Tag Archives: Saul Alinsky

Roots of the Cultural Revolution


Roots of the Cultural Revolution (and Hope for the Future)

Some of America’s great cities, like Seattle, Portland, Chicago, and New York, are in turmoil. Riots, looting, flag burning and statue toppling have been the alarming hallmarks. But that’s not all: attacking churches, synagogues, and even burning Bibles is now part of the protest. What, if anything, does this have to do with the death of George Floyd in police custody on May 25, 2020?

As we learned last time, similar activities happened in the 1960s. Like now, the end goal was a Marxist revolution. While the 1960s was during the Cold War, with a Marxist superpower called the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe under communism. Today, in the post-Cold War world, we are seeing the seeds of sixties radicalism come to fruition.

Remember that while the average protestor / rioter may not be aware of the full picture, there is an evil logic behind these disturbing events. There are some very wealthy donors behind it all, as well as a compliant media and politicians who not only fail to condemn the violence, but even deny that it is even happening and/or tacitly support it.

 Introducing Saul Alinsky

To understand today, we need to introduce an important figure and cultural Marxist: Saul Alinsky (1909-1972). Born Jewish, Alinsky was an American disciple of Antonio Gramsci. As a revolutionary from within the United States, Alinsky learned methods of shake-down and subversion first-hand from the Chicago mafia itself. His book Rules for Radicals documents his methods. Tellingly, the book was dedicated to Lucifer, the first rebel. His shake-down methods helped him net much money and many disciples, including a former Democrat US President and a Presidential candidate. These methods included ‘divide and conquer,’ ‘spawn chaos,’ ‘identify scapegoats,’ ‘misinformation,’ ‘start a group,’ ‘alter the vocabulary,’ ‘decoys,’ and, when the time is right, grab power.

In his day, Alinsky methods were technically not illegal. For example, he sent his radicals into Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, where they went into the toilet cubicles, lock themselves in, and refuse to come out for hours. Imagine the frustration of air travellers! Airport’s response: What do we need to do to get you to leave? Or threaten city hall by unleashing rodents on the steps. The likelihood of giving Alinsky what he wanted was greatly enhanced.

 Today’s events are playing out according to Alinsky’s rules for radicals. For example:

1.        Use chaos: Let there be no rhyme or reason behind the violence. For example, confederate statues (who supported slavery), abolitionist statues (who opposed slavery), and even Lincoln statues (who ended slavery) are all targets for toppling. Keep the establishment guessing and confused.

2.        Violence: Be violent, riot, loot, and cause havoc. If the leader and police hesitate, they are weak. If they respond, they are oppressors.

3.        Mislead: While calling the establishment ‘liar, liar, liar,’ simultaneously create a campaign of disinformation;

4.        Ridicule: Like the flesh-eating piranhas, ridicule your opponent until they are completely dehumanised. If they try to defend themselves, slap them down.

5.        Scapegoats: The Jewish people are very familiar with this during their long history. Why are we in turmoil? Blame the scapegoats. Today’s version includes Donald Trump, white people, Russia, and Christians, particularly evangelicals, and Jews. Dictators enhance their power by scapegoating – ask Adolf Hitler.

6.        Division: While the West has been able to unite people of different backgrounds, the far left want to divide society. One particular weapon is identity politics, which pits women, ethnic, religious and sexual minorities against whites, heterosexual men, and Christians.

7.        The Issue: Using clever semantics, remember the issue at hand (e.g. police brutality, George Floyd, racism, equality) is not really the issue. The end-goal is create a movement, foment revolution, and seize power.


How is it that Cultural Marxism succeeded in capturing major organs of western culture, like the media, judiciary, and entertainment industry? The answer is the education system. Yesterday’s students have become today’s radicals. It is not just in the universities: Cultural Marxism has also seeped into the primary and secondary schools as well. In 2007, a very credible and incisive scholar said that today’s American and western universities are teaching the same ideology that was taught in Germany during the 1930s. No wonder Nazism took over: yesterday’s graduates became future radicals and operating the German killing machine of World War II. Is it any wonder we having Bolshevik and Nazi-style unrest today? Gramsci, Marcuse, and Alinsky would be very proud.


It is this author’s conviction that the best solution – perhaps the only solution – is a spiritual revival. In the 1960s, despite all the unrest, a revival broke out called the ‘Jesus Revolution.’ Dr. Michael Brown (USA) and Bill Muehlenberg (Australia) were yesterday’s radicals who have become important ministers of Christ today – thanks to this spiritual revolution.

God can do it again. For it to happen, we need to pray, intercede, repent where necessary, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. As we learn from another article in this month’s Issachar Teaching eLetter, we have potent spiritual weapons (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). As radicals are toppling statues, we can topple spiritual strongholds. Here’s 9 strongholds to demolish:

1.        Stronghold of hate;

2.        Stronghold of fear;

3.        Stronghold of division;

4.        Stronghold of violence;

5.        Stronghold of deception;

6.        Stronghold of cancel-culture;

7.        Stronghold of Marxism;

8.        Stronghold of anarchy & rebellion;

9.        Stronghold of Jezebel (Ahab’s queen: a controlling, manipulative, heathen, hateful and destructive person – the epitome of evil).

In the Book of Joshua, before going to battle, Joshua and the children of Israel did their spiritual preparation at Gilgal.

In order to see rebellion turned to revival, lets use our spiritual weapons, put on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-13), pray in the Spirit (Jude 20), and obey God’s clear commands.

Now that you have been commissioned and equipped with God’s solution, now is the time to put it into practice.