Tag Archives: Meltdown

From Meltdown to Mountaintop: Why Study the Book of Habakkuk Part 02?

In Part 01, we had a survey of recent history and the meltdowns it has brought. In 2001, there was a major terrorist attack called ‘9-11.’ In 2005, Hurricane Katrina was a major natural disaster that destroyed the American city of New Orleans. In 2008, the world economy had a heart attack called the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). 

Just in 2020 alone, there has been drought, bush fires (wild fires in the USA), Covid-19, lockdowns, Covid-19 fascism, economic downturn, protests and riots

How do we respond when ‘the fig tree does not blossom and there is no fruit on the vine?’ How can we survive and thrive in the midst of crisis?

How do we go from ‘meltdown to mountaintop?’

We get our cue from Habakkuk. He teaches us to have serious, honest dialogue with the living God. We are enlightened by that transformational verse (2:4), The just shall live by his faith,’ which spawned the Protestant Reformation. Vision, faithfully waiting for its fulfilment, drawing strength from God, putting on the deer’s feet, walking on the high places, and rejoicing in all circumstances are part of the priceless legacy this prophet left to the world.

 Here in Part 02, we will continue and conclude the introduction to this key prophetic book. 


Habaqquq”UNUSUAL, FROM habaq meaning ‘embrace’ or ‘cling.’ As Jonah ran from God, Habakkuk is the prophet who ran to God to embrace and cling unto Him.


Calls himself a prophet from the kingdom of Judah and possibly served as a priest in the Jerusalem temple. Apart from this, we know nothing more about him.


God is our strength and hind’s feet (3:18). Salvation is used 3 times (3:13, 18). This salvation ushers in the promise of chapter 2:14 ‘For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.’


God’s ways may not make sense to the natural mind, like using the Chaldeans to chasten the Judeans, but you can ‘believe and trust’ Him to do what is right. The key word is ‘faith.’

At the end of the book, we also learn much about victorious living. When everything goes wrong, rejoice in the Lord, draw strength from God, and He will give you hind’s feet to walk upon the high places.


2:4: Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

3:17-19: Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: 18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.


Considering these tragic events, Habakkuk wants to know how God can be holy and yet patient in the face of such evil from Judah. God replies that He will judge Judah by the Babylonians. Habakkuk is shocked that God would use a thoroughly unrighteous nation like Babylon to judge a much less unrighteous nation like Judah.

The prophet learns that judging evil–in His own way and time–is God’s sovereign business. Our business is to live by faith. God’s justice decrees that Babylon will be judged. Judah will be revived and restored, because of God’s promises in the covenants. Habakkuk asks for mercy and learns that through faith, rejoicing, and God’s strength, he can catapult from valley bottom to mountain top (3:17-19)


I.           Meltdown of Habakkuk (1:1 – 17): Question & Answer


A.    Habakkuk’s First Question: Why Hasn’t God Judged Judah’s Sin? (1:1-4)


B.     God’s First Answer: Judah will be Chastened by the Chaldeans (1:5-11)


C.    Habakkuk’s Second Question: Why Use Wicked Chaldeans to Punish Less Wicked Judah? (1:12-17)


D.    God’s Second Answer (2:1-20)

1.      The Just–Who Live By Faith–Shall Be Preserved (2:1-5)

2.      The Chaldeans will be Judged (2:6-19)

3.      God is in Control (2:20)

II.        Mountaintop of Habakkuk (3:1-19): From Vision to Ascent

A.    Habakkuk Prays for Mercy (3:1-2)

B.     The Glory of God Revealed (3:3-4)

C.    The Power of God Revealed (3:5-15)

D.    Habakkuk Humbled (3:16)

E.     Habakkuk Promoted … to the Mountaintop (3:17-19)