Tag Archives: Suffering

Why Study the Gospel of Mark? Part 03

The Hardworking Servant Messiah: 

The Issachar Teaching eLetter has been offering surveys of every one of the sixty-six books of the Bible, in the order that they are found. Our goal is to encourage personal and small group Bible studies, as a means of growing strong spiritually. As we continue and conclude this introduction to the Gospel of Mark, let’s remember a few main points:

  • It is the oldest and shortest of the four gospels;
  • It was written by John Mark, apostle to Africa, understudy to Barnabas, Paul, and Peter;
  • This gospel shows Jesus Christ as the tireless servant of God;
  • The key Greek word is eutheos, used forty-two times and translated ‘immediately’ or ‘straightaway;’ 
  • We also learned why the sometimes disputed verses in Mark 16:9-20 should be considered part of the canon of Scripture.

(Note: If you missed out on Parts 01 and 02 of our Gospel of Mark survey, they can be found on our website: tan.org.au).

Let’s finalise our introduction by offering this Outline of the Gospel of Mark. Have it handy when you endeavour to do your own study of this great gospel.


  1. Part 01: The Energetic Servant Messiah (1:1-8:26)
    1. Forerunner of Messiah (1:1-8)
    2. Baptism of Messiah (1:9-11)
    3. Temptation of Messiah (1:12-13)
    4. Messiah’s Mission & Miracles (1:14-2:12)
      1. Messiah’s Work (1:14-15)
      2. Call of the Disciples (1:16-20)
      3. First miracles (1:21-2:12)
    5. Opposition from the Pharisees (2:1-3:12)
      1. Friend of Sinners (2:13-22)
      2. Working on the Sabbath (2:23-28)
      3. Healing on the Sabbath (3:1-5)
      4. Pharisees seek to Destroy Him (3:6-12)
    6. The Twelve Chosen (3:13-19)
    7. Opposition from friends (3:20-21)
    8. Scribes & the Unpardonable Sin (3:22-30)
    9. Parables of the Messiah (4:1-34)
      1. Soil (4:1-20)
      2. Lamp (4:21-25)
      3. Seed that grows (4:26-29)
      4. Mustard seed (4:30-34
    10. More Miracles from Messiah (4:35-5:43)
      1. Calms the Storm at Sea (4:35-41)
      2. Gadarene Demoniac & the Swine (5:1-20)
      3. Jairus & Jesus (5:21-24)
      4. Woman with Issue of Blood Healed (5:25-34)
      5. Healing of Jairus’ daughter (5:35-43)
    11. Healings and Growing Opposition (6:1-8:26)
      1. Jesus Rejected in Nazareth (6:1-6)
      2. Disciples Sent on Mission (6:7-13)
      3. Execution of John the Baptist (6:14-29)
      4. Disciples: Mission Accomplished (6:30-31)
      5. Feeding of the 5000 (6:32-44)
      6. Jesus Walks on Water (6:45-52)
      7. Healings at Gennesaret (6:53-56)
      8. Pharisees & the Issue of Defilement (7:1-23)
      9. Retreat to the Gentiles (7:24-8:9)
      10. Pharisees Demand a Sign (8:10-13)
      11. Disciples Confused (8:14-21)
      12. Healing of the blind man (8:22-26)
  1. Part 02: The Watershed (8:27-9:29)
    1. Peter Confesses Jesus as Messiah (8:27-33)
    2. Call and Cost of Discipleship (8:34-38)
    3. The Transfiguration (9:1-13)
    4. Demonic Son Delivered (9:14-29
  1. Part 03: The Suffering Servant Messiah (9:30-16:20)
    1. Jesus Predicts His Death (9:30-32)
    2. Doctrine for Disciples (9:33-10:45)
      1. Servant Attitude (9:33-41)
      2. Beware of Hell (9:42-50)
      3. Marriage & Divorce (10:1-12)
      4. Children and the Kingdom of God (10:13-16)
      5. Attitude to wealth – Rich Young Ruler (10:17-27)
      6. Leave and Receive 100-fold (10:28-31)
      7. The Crucifixion predicted (10:32-34)
      8. Key to Greatness (10:35-45)
    3. Healing of Bartimaeus (10:46-52)
    4. Jesus Enters Jerusalem (11:1-19)
      1. Triumphal Entry (11:1-11)
      2. Cursing of the Fig Tree (11:12-14)
      3. Cleansing of the Temple (11:15-19)
    5. Doctrine on Prayer (11:20-26)
      1. Faith & Prayer (11:20-24)
      2. Forgiveness & Prayer (11:25-26)
    6. Jerusalem: Increasing Opposition (11:27-12:44)
      1. Christ’s Authority Questioned (11:27-33)
      2. Question on taxes (12:13-17)
      3. Resurrection Questioned (12:18-27)
      4. The Greatest Commandment (12:28-34)
      5. Christ: Son of David? (12:35-37)
      6. Christ Reproves Jewish Leaders (12:38-44)
    7. The Last Days (13:1-37)
      1. Questions of the Disciples (13:1-4)
      2. The Tribulation Period (13:5-23)
      3. Second Coming of Christ (13:24-27)
      4. The Fig Tree (13:28-31)
      5. Time to Watch (13:32-37)
    8. Passion of Messiah (14:1-15:47)
      1. Conspiracy to Kill Messiah (14:1-2)
      2. Anointing at Bethany (14:3-9)
      3. Judas Plans to Betray Messiah (14:10-11)
      4. Preparation for Passover (14:12-16)
      5. Passover Celebrated (14:17-21)
      6. The First Lord’s Supper (14:22-25)
      7. Peter’s Denial Predicted (14:26-31)
      8. Jesus’ Prayer at Gethsemane (14:32-42)
      9. Judas Betrays Jesus (14:43-52)
      10. Trial of Jesus (14:53-15:14)
      11. Scourging of Jesus (15:15-23)
      12. Crucifixion of Christ (15:24-41)
      13. Burial of Christ (15:42-47)

  1. Part 04: Resurrection of Messiah (16:1-20)
    1. The Resurrection of Christ (16:1-8)
    2. Jesus Appears (16:9-14)
    3. The Great Commission (16:15-18)
    4. Ascension of Messiah (16:19-20)