Tag Archives: Islamophobe

CULTURE WAR PART 11: Wisely Defending Your Values Part I

The culture war is not a war of bullets and bombs but of words and semantics. In this regard, the leftists and progressives has been very adept. They adopted catchy euphemisms to make their agenda palatable. For example, abortion on demand has been called ‘pro-choice’ or ‘a woman’s right to chose’ or even ‘women’s reproductive rights. Same-sex marriage is called ‘marriage equality.’ Illegal aliens are merely ‘undocumented workers.’ These terms have been stunningly effective in helping advance their cause.
On another front, when they have an argument with a conservative opponent, they go on a blistering personal attack – insulting, swearing, demeaning the other party. Terms like ‘hater,’ ‘bigot,’ ‘homophobe,’ ‘sexist,’ ‘racist,’ ‘misogynist,’ ‘Islamophobe,’ ‘intolerant,’ are common pejorative labels throne at conservative and non-conformist debaters. It is like the piranha effect – focus on one target and make they so despised that they don’t dare answer back and others like them will be sufficiently bullied to ‘beware’ of crossing the politically correct line.
If you believe in traditional values (chastity before marriage, traditional heterosexual marriage, biological (or adopted) family, fear of God, hard work, benevolence, the Golden Rule), and want to stand strong in them, you are on the frontlines of the culture war. Neutrality is not an option. People of faith and Godly fear will not be left alone; they will need to make a stand, at some point in their lives. As we have seen, the ultimate source of the conflict is not ideological but spiritual.
Do you believe that traditional values are worth defending and promoting?
If so, this article is for you.
For starters, you may want to use a new label: cultural conservationist. Younger people are very concerned about the environment, so they will be warm to ‘conservationism.’ The difference is that instead of championing the environment, you are defending the good things of the culture that made the West great.
How can you navigate through these shark infested waters of the culture war? How can you survive, even thrive, in a culture that relentlessly seeks to undermine the values you hold dear?
Whether you are a student in the university or someone who deals with public issues, here are some tips to help you through.
BE IN THE KNOW: First, know what you believe and why you believe it. Biblical Christian values are what made western civilisation great (no wonder western civilisation is under attack by progressive culture warriors). There are solid statements about what we believe and solid reasons why we believe it. Once you understand this, you will be more ready to defend your values, which are a hedge of protection for you and your family. I Peter 3:15: But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: We need to be ready, in and out of season, to explain what and why we believe.
DON’T RUN FROM THE FIGHT: Second, don’t go looking for a fight but don’t shrink back either. As mentioned, one of the most notable methods use by the progressives (not all, but many) is shamelessly attacking the person, not the principle. Because their platform is more subjective, emotive, and ‘feel good,’ rather than based on logic, fact, reality, and common sense, when you come up with a reasonable arguments, they are on the back foot. So they will attack you, rather than the issue.
During the campaign for the republic in Australia in the 1990s, conservatives who wanted to retain the crown in the constitution were attacked as ‘unAustralian’ or given other horrible insults. Since the conservative side had strong arguments for the status quo, the ‘change-crowd’ could not counter their logic, so they had no other recourse than to  verbally attack. Despite having the near-complete support of the Australian media, the elites, celebrities, and every-shade of leftist, not to mention progressivists having more money, the conservative side prevailed and the referendum was lost.
In the face of childish school yard talk – which has no correlation whatsoever with truth and reality – you will have to make a wise decision.
Option One: Turn the other cheek and move on. ‘Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him’ — Proverbs 26:4
Option Two: Fight fire with fire – however, keep calm, don’t insult, but put your opponent on the defensive, while not being defensive yourself. ‘Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit’ Proverbs 26:5
Both options are valid but you need wisdom which know which one is appropriate for the occasion. In many cases, it is better to walk away because talking to an irrational emotive person is pointless.,However, if you are cornered, and have no way out, then it is okay to respond. In fact, you must, and do so powerfully.  TO BE CONTINUED