Frankston City

Area / Location:

Frankston is the major employment and retail centre for the Peninsula Region. Major institutions include Monash University, Frankston College of TAFE and the Frankston Campus of Mornington Peninsula Hospital.

Frankston is made up of the suburbs of Frankston, Frankston East, Frankston West, Frankston South, North Frankston, Carrum Downs, Langwarrin South, Seaford, and Skye.

The city logo is the dolphin, a symbol of peace and intelligence.


  • 112,062 (1996 census)
  • Growth rate from 91-96 was 4%, this is expected to slow, with an anticipated growth rate of 1.75% over the next 20 years
  • Age structure
Age Group Frankston % Melbourne %
0 – 4 6.4% 6.9%
5 – 14 14.6% 13.1%
15 – 24 14.1% 15.5%
25 – 34 15.2% 16.7%
35 – 49 21.8% 22.5%
50 – 59 11.3% 10.0%
60 – 69 7.5% 7.3%
70 – 84 6.5% 6.8%
85 Plus 1.2% 1.2%

Birthplace and Language

  • Frankston is predominantly Anglo Saxon in origin, with the top four countries of birth outside Australia being UK, New Zealand, Netherlands and Germany
  • English is the major language spoken at home


  • No data available

Employment / Education

  • The weekly individual income of Frankston residents is on par with Melbourne metropolitan area.
  • School attendance is higher than for Melbourne as a whole, in particular for pre-school and primary schools (reflecting the higher percentage of children 0-12 than Melbourne’s average)
  • 24.3% of employed workers are in the wholesale and retail trade sectors, 20.7% in electrical, gas and water utilities and 17.2% in community services

28.1% are clerks, in sales or services, 24.4% are professionals or associate professionals.
