
Our vision is to see the whole of greater Melbourne transformed by God. However a major focus of Transforming Melbourne is on local cities, because

  • The local city is where the Church is earthed to community
  • Pastors and Christians can relate at local city level
  • People can pray about the issues of their local community
  • The local city is where the Church can impact civic leadership
  • The local city is where the Church is most closely watched
  • Few Christians have a detailed knowledge of Greater Melbourne

And, if there is prayer for every local city, the whole of Melbourne will be prayed for.

We Need Unity!

Any denomination, church, ministry or organisation that thinks they can carry out the work of the Kingdom alone has too small a vision of God’s Kingdom.

If God says He needs the whole Body of Christ to relate and work together then we certainly do!

Around the world and across Australia God is bringing His people together. There have been movements among Lay-people to get together for prayer and a united witness to  their city and nation. In the past 3 years many more local pastors have started to meet together regularly to share and  pray.  Pastors, clergy, priests from different denominations and traditions are becoming  friends and colleagues and prayer partners.  Pastors worshiping and ministering together.

Barriers are being dropped as long-standing enmity, ignorance or division have been dealt with  through acts of repentance and forgiveness between pastors and even churches.

This is starting to happen in many areas around Melbourne, and in most major cities in Australia.

Melbourne Pastors Network

This is an initiative to encourage pastors to build relationships and pray together.
Initially this is to foster local and regional pastors fellowships.
It is expected that it will lead to occasional city-wide pastors fellowship meetings.
It is also hoped it will lead to consultation and a publishing of all major church events in Melbourne.

What Can We Do?

We Need To Be Intentional:

God’s Holy Spirit is bringing pastors together, but we need to be taking our part.
This is a time to reach our to neighbouring pastors, clergy, priests.  Call in to meet them.  Get together for lunch and to get to know each other.  Take time to pray together.

Rejoice In What We Have In Common:

As God’s people we have such riches in Christ that we share!
Let us focus on Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord and Loving Saviour and our common task to reach our city for Him.

There is so much to unite us in all we share in Christ and in ministry.  At the same time, let us recognise our diversity in style and emphasis all has a place in the Body of Christ.  It is good to be different – God planned it that way, and gave each of us, and each of our churches different strengths and ministries.  Let us value how we complement one another, and encourage one another in our common task in the Kingdom.

The issue is NOT bringing all the churches into one big structured organisation, but to be a movement of many different churches and congregations, praying and sharing and serving together in love.

There will always be the ministry within the local church.  The challenge is to lift our vision beyond our own walls, to share together in the wider Church of God.

