Prayer & Fasting

Why Pray and Fast?

Only God Himself can bring the changes needed in our community. It must start with the Church. Scripture and history tell us it must start with us on our knees.

Our situation in the church
  • The impact and influence of the Church has become minimal
  • Most churches work on their own, with little support from others
  • Many are struggling just to survive
  • Most people in Melbourne don’t know Jesus
  • Few churches are reaching those outside
But this can change
  • Pastors and Churches are starting to work and pray together
  • God is stirring new hope and faith
  • There is a new awareness of our great need for GOD to do it
  • Together we can reach our city with Jesus love
Why bother?
  • The Church is the only source of Hope for our city
  • God calls us to reach our city together
  • There is a new awareness of our great need for GOD to do it
  • HE will empower us as we come humbly to Him and repent
  • (2 Chron. 7:14)
Why fast?
  • We need to continue acting, but our effort alone has not worked
  • Scripture shows the people of God praying and fasting when they have been desperate for God to act
  • It shows God and us that we are serious about putting Him first
  • It makes us more focused on His call on our lives
  • The result has been He breaks in to advance His Kingdom
Why pray?
  • We all know we are to pray, but so many find it so hard to actually do it Let us decide to get serious and pray during the 40 days

What to pray

Transforming Melbourne encourages Christians to be praying and fasting for the renewing of the Church and the transforming of our city and nation.  In 2009 the 40 days prayer and fasting will happen from Ash Wednesday (Feb 25) to Palm Sunday (April 5).

Prayer Topics

  1. For the Lord Himself to Renew the Church in Melbourne
    • to seek the glory of God in all we do
    • to live by faith in God, not by finances, programmes and rules
    • to repent of all divisions, pride, suspicion and competition
    • to be motivated by God’s love and grace more than by structures
    • to share God’s heart to reach and disciple the lost
    • to be more committed to obey God rather than be comfortable
  2. For Melbourne and our local Cities and Communities
    • that the people of our city will know God’s love and blessing
    • that civic leaders will come to trust and follow Jesus
    • that justice and righteousness will prevail
    • that thestrongholds of evil, abuse and ungodliness will be broken
    • that people will no longer live and die in despair and emptiness

How to fast

Some will give up a meal a day for 40 days, or 2 meals, or give up all desserts. Some will not eat for 2 or more days a week. Some will give up TV. Some will give up all but fruit juices for 40 days. Check the fasting guidelines on our website before fasting.

The Challenge: Go beyond what is easy or comfortable. Be careful too.

The one concern of the devil is to keep the saints from prayer.
He fears nothing from the prayerless work and prayerless religion.
He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.
Samuel Chadwick
