Transforming New York, USA

November 1999 – United Prayer – God's Strategy To Reach The City

Jesus placed a unique emphasis on our coming together in unity and love as His witness to the world. Biblically and historically God's people coming together corporately in visible, united prayer has been His primary instrument to revive the Church and awaken the society to spiritual things.

The Measurable Impact On The City Of New York
The secular book Signs of Hope in the City (Carle & DeCaro, Judson Press, 1997) notes that "churches are the principal factor in reducing violence, poverty and decay in New York".
They are the most effective proponents of urban renewal and community development.

Having done forensic dental work for New York City, I have seen the impact of the drop in crime — the morgue where I work feels almost empty. This had to be the hand of God — His response to those praying for this region through "The Lord's Watch' these last two years. I support Concerts of Prayer." Dr. Jeff Burkes, Chief Dental Consultant NYC Medical Examiner's Office and Intercessor

Prayer initiatives of the Church in New York include:

  • "The Lord's Watch" on-going, 24-hour a day, 365 day a year prayer vigil by over 100 churches
  • "Annual Pastor's Prayer Summit" involving more than 500 pastors in seven years.
  • "Concerts of Prayer" events, involving 100 congregations and over 60,000 people since 1988.
  • "Biannual Urban Consultation" bringing 400 leaders together from 50 cities to discover new models of ministry in a metropolitan context. Website:
