and how it was used to blessed the world (just read the Genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1).
After the early history of the world is recited, Genesis focuses on Abram of Mesopotamia. Though he came from a heathen place and family, Abram responded to the call of God to leave his country and kindred behind and to proceed to the place He called him. Abram wisely obeys God and becomes famous for two things: 1) His faith (15:6); and 2) His friendship with God (II Chronicles 20:7; James 2:23). Then God does something remarkable: He makes an unconditional covenant with Abraham, promising to give him 1) The land of Canaan; 2) Unlimited seed; 3) That through him and his seed all the nations of the earth would be blessed (Genesis 12:3). Thus Abram, whose name means ‘exalted father,’ becomes ‘Abraham,’ ‘father of many nations.’
All three patriarchs learn invaluable lessons of faith. Though they held on to the promise of many descendants, yet Abraham’s wife, Sarah was barren; Isaac’s wife Rebecca was barren and Jacob’s favourite wife Rachel was likewise barren.
Of the 3 patriarchs, Jacob was clearly the most colourful of the clan. He hoodwinked his brother Esau twice, fled as a penniless bachelor to Uncle Laban up north in Padan Aram, got two wives and their handmaidens, sired 12 sons, and returned to Canaan as a rich tribe.
The story of Joseph dominates the last quarter of Genesis. The son of Rachel and favoured by Jacob, he has dreams of supreme leadership. But like the other patriarchs, his vision will be tested by adversity. Betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery in Egypt, after years of captivity, he catapulted from prison to palace in one day. He became prime minister of Egypt, saved the nation and his family from starvation, brought his father and brothers to Egypt, where the family goes from a tribe to a nation in 400 years.
Though highly regarded for centuries, some modern scholars have called the book ‘mythology’ and ‘unhistorical.’ The creation narrative, flood of Noah, even the existence of Abraham, have been heavily questions or rejected. Born-again, Bible-believing Christians must remember that Jesus, Who always takes a high view of Scripture, took Genesis at face value. Christ spoke of creation, Adam and Eve (Matthew 19:4-6), the flood of Noah (Matthew 24:37-39), and the Patriarchs (Matthew 8:11; Luke 13:28) as historic events or historic figures. Jesus has credibility in this area, especially because He rose from the dead (Romans 1:4).
Outline of Genesis
I.        Four Events
A.     Creation (1-2)
B.      The Fall of Humanity (3-5)
C.      The Flood (6-9)
D.     Table of Nations (10-11)
II.     Four Patriarchs
A.     Abraham (12-25)
B.      Isaac (26)
C.      Jacob (27-36)
D.      Joseph (37-50)
Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained
Cursed World (Genesis)
Eternal State (Revelation)
Cursed ground (3:17)
No more curse (22:3)
Daily Sorrow (3:17)
No more sorrow (21:4)
Thorns and thistles (3:18)
No more pain (21:4)
Sweat on the face (3:19)
Tears wiped away (21:4)
Eating herbs of the field (3:18)
Twelve manner of fruits (22:2)
Returning to the dust (3:19)
No more death (21:4)
Evil continually (6:5)
Nothing that defiles (21:27)
Coats of skins (3:21)
Fine linen, white & clean (19:14)
Satan opposing (3:15)
Satan banished (20:10)
Kept from the Tree of Life (3:24)
Access to the Tree of Life (22:14)
Banished from the Garden (3:23)
Free entry to the city (22:14)
Redeemer promised (3:15)
Redemption accomplished (5:9,10)

‘Understanding Genesis is part of the larger “Understanding the Bible Series.” It comes as 23 hours of audio MP3 commentary plus 90 pages of printable PDF notes. It is available for immediate download from the Teach All Nations website for only $9.99:


