Pastors & Youth Pastors Consultation: Wed 16th May
The "Y-GENERATION" (currently 12 to 24 year olds) will decide the future of the Church in our nation. Research reveals some BASIC DIFFERENCES IN ALMOST ALL THESE YOUNG PEOPLE: their culture, values, spirituality and needs. They generally accept no authority but themselves. They look for authenticity before listening to someone. They choose what is right for them, including their beliefs. Is the Church prepared to make major changes needed to include GEN-Y?
Transforming Melbourne and Melbourne Pastors Network invite you to a CONSULTATION on the serious issues raised in the 5-year "AUSTRALIAN YOUTH SPIRITUALITY RESEARCH" report just released. Speakers include Dr. Philip Hughes, Director of the Christian Research Association (who conducted the GEN-Y research) and others including some Gen-Y people. Grapple together with what this means for us today and tomorrow.
9.15am to 4pm at the Box Hill Salvation Army, 17-23 Nelson Road, Box Hill
$35 incl. Lunch ($20 concession/students)
To register & for more info: office@transformingmelbourne.org or call 9570 2534