A Strategy to Maintain our Momentum in Prayer
The following points are suggested:
1. 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting for Melbourne every year
– Preparation meetings 2 weeks ahead to instruct on prayer and fasting, and to consider our focus for the 40 days ahead
– Give clear direction/ warnings/ accountability for Fasting
– Church leaders publicly launch “Love Melbourne 2001”
Prayer and Fasting” on Ash Wednesday with report on this year.
2. Weekly Combined prayer meetings in each local city
3. Occasional gatherings of all Christians to pray and worship in the centre of Melbourne
4. Invite all Christians to the top of the Rialto every 6 months to Pray over the City (The next: 9am Sat. 5th August)
The Pastors will meet there on alternate 6 months (The next will be 9am Sat. 6th May, Sat. 4th Nov.) THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POST-PONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
5. Some people will fast on Thursdays till 5pm Suggest each person ask the Holy Spirit to give a focus for this eg the unchurched / drug problem/ getting closer to God, etc
6. Mapping physical, social and spiritual strongholds in each Area of the city and target these in prayer
To be described by Tom White at Prayer Seminar 16, 17 May
7. Details of this mapping and answers to prayer to be published on Love Melbourne website
8. Intercessors for Melbourne provide training for prayer
9. Everyone’s insights and suggestions are welcome.
For more Info & to offer your ideas, support and answers to prayer: Email us at: office@transformingmelbourne.org
OR Contact: Intercessors for Melbourne: Phone: 9716 2886