Among the most desirable and least obtainable commodities in the world is peace. In the last century, we had two world wars and dozens of regular wars since. We even had a very dangerous ‘Cold War’ where the American and Soviet superpowers avoided direct conflict, but they facilitated several proxy wars while pointing nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles at each other. We even now have a ‘war on terror,’ which, in reality, is a war with global jihadism.
In addition, there are global hotspots, mostly in Asia, where a miscalculation or lack of statecraft could result in a regional or global conflict. These ‘hotspots’ include the Korean Peninsula, China-Taiwan, India-Pakistan, Israel-Iran, Israel-Arabs, the Syrian war and the threat of the Islamic State.
Yet, even in prosperous and relatively peaceful societies, there is a shocking lack of personal peace. Rates of anxiety and depression are at record levels, especially in prosperous peaceful countries like Australia. Those who suffer from these things derive no comfort from the fact that their country is not in armed conflict.
Are you eager to trade in your fears, anxieties, and depression, for some lasting peace? Then read on.
During the early 1990s, there was a novel approach to the Arab-Israel conflict. Israel entered into the ‘Oslo peace process’ with the Palestine Arabs. Basically, it offered ‘peace in instalments.’ Here’s how it worked: the more land Israel gave to the Palestinians, the ‘more peace’ it would obtain.
While there have been some areas of progress as a result of Oslo (for example, Oslo made it possible for certain countries to enter into diplomatic relations with Israel), the ultimate goal of a just, lasting peace remains elusive.
Nevertheless, there is good news: it is possible to have personal, growing, permanent, life-sustaining peace. It is a priceless gift from Jesus Christ Who, among His many glorious titles, is called the ‘Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus offers every true believer the marvellous gift of peace and it, too, comes as a process. You can ‘grow in peace’ as you do ‘in faith, grace and glory.
If you would like to receive God’s peace, here and now, pay particular attention to this promise from Jesus from John 14:27 (NKJV):
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Most people know the Hebrew word for ‘peace,’ namely ‘Shalom.’ It is used to say ‘hello,’ ‘good-bye,’ and ‘how are you?’ Yet this word goes even deeper. It can also mean ‘wholeness, inner rest, fellowship with God, and total well-being.’ In the Greek language translation of the Old Testament, the Septuagint, ‘shalom’ becomes ‘soteria,’ which means ‘salvation’ (Genesis 26:31; 41:16).
What a wonderful word!
If you would like to enter into God’s ‘Peace Process,’ please understand that the above verse in John 14:27 gives the promise of peace and the pre-requisite for receiving it. Christ promises to leave His peace with you. As the Prince of Peace, His peace will be grander, more powerful, and more wonderful than mere human peace. He promises to give peace in a manner that is impossible for the world to replicate. When the world gives peace, it gives for a price, it gives in part, and it can renege and take it away. When Christ gives, He gives peace fully, freely, and permanently.
Yet, there is a condition you must fulfil. Before you can receive Christ’s peace, you have to obey the simple command: don’t let your heart be troubled or afraid. Despite the march of fleshly fear, overdrive anxiety, and deepening depression, if you will surrender to God, humble yourself, and submit to His grace, you can enter into a personal, mental, and spiritual ‘cease-fire’ which makes receiving Christ’s peace possible.
The Nature of Peace
The World’s Peace
Christ’s Peace
Given for a price
Given freely
Given in part
Given in full
Can be lost or taken back
Remains permanently
Anxiety remains
Anxiety gone
Depression remains
Depression gone
Fear remains
Fear gone
Despair possible
Despair impossible
There are four more steps to entering into God’s peace process. Stay tuned for more