Friday 26th January to Tuesday 6th March
Humbling ourselves in surrender and repentance before the Lord
Transforming Melbourne have produced brochures with Daily Readings for the 6 weeks (prepared by the Australian Prayer Network) with other information and details of United Prayer gatherings in each of Melbourne 31 local cities. These brochures are available from KOORONG BOOKS in Blackburn, and WORD BOOKS in Nunawading, Cheltenham, Frankston, Dandenong and the City. Individual copies or bundles for churches can be collected by asking at the counter (they may not be on display, although they will be placed in the shopping bags. They are also available from our Transforming Melbourne Office (Phone: 9570 2534). DOWNLOAD BROCHURE PDF HERE Page One Page Two MEETINGS IN LOCAL CITIES: There will be meetings in each of the 31 local cities across Melbourne to bring Christians and Churches to pray together with others in their community. They will include times of reflection on what God is saying to us and the Church in the light of the drought and other issues facing our nation. These meetings are listed on the 40 days brochure and will be mainly at 7.30pm Wed 21st Feb., with a few meetings at other times that week. On eof the aims of these meetings is to begin or support local networks of united prayer. FASTING: As a means of entering into a deeper expression of humility before God those participating in the 40 Days of Preparation are encouraged to consider some form of fasting for the period from 26th January until 6th March. Fasting can take many forms. These are some you may wish to consider.A 'Daniel' fast – vegetables only (see Daniel 1:12), Fast one meal a day, Fast one day a week Or simply give up something that would be a personal sacrifice for you. The challenge is that we seek to do something to humble ourselves before God (on behalf of this nation during this period of 40 days as we prepare ourselves)(See: for more on fasting) THE DAILY READINGS: Prepared by the APN for your reflection during the 40 days. Each week will have a different theme that corresponds with one of the six major areas of sin, which God identified during the prayer season of late 2006. Scriptures have been prepared that will invite prayerful contemplation on what God revealed during that time. Their purpose is to stimulate your heart to aspire to a closer walk with God and a turning from patterns of past behaviour that have resulted in a less than radically obedient response to His commands. Specific prayer points are not included because this is not a time of praying for the nation, nor even for the Solemn Assembly itself, although both are not excluded should the Lord lead you that way. SEE THE INTRODUCTION TO THE 40 DAYS AND EXTRA READINGS AND REFLECTIONS FOR EVERY DAY ON THIS WEBSITE See: Daily Readings Intro , Week 1 Extra Readings, Week 2 Extra Readings Transformation begins with our personal transformation We invite you to let the transformation begin with you. When we let God change us, He will be able to unify His Body in functional relationships and united prayer and serving in local areas. Then we will see God’s impact in our local cities and then across the City of Melbourne and Australia progressively. 92627444Transforming Melbourne's role. The Transforming Melbourne movement is coordinating Melbourne’s local city networks, churches and ministries so that we engage with the national prayer focus in the local areas of Melbourne. We will be able to help you focus on local Melbourne issues that relate to the weekly focus outlined in the national schedule. TRANSFORMING MELBOURNE JOINED THE NATIONAL 40 DAYS Transforming Melbourne put aside their planned 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting for this year (was to begin on Wed 21 Feb.) to join the National "40 Days of Heart Preparation" in Prayer 26th Jan. – 6th March in unity with the Australian Prayer Network WHY CHANGE THE DATES OF THE 40 DAYS OF PRAYER?We believe Unity, Servanthood and Prayer are essential to enable God to move. So put aside our preparation for the scheduled Transforming Melbourne 40 days of Prayer and Fasting (previously to be from 21st February – 1st April). We unite instead with the national 40 days of prayer recently initiated by The Australian Prayer Network. We do this so we can stand as one across Australia before our God in repentance and preparation for God’s transformation of our nation. We apologise for the short notice of this change in dates (but not for the move to unity!).Please do not let our change, or your starting the 40 Days a bit late deter you from participation! WHY ANOTHER NATIONAL CALL TO PRAYER? In late 2006 the Australian Prayer Network coordinated 40 days seeking God’s face about the DROUGHT. Responses words and scriptures received from across the nation made it abundantly clear that God is very serious about the state of His Body and the resultant negative impact it is having on our Nation. Unless there is REPENTANCE and a spiritual turning back to Him by those who are called by his Name then the physical conditions currently being experienced across our Nation will only continue to deteriorate. This second national season of 40 days of prayer has been called to prepare our hearts to bring God’s Church in Australia into united repentance. NATIONAL SOLEMN ASSEMBLY: To Come Before God in RepentanceFriday 9th to Monday 12th March in CanberraThe 40 days of heart preparation from 26th January-6th March, will culminate in the NATIONAL SOLEMN ASSEMBLY in Canberra 9th-11th March. We invite you to be part of this historic event by representing your church and district in Canberra. Information: If you can’t be in Canberra you can share locally. Meet in small groups during the Solemn Assembly, and Local churches will be asked to include the theme of the repentance and forgiveness in their services on that Sunday (11th March) and to have a focused time of repentance and prayer from 12 to 3pm that day. .