Genesis: It is not just the first book of the Bible – it is the foundation stone on which the remainder of Biblical revelation rests. The Hebrew name, Bereshith, is also the first three words of the Bible; it means ‘in the beginning.’ This says it all.
Genesis is indispensable. Without it, we would not know the following fundamental issues:
    God as Creator of the world and universe;
    The beginning of history and the world;
    The beginning of humanity;
    Introduction of sin and death into the world;
    The beginning of Gods plan of redemption, starting in Genesis 3:15;
    Genesis is the foundation of all Biblical revelation; the Bible is the house, and Revelation is the roof.
W. Graham Scroggie says Genesis is the foundation of which the whole superstructure of divine revelation rests.
A Book of Firsts
Just in the first four chapters, we learn about the first mention or origin of the following (this is a partial list):
    God (1:1);
    Heaven and the creation of space (1:1);
    Earth, the creation of matter (1:1);
    Seas (1:10);
    Starts (1:16)
    Male and female (1:27);
    Marriage and wife (2:24);
    Sin (3:6);
    Judgment and core (3:14)
    First Messianic prophecy (3:15);
    Tree of Life (3:22, 24);
    Paradise lost (3:24);
    Sex (4:1);
    Pregnancy (4:1);
    Birth (4:1);
    Murder (4:8);
    Prayer (4:26).
Genesis in Summary
Genesis is remarkable in every way. It devotes 11 chapters to the beginning of the world, including how sin and death entered into God’s good creation. Then the last 39 chapters is devoted to one man, Abraham, and his family, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. Almighty God becomes known as the ‘God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob’ (a phrase used 5 times in the New Testament: Matthew 22:32; Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37; Acts 3:13; 7:32) and the remainder of the Bible, all the way to the Book of Revelation, looks at God’s dealings with this family and how it was used to blessed the world (just read the Genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1).
After the early history of the world is recited, Genesis focuses on Abram of Mesopotamia. Though he came from a heathen place and family, Abram responded to the call of God to leave his country and kindred behind and to proceed to the place He called him. Abram wisely obeys God and becomes famous for two things: 1) His faith (15:6); and 2) His friendship with God (II Chronicles 20:7; James 2:23). Then God does something remarkable: He makes an unconditional covenant with Abraham, promising to give him 1) The land of Canaan; 2) Unlimited seed; 3) That through him and his seed all the nations of the earth would be blessed (Genesis 12:3). Thus Abram, whose name means ‘exalted father,’ becomes ‘Abraham,’ ‘father of many nations.’
All three patriarchs learn invaluable lessons of faith. Though they held on to the promise of many descendants, yet Abraham’s wife, Sarah was barren; Isaac’s wife Rebecca was barren and Jacob’s favourite wife Rachel was likewise barren.
Of the 3 patriarchs, Jacob was clearly the most colourful of the clan. He hoodwinked his brother Esau twice, fled as a penniless bachelor to Uncle Laban up north in Padan Aram, got two wives and their handmaidens, sired 12 sons, and returned to Canaan as a rich tribe.
The story of Joseph dominates the last quarter of Genesis. The son of Rachel and favoured by Jacob, he has dreams of supreme leadership. But like the other patriarchs, his vision will be tested by adversity. Betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery in Egypt, after years of captivity, he catapulted from prison to palace in one day. He became prime minister of Egypt, saved the nation and his family from starvation, brought his father and brothers to Egypt, where the family goes from a tribe to a nation in 400 years.
Though highly regarded for centuries, some modern scholars have called the book ‘mythology’ and ‘unhistorical.’ The creation narrative, flood of Noah, even the existence of Abraham, have been heavily questions or rejected. Born-again, Bible-believing Christians must remember that Jesus, Who always takes a high view of Scripture, took Genesis at face value. Christ spoke of creation, Adam and Eve (Matthew 19:4-6), the flood of Noah (Matthew 24:37-39), and the Patriarchs (Matthew 8:11; Luke 13:28) as historic events or historic figures. Jesus has credibility in this area, especially because He rose from the dead (Romans 1:4).
Outline of Genesis
I.        Four Events
A.     Creation (1-2)
B.      The Fall of Humanity (3-5)
C.      The Flood (6-9)
D.     Table of Nations (10-11)
II.     Four Patriarchs
A.     Abraham (12-25)
B.      Isaac (26)
C.      Jacob (27-36)
D.      Joseph (37-50)
Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained
Cursed World (Genesis)
Eternal State (Revelation)
Cursed ground (3:17)
No more curse (22:3)
Daily Sorrow (3:17)
No more sorrow (21:4)
Thorns and thistles (3:18)
No more pain (21:4)
Sweat on the face (3:19)
Tears wiped away (21:4)
Eating herbs of the field (3:18)
Twelve manner of fruits (22:2)
Returning to the dust (3:19)
No more death (21:4)
Evil continually (6:5)
Nothing that defiles (21:27)
Coats of skins (3:21)
Fine linen, white & clean (19:14)
Satan opposing (3:15)
Satan banished (20:10)
Kept from the Tree of Life (3:24)
Access to the Tree of Life (22:14)
Banished from the Garden (3:23)
Free entry to the city (22:14)
Redeemer promised (3:15)
Redemption accomplished (5:9,10)

‘Understanding Genesis is part of the larger “Understanding the Bible Series.” It comes as 23 hours of audio MP3 commentary plus 90 pages of printable PDF notes. It is available for immediate download from the Teach All Nations website for only $9.99:

