Tag Archives: Gentiles

The Son of Man: Why Study the Gospel of Luke? Part 03

The Gospel of Luke, the longest book of the New Testament, impeccably researched and written by Dr. Luke, demonstrates how Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, is the perfect Man. Luke’s initial target audience was the Greeks/Gentiles, who with their ancient humanism/hellenism focused on the ideal man. Jesus is more than ideal, He is the Biblical ‘Son of Man.’ Our purpose is to equip you to study of this great Gospel, either alone or in a small group Bible study.

In Part 01, we looked at the introduction to Luke, its authorship, its purpose, the portraits of Christ, theme, key verse, and timing. http://majdali.blogspot.com/2022/01/the-son-of-man-why-study-gospel-of-luke.html

In Part 02, we examined the distinctive aspects of the gospel, including the gospel itself, great hymns that were derived from it, etc., and began a summary of the Life of Jesus according to Luke. http://majdali.blogspot.com/2022/02/the-son-of-man-why-study-gospel-of-luke.html

Here in the third and final part of this Introduction to the Gospel of Luke, we continue and conclude the ‘Life of Christ,’ plus offer an outline of the entire book.

Jesus in Jerusalem (19:28-24:53)

  • Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (19:28-40);
  • Jesus Weeps for Jerusalem (19:41-44);
  • Jesus cleanses the temple (19:45-48);
  • Question about Jesus’ Authority (20:1-8);
  • Parable of the vinedressers (20:9-19);
  • Caesar or God? (20:20-26);
  • Question about marriage & the resurrection (20:27-40);
  • Whose Son is Christ? (20:41-47);
  • The widow’s sacrificial offering (21:1-4);
  • End-times signs (21:5-38);
  • Judas choses to betray Jesus (22:1-6);
  • Passover (22:7-23);
  • Who is the greatest (again – 22:24-30)
  • Prediction that Peter will deny Christ (22:31-38);
  • Jesus prays at the Mount of Olives (Gethsemane – 22:39-46);
  • Arrest of Jesus (22:47-53);
  • Peter denies Christ (22:54-62);
  • Jesus mocked by guards (22:63-65);
  • Jesus before the Council (22:66-71);
  • Jesus before Pilate and Herod (23:1-25);
  • Jesus crucified (23:26-43);
  • Death & burial of Jesus (23:44-56);
  • The Resurrection (24:1-12);
  • Teaching on the Emmaus Road (24:13-35);
  • Jesus appears to the disciples (24:36-49);
  • Ascension of Christ (24:50-53).


  1. Son of Man Introduced(1:1-4:13)

A.  Why This Gospel was written(1-14)

B.  Pre-Birth Events (1:5-56) 

(including prophecies of John & Jesus’ birth)

C.  The Birth of Christ (1:57-2:38)

D.  Pre-ministry Events (3:1-4:13)

(John, Baptism, Genealogy, Temptation in wilderness)

II.  Son of Man As Minister (4:14-9:50)

A. Christ’s debut (4:14-30) (Accepted in Galilee,

Rejected in Nazareth)

B. Son of Man & Power(4:31-5:28) (disciples are called, demons expelled, lepers`cleansed, paralytic walks). 

C.  Christ explained (5:29-6:49)

Teaches Pharisees and Disciples

D.  Christ’s ministry expands(7:1-9:50) Parables, miracles

III.  Journey to Jerusalem(9:51-19:27)

A.  Opposition increases (9:51-11:54) Samaritans, Jews

B.  Instruction in the face of opposition(12:1-19:27)

Parables, 10 Lepers, Zaccheus, the blind beggar

IV.  Christ’s final week and Crucifixion (19:28-23:56)

V.  The Resurrection and Great Commission (24)

The story that so triumphantly ends in Luke 24, finds its continuation in another colossal Bible book written by Dr. Luke: The Book of Acts. 

Note: Photo Compliments of Teach All Nations Inc. Image of Baptismal Site in Jordan