Crossway LifeCare is a community services organisation passionate about helping people in tough places flourish. Although some of their services have been suspended due to COVID-19, LifeCare has found ways to fulfil its vision during this time.
Prior to the COVID-19 shutdown, Crossway LifeCare delivered about 30 food hampers a month. In the last 11 weeks, LifeCare's Community Pantry has distributed 613 hampers!

One client said, "To your wonderful volunteers, and the kind people who donate, please pass on my heartfelt thanks". And another, "I wanted to say thank you again for the generosity you have shown my family today. The kids have already picked out a movie to watch tonight to have the popcorn with! They were over the moon to unpack everything and spent some time together figuring out potential meal ideas. It was so lovely to watch! I felt like they were on a game show. Please know that we are so grateful."
Many volunteers help pack and sort the food hampers. On April 27 this included three of the Essendon Football Club Staff, Gregor, Luke and Andrew. These three men had been stood down from their jobs indefinitely due to financial challenges arising from COVID-19 restrictions, but they wanted to give back despite their personal struggles and were grateful for the opportunity to help.

Every year, Crossway LifeCare's Women’s Centre puts on a pamper morning to celebrate the women who attend the Centre for Mother’s Day. Most of the women who attend the Women’s Centre are mothers, and all of them have experienced family violence. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this year’s pamper morning was unable to go ahead, so instead, the Centre delivered flowers to all the participants. After receiving her flowers, one woman said, "It's been a long, long time since I received anything for Mother's Day. They are beautiful, thank you ".
There are many more ‘good news’ stories and photos on Crossway Lifecare’s facebook page, demonstrating that even a pandemic cannot stand in the way of God’s love in action!
Crossway LifeCare Facebook