Money Matters Part 2

PART TWO, we will learn some other winning principles of money management.
In Part 01, we learned that in order to be ‘Future Ready,’ one needs to know how to manage their time and money. Regarding money, it is important to remember God and put Him first.
In Part 02, we will look at a few practical principles in order to achieve the worthwhile goal of financial freedom.
1.      Remember the poor: In this fallen world, we will not be able to eliminate poverty (Jesus says the poor you will have always – Matthew 26:11) but we can make life a little bit better to those who we can help. Giving to the poor is a loan to the LORD and God will repay (Proverbs 19:17). God will protect you in times of trouble (Psalm 41:1) when you give to the poor. Furthermore, it is wise to be generous even before your assets grow. As someone aptly put it, ‘Your giving is not a debt you owe but a seed you sow.’
2.      Budget: This is a simple and necessary practice. Failure to budget will result in needless and difficult debt. Simple budgeting means to add up all your income streams (wages, stock dividends, government payments), then calculate your expenditure, and do your best to live by this. If expenditure is greater than income, then prepare for some trimming of your expenses (you would be amazed how much money is wasted, but you’ll never know it until you budget). In budgeting your expenses, include holidays, entertainment, saving, gifts, and a bit of money for unexpected. Add it up over the year and then divide by the number of weeks. Do you best to keep to the budget. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from someone who is knowledgeable on this subject. A website worth looking at regarding budgeting is found at
3.      Storehouse: In Deuteronomy 28:8 (NKJV) ‘The LORD will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the LORD your God is giving you.’ The ‘storehouse’ is where you set up a savings account for your family, add to it regularly, and don’t touch it except for emergencies. Somehow, the discipline of saving attracts the blessing of God and wonderful blessings ensue. This simple principle is laid out in the book The Storehouse Principle: A Revolutionary God Idea for Creating Extraordinary Financial Stability by Al Jandl and Van Couch, Word and Spirit Resources, Tulsa, 2004. Highly-recommended. The ‘Storehouse Principle’ is to practice saving. Financial freedom comes through financial discipline. Save money for emergencies, unexpected expenses, and investment. This is one of the reasons for such great financial success in East Asia. It is estimated that people put up to 20% of their income in savings. Contrast that to the average westerner, who saves very little, maxes out the credit cards, and lives from pay cheque to pay cheque. Even the nation of China understands this principle: it is estimated that it has saved 4 trillion (yes, trillion) dollars in the bank. This has helped it when its stock market did a downturn. Make saving a regularly and consistent practice. Without the discipline of savings, it is impossible to achieve financial freedom.
4.      Investment: Once you have save a bit of money, don’t let it rot at 1/2 a percent interest – invest it. Normal means are by stocks, bonds, or property. Ask advice of an experienced investor. Don’t be afraid to seek a mentor on this topic, someone who has succeeded in this area, rather than an ‘arm-chair expert’ who knows the theory but has little to show for his or her advice.
5.      Be a Value-Shopper: Don’t pay full price for anything! Shop around for bargains, ask for discounts, use coupons (if available). The old maxim holds true: a penny saved is a penny earned. Also, before you leave the store, do what millionaires often do: check the receipt to make sure you have not been overcharged.
6.      Debt reduction: First, only go into debt for something that is worthwhile and will increase in value (e.g. a home, business, or property). That said, make sure the debt you incur is affordable. If you can’t sleep at night because of the amount of your prospective loan, then don’t do it. We strongly recommend that you borrow for a home on one income, even if you are a two-income family. Circumstances change and if one person loses their income, you will not be under stress. At the same time, do everything in your power to reduce debt. Paying a bit extra on your mortgage can shave off thousands in repayments over the years. If available, get a mortgage offset account that treats your mortgage as a transaction account, all your money goes in and out of it. You will see your mortgage melt before your eyes. If you are seriously in debt and don’t know what to do, then seek help. Christians Against Poverty help provide debt counselling for people who are struggling financially, including insolvency and bankruptcy. Their contact:
7.      Multiple streams of income: Believe it or not, many professionals have other streams of income besides their normal job, though they have a good wage package. For some, the motivation may be greed, but for others, it is simply a necessity to make ends meet or to enlarge the family’s opportunities. Hobbies can turn into dollars; also, money can be made by blogging, the internet, or simple ‘petty capitalism,’ including outdoor markets. My family in England love to go to ‘car boot sales,’ where they buy items at a bargain and sell it on eBay for multiple times more. As Mary Kay Ash, founder of the cosmetic empire ‘Mary Kay Cosmetics,’ once quipped: innovate or evaporate.
Dave Ramsey, author of the best-selling book, Total Money Makeover, says that millionaires are intentional, save, invest, and are generous (before they get the millions). It takes time, 10, 15, 20 years , but consistency is the key. You don’t have to become a millionaire, however, to enjoy financial freedom.

Financial freedom is a worthwhile goal. It will liberate you from financial worry. Once conquered, you can focus on the rest of life. Never forget: consistency and perseverance is the key to freedom, financial and otherwise.

