Bayside City


Area / Location:

The city of Bayside includes the suburbs of Brighton, Brighton East, Sandringham, Hampton, Hampton East, Black Rock, Beaumaris and parts of Highett and Cheltenham.


  • 80.480 (1996 Census)
  • Average annual population growth is almost nil
  • There are 120 indigenous people (0.1% of population)
  • There are significantly more retirees and elderly people in Bayside than the Melbourne average, similarly there are a lower percentage of younger adults
  • Age structure (1996)
Age Group Bayside % Melbourne %
0 – 4 5.9% 6.9%
5 – 14 12.9% 13.1%
15 – 24 11.9% 15.5%
25 – 54 42.6% 48.9%
55 – 69 12.7% 7.6%
70 Plus 13.9% 8.0%

Birthplace and Language

Country of Origin Bayside Melbourne %
Australia 74.8% 67.3%
UK / Ireland 7.1% 5.4%
Other main English Speaking 10.3%  
Non English Speaking 11.8%  
  • 1.4% of the population are not fluent in speaking English, with 10.9% of the population speaking a language other than English at home.
  • Significantly lower percentage of the population born overseas, with significantly more than the average from UK and Ireland than the Melbourne average


Religion Bayside % Melbourne %
Christian 67.6% 66.0%
Non Christian 4.6% 6.0%
No Religion 18.9% 19.0%


  • Unemployment is at 5.5%
  • Compared to Melbourne average, the average income and level of education is higher
  • There is a higher percentage of people in management positions than the Melbourne average


  • 73.3% of people own or are paying for their home in Bayside, with the average household size being 2.49 people per dwelling

There is a higher percentage of lone and couples without children than the Melbourne average.
