Some areas of Influence by THE CHURCH in the Community & Marketplace:
- Business & Economy
- Business Fellowships
- Chaplains
- Creative Arts
- Worship
- Performances
- Education
- Bible Colleges
- Christian Schools
- Training Programs
- Government & Justice
- Lobby Groups
- Health & Wellness
- Charity and Not for Profit Welfare
- Prayer Ministry
- Counselling
- Media & Entertainment
- Christian Musicians
- Sports & Recreation
- Chaplains
- Science & Environment
- Religion and Philosophy
- Pastors & Leaders
- Churches
These spheres or domains are dominating and competing for the families’ time, money, affections and ambitions.
There are two questions that every Christian who is working in the secular field must answer. The first is, “How do I be an effective witness in the sphere of society to my other non Christian friends?”
This is a matter of personally sharing our faith. It may be done by friendship evangelism, literature distribution, inviting our colleagues to church, to a Christian Concert, to a crusade, or to one of many different types of events that presents Christ to them. This is dealing with personal transformation.
Secondly a question that is often not tackled but must be if we want to see City Transformation is, “How do I impact society with the values of the Kingdom through the sphere that I am serving in?”