Money Matters Part 2

PART TWO, we will learn some other winning principles of money management.
In Part 01, we learned that in order to be ‘Future Ready,’ one needs to know how to manage their time and money. Regarding money, it is important to remember God and put Him first.
In Part 02, we will look at a few practical principles in order to achieve the worthwhile goal of financial freedom.
1.      Remember the poor: In this fallen world, we will not be able to eliminate poverty (Jesus says the poor you will have always – Matthew 26:11) but we can make life a little bit better to those who we can help. Giving to the poor is a loan to the LORD and God will repay (Proverbs 19:17). God will protect you in times of trouble (Psalm 41:1) when you give to the poor. Furthermore, it is wise to be generous even before your assets grow. As someone aptly put it, ‘Your giving is not a debt you owe but a seed you sow.’
2.      Budget: This is a simple and necessary practice. Failure to budget will result in needless and difficult debt. Simple budgeting means to add up all your income streams (wages, stock dividends, government payments), then calculate your expenditure, and do your best to live by this. If expenditure is greater than income, then prepare for some trimming of your expenses (you would be amazed how much money is wasted, but you’ll never know it until you budget). In budgeting your expenses, include holidays, entertainment, saving, gifts, and a bit of money for unexpected. Add it up over the year and then divide by the number of weeks. Do you best to keep to the budget. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from someone who is knowledgeable on this subject. A website worth looking at regarding budgeting is found at
3.      Storehouse: In Deuteronomy 28:8 (NKJV) ‘The LORD will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the LORD your God is giving you.’ The ‘storehouse’ is where you set up a savings account for your family, add to it regularly, and don’t touch it except for emergencies. Somehow, the discipline of saving attracts the blessing of God and wonderful blessings ensue. This simple principle is laid out in the book The Storehouse Principle: A Revolutionary God Idea for Creating Extraordinary Financial Stability by Al Jandl and Van Couch, Word and Spirit Resources, Tulsa, 2004. Highly-recommended. The ‘Storehouse Principle’ is to practice saving. Financial freedom comes through financial discipline. Save money for emergencies, unexpected expenses, and investment. This is one of the reasons for such great financial success in East Asia. It is estimated that people put up to 20% of their income in savings. Contrast that to the average westerner, who saves very little, maxes out the credit cards, and lives from pay cheque to pay cheque. Even the nation of China understands this principle: it is estimated that it has saved 4 trillion (yes, trillion) dollars in the bank. This has helped it when its stock market did a downturn. Make saving a regularly and consistent practice. Without the discipline of savings, it is impossible to achieve financial freedom.
4.      Investment: Once you have save a bit of money, don’t let it rot at 1/2 a percent interest – invest it. Normal means are by stocks, bonds, or property. Ask advice of an experienced investor. Don’t be afraid to seek a mentor on this topic, someone who has succeeded in this area, rather than an ‘arm-chair expert’ who knows the theory but has little to show for his or her advice.
5.      Be a Value-Shopper: Don’t pay full price for anything! Shop around for bargains, ask for discounts, use coupons (if available). The old maxim holds true: a penny saved is a penny earned. Also, before you leave the store, do what millionaires often do: check the receipt to make sure you have not been overcharged.
6.      Debt reduction: First, only go into debt for something that is worthwhile and will increase in value (e.g. a home, business, or property). That said, make sure the debt you incur is affordable. If you can’t sleep at night because of the amount of your prospective loan, then don’t do it. We strongly recommend that you borrow for a home on one income, even if you are a two-income family. Circumstances change and if one person loses their income, you will not be under stress. At the same time, do everything in your power to reduce debt. Paying a bit extra on your mortgage can shave off thousands in repayments over the years. If available, get a mortgage offset account that treats your mortgage as a transaction account, all your money goes in and out of it. You will see your mortgage melt before your eyes. If you are seriously in debt and don’t know what to do, then seek help. Christians Against Poverty help provide debt counselling for people who are struggling financially, including insolvency and bankruptcy. Their contact:
7.      Multiple streams of income: Believe it or not, many professionals have other streams of income besides their normal job, though they have a good wage package. For some, the motivation may be greed, but for others, it is simply a necessity to make ends meet or to enlarge the family’s opportunities. Hobbies can turn into dollars; also, money can be made by blogging, the internet, or simple ‘petty capitalism,’ including outdoor markets. My family in England love to go to ‘car boot sales,’ where they buy items at a bargain and sell it on eBay for multiple times more. As Mary Kay Ash, founder of the cosmetic empire ‘Mary Kay Cosmetics,’ once quipped: innovate or evaporate.
Dave Ramsey, author of the best-selling book, Total Money Makeover, says that millionaires are intentional, save, invest, and are generous (before they get the millions). It takes time, 10, 15, 20 years , but consistency is the key. You don’t have to become a millionaire, however, to enjoy financial freedom.

Financial freedom is a worthwhile goal. It will liberate you from financial worry. Once conquered, you can focus on the rest of life. Never forget: consistency and perseverance is the key to freedom, financial and otherwise.


