Transformation is a gift of God, not a consequence of programming but these are elements that facilitate our ability to receive God’s transformation. We long to see prayer groups across the city where people who hunger to encounter God’s presence, revelation and intervention will be drawn into adoration and transformation and from where they’ll carry God’s transformational presence to our city.
Loving God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength….
WORSHIP GOD with ADORATION. Worship in ‘proskuneo in NT Greek means ‘to kiss toward’ and implies a deep emotional response toward God. (Psalm 95:6) Our worship connects us intimately with God and heaven (Revelation 5:11) when we express our adoration of Him in music, prayer and testimony. When we declare aloud before God, each other and witnesses (Hebrews 12:1) the Scriptural characteristics of God this builds our understanding of a true image of God, our trust and confidence in God and His promises and a growing understanding of and respect for God’s perspective, His will, His holy righteousness, His compassionate mercy and His power. (Psalm 111:10, Isaiah 55:8-9) Knowing God as our Father builds assurance in our identity as children and heirs of His promise and power. (Philippians 4:13) We are utterly secure in the victory of Jesus Christ and His indwelling. (1Corinthians 15:57, Galatians 2:20) It’s in the place of thanksgiving and praise that God conceives within us His mind and heart for our city." Dawson p125 (2 Chronicles 20:21-22)
RESTING IN GOD’S PRESENCE. Rather than building God’s house our way and filling our schedules with our agendas, we need to wait on God, focused on Him, seeking His face and His manifest presence to fill His house. (2Chronicles 5:13-14) We need time free of programming and even speaking to rest and soak in His presence and His Word, (Ecclesiastes 5:2) and listening to His Holy Spirit’s revelation. (John 8:47, Joshua 24:24, Psalm 81:13-14) When we encounter God we are convicted to repent of our sin. (Psalm 66:18, Joshua 3:5, 1Peter4:17) Our perspectives change so we can discern the deceptions and accusations of the enemy. We see people, cities and events as God sees them. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) Our attitudes are transformed (Psalm 139:23-24, 1Corinthians 2:16) and we lay down our judgements and agreement with the accuser. (Proverbs 3:4-6, Zephaniah 3:14-15) We are to depend completely on God and expect His miraculous intervention. (John 15:5, Hebrews 1:14)
PROCLAMATION & THANKSGIVING. When we know God and He has revealed His will and what we are up against, (Ephesians 6:12, 2Corinthians 10:4,5) we know what to claim and can boldly declare God’s will into being. (Daniel 11:32, Acts 4:31, John 12:49-50) Once we have discerned the nature of the enemy’s lie we are to exercise the authority of Jesus to isolate people from religious spirits and demonic oppression and activity. Power is released through praise and proclamation! (Psalm 149:5-9, 2Chronicles 20:21-22) We will glorify Him with our thanksgiving in all circumstances, giving Him all the glory for all He has done. (Ephesians 5:20)
Loving others as ourselves…
INTERCESSION & SUPPLICATION. It is by God’s grace that we can persistently intercede for our cities. (Nehemiah 1:4, 2Corinthians 1:6, 4:10-12, Hebrews 6:15, Ezekial 3:8-9) We are utterly reliant on God’s leading so we’ll know what to pray (John 15:7, Romans 8:26) and can pray in agreement with God and each other. (Matthew 18:18-19) God’s leading reveals the timing (1Chronicles 12:32) and His specific strategies for spiritual warfare and evangelism. (Matthew 12:28-29) God’s revelation enables us to recognise the specific vulnerabilities and God’s destiny for our city. (Nehemiah 1:3) In humility we confess the sins of our city. (2Chronicles 34:27, Nehemiah 1:6-7, Ezra 9:6), encounter the opposition that God allows, triumph in the authority of Jesus (Luke 10:19-20) and are sustained by God’s love which triumphs over fear. (Joshua 1:9, Psalm 3:3-6, Galatians 5:6, 1John 4:4) We love those we pray for -that’s why we love our enemies if we pray for them.
PERSONAL PRAYER MINISTRY & PRACTICAL SERVICE. We need to cultivate real, authentic, grounded, accountable and loving relationships with each other. Prayer groups would do well to value time spent in personal greetings, having a cuppa and connecting authentically with each other’s needs and understandings of God’s leadings. Whether these are conducted within group gatherings, or by appointment at other times, we need to maintain processes for individual prayer ministry and prophetic encouragement for salvation, transformation and healing. (James 5:16) Prayer is not a sufficient response. God will lead us into practical actions – forgiveness, reconciliation, financial donation, restitution, social justice, serving, helping. (2Corinthians 5:14)
Quotes from John Dawson, Taking Our Cities for God.
Our new vision of a Christian mission must focus on cities. If we want to bring nations to Christ, we must win their cities… The cities are the hearts and minds of the nation, the place where the national myth is enshrined.’ P17
‘God anticipated the development of your city. He marked out a place for it’ in the topography and times. (Psalm 48:1-2, Acts 17:26-27)P23
We are to survey the damage and receive God’s discernment of the weakness of our city. (Nehemiah 2:13, Ezra 4:15) List of questions p58- Note: p66-67
We are to prevail at the city gates -the places of entrance, authority and decision to see God’s will established in the city. (Genesis 22:17,Ecclesiastes 9:14-15, Isaiah 62:10) ‘When the churches of a city are in unity, they have great power to tear Satan’s kingdom up by the roots on a citywide level.’ P56 ‘An individual ministry or church can achieve a cone of victory within its sphere of service, but the prevailing evil spirits will dominate the secular culture unhindered until the principle of agreement based on harmony in relationships is employed. P71(Mark 3:24)
‘Satan would scatter us to the four winds or join us in a false unity that stifles the freedom of the church in all its diversity. God’s kingdom is a kingdom of liberty in which everything is permitted unless specifically prohibited. Satan’s kingdom is a controlled hierarchy in which nothing is permitted unless authorized.’p75-76
‘I have yet to see the leadership of one of these 9city wide) coalitions form into a permanent eldership with God’s blessing upon it. It seems that each year God anoints new leadership with a fresh vision. ..we are not to have a permanent city wide structure.. p76-77..pluraity… eldership…The kingdom of God is truly established when a circle of believes is joined together in covenant love.’ P77 A prime responsibility of an elder is to nurture affectionate relationships with other elders so that no gap is left for the entrance of then enemy.p78
‘We have learned that our relationships with one another form the invisible walls of the city and that broken relationships or lack of relationship can hinder the effectiveness of our prayers.’ P80
Reading on City Transformation.
John Dawson, Taking Our Cities for God.
Bill Johnson, Dreaming with God: Secrets to Redesigning your world through God’s creative flow.
Alistair Petrie, Transformed! Peoples, Cities, Nations. 10 Principles for sustaining genuine revival.
Francis Frangipane, The House of the Lord. God’s Plan to Liberate Your City from Darkness.
Tom White, City-Wide Prayer Movements. One Church, Many Congregations.
Robert Hartley The Call to the Wall. A Prophetic Decree.