Tag Archives: Pandemic

CORONAVIRUS: Should We Worry? What Can We Do?

It is a familiar and eerie sight. People walking around in public with white gas masks, like they did during the Spanish flu pandemic in 1919 or the SARS outbreak in 2003. Traffic jams are non-existent because the streets are deserted. Many places of business are closed. The scene looks apocalyptic!
Why the altered behaviour? Because out of Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, perhaps from a poultry or livestock vendor ‘wet market,’ came a fast-spreading virus called Coronavirus, officially known as Covid-19.
Several cities in China went into ‘lock-down’ to prevent spreading. Unfortunately, for various reasons, the virus in China spread rapidly around the world. Travel restrictions were slapped on stricken nations, ‘stay-at-home’ orders and ‘lock-downs’ have been placed around the world. The pandemic epicentre moved from China to Europe with Italy and Spain most affected. New York (city and state) has the most cases of any country – as of this writing, 188,694, with 9,385 deaths (5%). Indeed, 41% of all US fatalities come from the empire state at this time.
For perspective, here is a comparison with other pandemics:
Spanish Flu Pandemic
03/1918 to 08/1919
500 million
50 million (incl. 675,000 Americans)
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
11/2002 to 07/2003
01/2009 to 08/2020
24% of world population (60 million Americans)
284,000 globally; 12,469 Americans
03/2014 to 03/2016
12/2019 to Easter 2020
1,897,373 (568,176 in USA)
118,304 (22,935 Americans)
Covid-19 in New York
Easter 2020
New York 188,694
Seasonal flu
9% of global population up to 1 billion
Annually between 300,000-650,000
Should We Worry?
… and there shall be famines, and pestilences,
and earthquakes, in divers places — Matthew 24:7
Yes, Jesus Christ predicted last days pestilences before His return to this planet. Yet, in the previous verse, He strongly adds ‘See that you are not troubled.’ While we should be aware, we should not be alarmed. Under no circumstances, are people of faith to be troubled or afraid or worried (John 14:27; Philippians 4:6-9). God really does take care of those who trust in Him.
It is of the utmost importance that people are not provoked into panic. Such a reaction is worse than the health threat itself. Faith-people should remain calm and encourage others to do likewise. The opposite emotion can be dangerous and destructive. Fear can be conquered by faith and the perfect love of God (I John 4:18).
So what should we do? Relax, calm down, and be level-headed.
Practical Steps to Prevention
For those who would like to take some practical steps from being afflicted by any virus, not just coronavirus, here are a few tips on sanitation and supplementation:
1.        Wipe everything down: This includes computer keyboards, phones, things that might be on the floor like purses, briefcases, other bags, door knobs, and even the table/tray used to eat meals on the airplane (when flights resume again). Wet wipes, hand-sanitisers, and disinfectants are your tools. Items brought into the house from outside like grocery bags or cardboard boxes need a wipe. The virus can live on surfaces for awhile.
2.        Wash hands regularly: Good trusty normal soap and warm-water is actually the best. Hands should be washed thoroughly, 20-30 seconds – not just a quick run of the tap. Wash after being outside, in public, before meals, and, of course, after visiting the washroom; remember to avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
3.        Social distancing: Stay 2 metres away from others who live outside your own home. This is crucial.
4.        Stay-at-Home: There is a distinction between stay-at-home and lock-downs; the former allows for limited journeys outside the home for exercise, doctor visits, grocery stores and essential services. The latter does not allow for anyone to leave their homes. In any case, cooperation with the authorities is essential.
5.        Supplementation: At the first sign of colds or flu, reach for echinacea. One medical doctor and health specialist said it could actually be the ‘cure for the common cold.’ Australian supplement company Cenovis has a great product called ‘Echinacea, Garlic, Zinc & C.’ Our family has used it for years with remarkable results. Remember, only take echinacea if you are coming down with the flu, not as a daily supplement. Don’t forget B-Vitamins, Vitamin C and D; higher doses can be very helpful at the outset of a cold or flu but should be taken regularly to build up one’s immunity.
6.        Food: When you are battling cold or flu, nothing seems to work like chicken soup, preferably home made. For more power, add some lemon juice (a Mediterranean version) and/or garlic. Of course, rice and/or noodles in the soup are always a treat.
7.        Get good sleep: That goes without saying; you can’t beat illness if your system is run down due to lack of sleep.
8.        Public coughing: Hold your breath or turn away if someone is coughing and sneezing your way. If you are the cougher, try to cough into a tissue (quickly disposed) or into your elbow; never cough without covering your mouth in some way. Face masks apparently are not that effective, unless it is to keep your germs from going to others;
9.        Hand sanitiser: Keep them handy on your person, your car, and/or your desk;
10.   Toilets (public and private): Remember that public toilets, door handles, taps (faucets), soap dispenser and, yes, even the hand dryers, are a breeding ground for bacteria, including viruses. Hand dryers can spread the germs around and, if possible, use paper towels instead, for drying your hand and to use on the door handle. What about at home (or someone else’s home)? Be sure to put down the toilet lid before flushing to keep germs from becoming airborne;
Spiritual Remedies
While the practical side is good to observe, the spiritual side is much more important. Faith can do what natural resources and human effort cannot. And faith comes by hearing and hearing comes from God’s Word (Romans 10:17). If you build up your ‘spiritual immune system,’ it will positively affect all aspects of your being, including
Here are some Scripture promises to meditate on and confess aloud.
Psalm 91:3, 6, 7:Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. 6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.
Exodus 15:26ff: … I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.”
Proverbs 18:10: The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.
Mark 5:34: And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.
Out of conviction and experience, this author is convinced that putting the spiritual side first reaps benefits spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Put these principles into practice and watch the blessings flow.