In our first part, entitled: ‘You Bigot, Can Political Correctness Keep People from Being Offended,?’ we looked at how political correctness tries to protect people (especially women, ethnic and sexual minorities) from being offended. As a result, ‘freedom of speech’ takes a big hit. Even the slim possibility that one minorities might be offended means the other party must be closed down verbally … just in case.
In Part Two, entitled ‘I’m Offended: What Should This Really Mean?’ we learned a Biblical description about this miserable condition. It is a more sensible and far more enduring description than the politically correct one.
Today, the broader cultural scene is about the ‘New Tolerance.’ Political correctness (PC) is the mother tongue of the ‘New Tolerance’ and those who lead the charge in politically correctness are the patron saints. Jonathan Sarfati in ‘The Tyranny of Tolerance’ says  Not long ago, the word ‘tolerancemeant ‘bearing or putting up with someone or something not especially liked.However, now the word has been redefined to ‘all values, all beliefs, all lifestyles, all truth claims are equal.Denying this makes a person ‘intolerant,and worthy of contempt.’ That’s putting it mildly.
Failure to conform to the New Tolerance with politically correct language will invite a torrent of abuse. This includes, but is not limited to, ridicule, ostracism, ‘shouting down,’ insults, sensitivity training and the most offensive of behaviour you can imagine, even though the abusers are doing this to prevent offence! Student organisations on campus are prohibiting speakers who they deem politically incorrect (normally social and political conservatives). They even practice ‘non-platforming,’ meaning they refuse to speak at a public meeting with those whom they disagree. University heads have been forced out of office for violating PC.
Are things really that bad? Try speaking positively in the blogosphere about traditional heterosexual marriage, without saying a negative word about anyone or anything else, and watch what happens. Accusations like ‘hater,’ ‘intolerant,’ and ‘bigot’ will be thrown at you. Even Christian organisation are disciplining and firing people who do not conform to the theology of tolerance.
Why is this phenomena so serious?
A.    It enshrines people in a permanent ‘victimhood’ culture, which is very damaging in the long run. Christians are called to ‘victory,’ not ‘victimhood.’
B.    The defenders of the offended become the most offensive of all (a true double-standard), often times in a very vile manner.
C.    Our beloved ‘Freedom of Speech’ comes under serious threat, to the point of extinction.
D.    Finally, this is all an exercise in futility: Protecting people from offence is a lost cause in a fallen world, and does nothing to help them grow strong and mature;
A student complained at the Oklahoma Wesleyan University that he felt ‘uncomfortable,’ ‘offended,’ and ‘victimised’ when the university president gave a homily about love from I Corinthians 13, which is the ‘love chapter.’ Yet instead of pandering to the offended student, the president, Dr. Everett Piper, wrote in a blistering blog that went viral, ‘This is not a daycare. It’s a university.’ Dr. Piper went on to criticise a culture that teaches younger people to be ‘self-absorbed and narcissistic.’ Remember, this was at a Christian university! ( Accessed 19/02/16).
Years ago, this author learned a maxim: Do not deliberately offend and do not be offended. This is wisdom! After all, to be offended is like a person who stumbles on the road, injures himself or herself, but refuses to get up. Another analogy is that an offended person builds a ‘Berlin Wall’ around themselves. Though this wall is meant to protect, it actually becomes a self-made prison! As long as the person remains offended, they will continue to be imprisoned.
So what can we do to avoid getting offended and offensive? As always, the Word of God is our guide:
1.     Be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18): When you are ‘filled with the Spirit,’ you have the fruit of the Spirit which includes ‘love,’ ‘joy,’ ‘peace.’ Offended people lack peace, but Spirit-filled people have enough peace in their own hearts that they can give the overflow to others. When you are filled with the Spirit, there is no room for offence;
2.     Forgiveness: People who go around saying they are ‘hurt’ are almost always people who fail to practice a fundamental Christian virtue – forgiveness. This is not an option. Forgiveness is Christianity 101. The consequences of not forgiving are severe – continued ‘hurt’ and God’s refusal to forgive us our sins (Matthew 6:14-15; Matthew 18:32-35; Mark 11:25-26). Forgiveness does not let the other party off the hook (retribution must not come from us, but God, according to Romans 12:19); it sets us free from their offensiveness so we can get on with life. After all, an offensive person is offensive because they have problems; when they offend you, then they successfully transfer their problem to you  – so that their problem becomes yours, too. Forgiveness sets you free from the other party’s problems and from any hurt that it causes;
3.     Maturity: Perpetually being offended is a mark of emotional and spiritual immaturity. See the description of immaturity in I Corinthians 3:1-3. Yet, when you grow up spiritually, the things that once bothered you bother no more. Hebrews 6:1 exhorts us to aim for perfection (maturity). Mature people let go of petty offences, press on to fulfil their call; they don’t have time to mope around being offended;
4.     God’s Word in the Heart: One of my favourite verses in the Bible is Psalm 119:165: Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. This is a promise worth grasping. When you ‘love God’s law,’ namely, His Word – you read it, study it, memorise it, and meditate on it regularly – you actually grow up in such away that you no longer are easily offended. This is very liberating. The same word in the heart that keeps you from sin (v. 11) is the Word that protects you from offence.
Put these into practice and say good-bye to being offended and you can get on fulfilling your spiritual call.


In our first part, entitled: ‘You Bigot, Can Political Correctness Keep People from Being Offended,?’ we looked at how political correctness tries to protect people (especially women, ethnic and sexual minorities) from being offended. As a result, ‘freedom of speech’ takes a big hit. Even the slim possibility that one minorities might be offended means the other party must be closed down verbally … just in case.
In Part Two, entitled ‘I’m Offended: What Should This Really Mean?’ we learned a Biblical description about this miserable condition. It is a more sensible and far more enduring description than the politically correct one.
Today, the broader cultural scene is about the ‘New Tolerance.’ Political correctness (PC) is the mother tongue of the ‘New Tolerance’ and those who lead the charge in politically correctness are the patron saints. Jonathan Sarfati in ‘The Tyranny of Tolerance’ says  Not long ago, the word ‘tolerancemeant ‘bearing or putting up with someone or something not especially liked.However, now the word has been redefined to ‘all values, all beliefs, all lifestyles, all truth claims are equal.Denying this makes a person ‘intolerant,and worthy of contempt.’ That’s putting it mildly.
Failure to conform to the New Tolerance with politically correct language will invite a torrent of abuse. This includes, but is not limited to, ridicule, ostracism, ‘shouting down,’ insults, sensitivity training and the most offensive of behaviour you can imagine, even though the abusers are doing this to prevent offence! Student organisations on campus are prohibiting speakers who they deem politically incorrect (normally social and political conservatives). They even practice ‘non-platforming,’ meaning they refuse to speak at a public meeting with those whom they disagree. University heads have been forced out of office for violating PC.
Are things really that bad? Try speaking positively in the blogosphere about traditional heterosexual marriage, without saying a negative word about anyone or anything else, and watch what happens. Accusations like ‘hater,’ ‘intolerant,’ and ‘bigot’ will be thrown at you. Even Christian organisation are disciplining and firing people who do not conform to the theology of tolerance.
Why is this phenomena so serious?
A.    It enshrines people in a permanent ‘victimhood’ culture, which is very damaging in the long run. Christians are called to ‘victory,’ not ‘victimhood.’
B.    The defenders of the offended become the most offensive of all (a true double-standard), often times in a very vile manner.
C.    Our beloved ‘Freedom of Speech’ comes under serious threat, to the point of extinction.
D.    Finally, this is all an exercise in futility: Protecting people from offence is a lost cause in a fallen world, and does nothing to help them grow strong and mature;
A student complained at the Oklahoma Wesleyan University that he felt ‘uncomfortable,’ ‘offended,’ and ‘victimised’ when the university president gave a homily about love from I Corinthians 13, which is the ‘love chapter.’ Yet instead of pandering to the offended student, the president, Dr. Everett Piper, wrote in a blistering blog that went viral, ‘This is not a daycare. It’s a university.’ Dr. Piper went on to criticise a culture that teaches younger people to be ‘self-absorbed and narcissistic.’ Remember, this was at a Christian university! ( Accessed 19/02/16).
Years ago, this author learned a maxim: Do not deliberately offend and do not be offended. This is wisdom! After all, to be offended is like a person who stumbles on the road, injures himself or herself, but refuses to get up. Another analogy is that an offended person builds a ‘Berlin Wall’ around themselves. Though this wall is meant to protect, it actually becomes a self-made prison! As long as the person remains offended, they will continue to be imprisoned.
So what can we do to avoid getting offended and offensive? As always, the Word of God is our guide:
1.     Be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18): When you are ‘filled with the Spirit,’ you have the fruit of the Spirit which includes ‘love,’ ‘joy,’ ‘peace.’ Offended people lack peace, but Spirit-filled people have enough peace in their own hearts that they can give the overflow to others. When you are filled with the Spirit, there is no room for offence;
2.     Forgiveness: People who go around saying they are ‘hurt’ are almost always people who fail to practice a fundamental Christian virtue – forgiveness. This is not an option. Forgiveness is Christianity 101. The consequences of not forgiving are severe – continued ‘hurt’ and God’s refusal to forgive us our sins (Matthew 6:14-15; Matthew 18:32-35; Mark 11:25-26). Forgiveness does not let the other party off the hook (retribution must not come from us, but God, according to Romans 12:19); it sets us free from their offensiveness so we can get on with life. After all, an offensive person is offensive because they have problems; when they offend you, then they successfully transfer their problem to you  – so that their problem becomes yours, too. Forgiveness sets you free from the other party’s problems and from any hurt that it causes;
3.     Maturity: Perpetually being offended is a mark of emotional and spiritual immaturity. See the description of immaturity in I Corinthians 3:1-3. Yet, when you grow up spiritually, the things that once bothered you bother no more. Hebrews 6:1 exhorts us to aim for perfection (maturity). Mature people let go of petty offences, press on to fulfil their call; they don’t have time to mope around being offended;
4.     God’s Word in the Heart: One of my favourite verses in the Bible is Psalm 119:165: Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. This is a promise worth grasping. When you ‘love God’s law,’ namely, His Word – you read it, study it, memorise it, and meditate on it regularly – you actually grow up in such away that you no longer are easily offended. This is very liberating. The same word in the heart that keeps you from sin (v. 11) is the Word that protects you from offence.
Put these into practice and say good-bye to being offended and you can get on fulfilling your spiritual call.

SYRIA: Could the Civil War Become a World War?

The Syrian Civil War: By now we are all familiar with the term, but how much to we really know? First, there are the mind-numbing statistics: since the war first began in March 2011, as part of the ‘Arab Spring,’ 250,000 people have been killed, 7.6 million have been internally displaced (40% of the population), and another 4.4 million have registered as refugees outside of Syria. While Angela Merkel and Germany receive attention (and applause) for taking in 1.1 million migrants (not all are refugees from Syria), Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and even Iraq, have 3.6 million UN-registered Syrian refugees.
Then there are peace talks in Geneva. Oh, good, we think, perhaps this wretched situation may be winding down.
Not so fast. Let’s take a closer look.
First, it has long ceased to be a ‘Syrian Civil War,’ because as you will see below, it has become a regional war.
Syria Rebels: The Syrian civil war first began when peaceful protesters in the southern Syrian city of Duraa were brutally suppressed by the Baathist Party (a strange combination of socialism, fascism, and Arab nationalism) al Assad regime. Having overcome their fear of al Assad’s police state, the people fought back by various rebel groups.
The goal of the Syrian Rebels: Get rid of the al Assad dynasty, which has been ruling Syria since 1970. Here is the ‘civil war’ stage.
Sunni nations step in: After this, the waters got muddied. Though most Syrians are Sunni Muslim, the al Assad regime is Alawite, an offshoot of Shia Islam. This is one of the reasons the regime aligned with the Shia-power, Iran. Sunni Muslim regimes like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, decided to get involved by funding Sunni rebel groups.
The goal of the Sunni nations: Get rid of al Assad and install a Sunni regime. The result is that the ‘civil war’ is now a ‘regional conflict.’
Assad’s Allies Respond: Remember Newton’s law? For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction? Al Assad’s allies – Iran, Russia, and the Shia-militia Hizballah in Lebanon, watched these events with alarm and decided to support the Syrian government forces. Hizballah went one step further and got involved militarily, fighting along side Assad’s troops.
The goal of al Assad’s allies: Preserve the status quo by keeping him in power.
Terrorist haven: The chaos in Syria has been a fertile field for terrorist groups to extend their tentacles. This includes al Nusra-Front, the al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, and the so-called Islamic State, an offshoot of al Qaeda, which was expelled by the latter in February 2014 for being ‘too brutal.’ Both groups occupy Syrian territory, including the archaeological site of Palmyra, and even territory close to Damascus.
What does it all mean? What started off as a rebellion against the al-Assad regime has turned into a regional conflict and a proxy war between Sunnis and Shia. The terrorist occupation of part of Syria further complicates an already complex and combustable situation.
The Syrian civil war is arguably the worse conflict and humanitarian crisis since the end of the Second World War in 1945. It’s potential for morphing from a regional conflict to a world war is greater than anything we have seen until now.

Enter the Russians: Westerners may not realise that Russia has had a long-term interest in the Middle East. Some of it is geo-political and some of it theological – Mother Russia wants to save the world. Russian pilgrims have been trekking to the holy land for decades, where they had their own compound in Jerusalem, complete with hospice, cathedral, and even hospital. In 2015, Russia became militarily involved by firing rockets into Syria. Iran, newly-freed from sanctions imposed because of its nuclear program, is playing ‘catch-up’ in terms of business deals, weapons acquisition, and exerting influence in the region.
Along with the Hizballah militia, the balance of power is changing in favour of al-Assad and the Syrian government. There is a real chance that they can retake Syria’s largest city, Aleppo, and this would help wind down the war.
Sunni Invasion: Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia view the potential of al-Assad’s survival with great dismay. Russia, Iran, and Hizballah are changing the game and they must not be allowed to succeed.
The solution? An ground invasion of Syria by a Sunni coalition. According to an article by Michael Snyder, the largest military exercise in the history of the ‘war-torn’ Middle East is being planned. The statistics are staggering: a coalition of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Sudan, Kuwait, Morocco, Pakistan, Oman, Qatar, Tunisia (even Malaysia), will contribute 350,000 soldiers, 20,000 tanks, 2,450 planes, and 460 helicopters to an 18 day operation called ‘Northern Thunder.’ The goal is to replace al Assad with a Sunni-regime in Syria.
(Michael Synder, ‘World War 3 Could Start This Month: 350,000 Soldiers In Saudi Arabia Stand Ready To Invade Syria accessed 20 February 2016). Shockingly, the mainstream media is silent about all this.
The key players are America’s allies and Turkey is a NATO member. US President Barack Obama, who has worked hard to militarily detach the US from the Middle East, and constantly pledged ‘no (American) boots on the ground’ in any conflict, would have to give the nod.
If such a ground invasion of Syria were to occur, it would have to be soon. Would Russia, Iran, and Hizballah stand idly by as their significant gains in Syria come under threat? Would NATO have to get involved to defend its ally Turkey (that’s part of the deal – all NATO members must come to rescue of any member)? Could we be seeing the unthinkable – the beginning of World War III.
On the other hand, Saudi Arabia and some of these other countries have an untested military, Turkey

is bogged down with Kurdish sectarianism, and Obama wants to minimise, not accelerate, military involvement in the region. Are they willing to take the gamble of invading Syria, thus provoking Russia and Iran? It seems far-fetched, until you heard the quotes and see the actions.

For all praying people, this is a good time to go to work. And while you’re praying, remember the long-suffering Christian population in Iraq and Syria, who have been the focus of severe persecution by rebel and terrorist groups.
More than nukes and conventional arms, prayer is the greatest weapon of all.

‘Blessed are the peacemakers: For they shall be called the children of God’ — Matthew 5:9 

SYRIA: Could the Civil War Become a World War?

The Syrian Civil War: By now we are all familiar with the term, but how much to we really know? First, there are the mind-numbing statistics: since the war first began in March 2011, as part of the ‘Arab Spring,’ 250,000 people have been killed, 7.6 million have been internally displaced (40% of the population), and another 4.4 million have registered as refugees outside of Syria. While Angela Merkel and Germany receive attention (and applause) for taking in 1.1 million migrants (not all are refugees from Syria), Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and even Iraq, have 3.6 million UN-registered Syrian refugees.
Then there are peace talks in Geneva. Oh, good, we think, perhaps this wretched situation may be winding down.
Not so fast. Let’s take a closer look.
First, it has long ceased to be a ‘Syrian Civil War,’ because as you will see below, it has become a regional war.
Syria Rebels: The Syrian civil war first began when peaceful protesters in the southern Syrian city of Duraa were brutally suppressed by the Baathist Party (a strange combination of socialism, fascism, and Arab nationalism) al Assad regime. Having overcome their fear of al Assad’s police state, the people fought back by various rebel groups.
The goal of the Syrian Rebels: Get rid of the al Assad dynasty, which has been ruling Syria since 1970. Here is the ‘civil war’ stage.
Sunni nations step in: After this, the waters got muddied. Though most Syrians are Sunni Muslim, the al Assad regime is Alawite, an offshoot of Shia Islam. This is one of the reasons the regime aligned with the Shia-power, Iran. Sunni Muslim regimes like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, decided to get involved by funding Sunni rebel groups.
The goal of the Sunni nations: Get rid of al Assad and install a Sunni regime. The result is that the ‘civil war’ is now a ‘regional conflict.’
Assad’s Allies Respond: Remember Newton’s law? For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction? Al Assad’s allies – Iran, Russia, and the Shia-militia Hizballah in Lebanon, watched these events with alarm and decided to support the Syrian government forces. Hizballah went one step further and got involved militarily, fighting along side Assad’s troops.
The goal of al Assad’s allies: Preserve the status quo by keeping him in power.
Terrorist haven: The chaos in Syria has been a fertile field for terrorist groups to extend their tentacles. This includes al Nusra-Front, the al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, and the so-called Islamic State, an offshoot of al Qaeda, which was expelled by the latter in February 2014 for being ‘too brutal.’ Both groups occupy Syrian territory, including the archaeological site of Palmyra, and even territory close to Damascus.
What does it all mean? What started off as a rebellion against the al-Assad regime has turned into a regional conflict and a proxy war between Sunnis and Shia. The terrorist occupation of part of Syria further complicates an already complex and combustable situation.
The Syrian civil war is arguably the worse conflict and humanitarian crisis since the end of the Second World War in 1945. It’s potential for morphing from a regional conflict to a world war is greater than anything we have seen until now.

Enter the Russians: Westerners may not realise that Russia has had a long-term interest in the Middle East. Some of it is geo-political and some of it theological – Mother Russia wants to save the world. Russian pilgrims have been trekking to the holy land for decades, where they had their own compound in Jerusalem, complete with hospice, cathedral, and even hospital. In 2015, Russia became militarily involved by firing rockets into Syria. Iran, newly-freed from sanctions imposed because of its nuclear program, is playing ‘catch-up’ in terms of business deals, weapons acquisition, and exerting influence in the region.
Along with the Hizballah militia, the balance of power is changing in favour of al-Assad and the Syrian government. There is a real chance that they can retake Syria’s largest city, Aleppo, and this would help wind down the war.
Sunni Invasion: Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia view the potential of al-Assad’s survival with great dismay. Russia, Iran, and Hizballah are changing the game and they must not be allowed to succeed.
The solution? An ground invasion of Syria by a Sunni coalition. According to an article by Michael Snyder, the largest military exercise in the history of the ‘war-torn’ Middle East is being planned. The statistics are staggering: a coalition of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Sudan, Kuwait, Morocco, Pakistan, Oman, Qatar, Tunisia (even Malaysia), will contribute 350,000 soldiers, 20,000 tanks, 2,450 planes, and 460 helicopters to an 18 day operation called ‘Northern Thunder.’ The goal is to replace al Assad with a Sunni-regime in Syria.
(Michael Synder, ‘World War 3 Could Start This Month: 350,000 Soldiers In Saudi Arabia Stand Ready To Invade Syria accessed 20 February 2016). Shockingly, the mainstream media is silent about all this.
The key players are America’s allies and Turkey is a NATO member. US President Barack Obama, who has worked hard to militarily detach the US from the Middle East, and constantly pledged ‘no (American) boots on the ground’ in any conflict, would have to give the nod.
If such a ground invasion of Syria were to occur, it would have to be soon. Would Russia, Iran, and Hizballah stand idly by as their significant gains in Syria come under threat? Would NATO have to get involved to defend its ally Turkey (that’s part of the deal – all NATO members must come to rescue of any member)? Could we be seeing the unthinkable – the beginning of World War III.
On the other hand, Saudi Arabia and some of these other countries have an untested military, Turkey

is bogged down with Kurdish sectarianism, and Obama wants to minimise, not accelerate, military involvement in the region. Are they willing to take the gamble of invading Syria, thus provoking Russia and Iran? It seems far-fetched, until you heard the quotes and see the actions.

For all praying people, this is a good time to go to work. And while you’re praying, remember the long-suffering Christian population in Iraq and Syria, who have been the focus of severe persecution by rebel and terrorist groups.
More than nukes and conventional arms, prayer is the greatest weapon of all.

‘Blessed are the peacemakers: For they shall be called the children of God’ — Matthew 5:9