God is transforming Melbourne!
- Foundations.
- Momentum is now building! These are the days we waited for!
- Are you looking for opportunities to be involved?
- Partners in Prayer & Evangelism
- Vital upcoming events.
We honour all that God did through Melbourne Pastor’s Network and Transforming Melbourne and all those – especially Rev Rob Isaachsen – who contributed deeply to the mobilisation of a movement of people who hungered for Jesus’ kingdom to transform us and our city. Rob Isaachsen continues to foster strategic leadership and discipleship. robisaachsen@optusnet.com.au
Through Transforming Melbourne a foundation was built on authentic, transparent, trustworthy relationships between pastors and leaders and across churches and denominations. Together we raised kingdom vision, evangelism and mission, and faith that life will become more abundant for all citizens of Melbourne as they choose Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
Toward the end of 2010 the team led by Sue Tinworth discerned that the season of Melbourne Pastor’s Network and Transforming Melbourne was coming to an end. We chose to make space for the new way God would move in the next season. We understood that rather than using a centralised task force, God would raise up a diversity of connected networks with multiple ‘faceless’ servant leaders and diverse, fresh strategies. By faith, we entered a time of resting for recovery from the hard years of the Research project, All Melbourne Matters; waiting and watching for what our Father was doing so we could join Him in it.
John 12:24Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-2,11 To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted;
He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Momentum is now building! These are the days we waited for!
Across multiple emergent networks across the city and nation – we see our Father is:
- doing awesome things across our city – healings, miracles, salvations and reconciliations
- mobilising us to join together in united prayer and worship
- equipping and aligning us as an army of warriors with fresh revelation, and
- connecting us as channels of Jesus’ power and grace to every street in our city.
Are you looking for opportunities to be involved?
If you are longing for this and not yet seeing it, join with us in ongoing relationship to co-discern and respond to what is on our Father’s heart for Melbourne – His strategy and timing.
If we each simply fulfil our assigned part in His plan – Jesus’ rule will flow life to our city and beyond.
Our Lord wants this because He loves the people of Melbourne so much!
Sue Tinworth and Rod Schneider are building on the TM foundations with Partners in Prayer & Evangelism – uniting strategic prayer and evangelism for Melbourne and beyond. www.partnersinprayer.org.au
Contact: sue@partnersinprayer.org.au or rod@partnersinprayer.org.au
Partners in Prayer & Evangelism are committed to facilitating and promoting:
- Neighbourhood Prayer and Evangelism e.g. local houses of prayer – groups meeting in homes to pray for and reach out to neighbours. See: Melbourne Prayer & Evangelism 2013 Strategies for Winning our Neighbours and Regions to God http://partnersinprayer.org.au/melbourne-prayer-evangelism-2013/
- Regional 24 hour Prayer and Worship Gatherings e.g. monthly gatherings in different regions of Melbourne.
- United Prayer for Australia
1. National Day of Prayer & Fasting – for LIFE in Parliament House, Canberra, in local churches and online 10 Feb 2013 www.nationaldayofprayer&fasting.com.au
2. 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting – for LIFE13 Feb-24 March 2013 www.40daysorprayer.com.au
The 40 days of prayer initiated by Rob in TM is now a national invitation associated with the National Day of Prayer & Fasting. In 2013 a daily prayer guide will be emailed to those who are registered. A summary guide will be available on line by the end of January.
3. Prayerhouse: Jesus’ House of Prayer– for your neighbours, regions and nations.
Online prayer rooms opening soon!
We will soon be launching an online social media network for prayer to enable the Body of Christ to pray together for Australia in online prayer rooms- writing their prayers and praying in agreement with others – using an Amen button or by Reply! Prayerhouse has the facility for Friends to weave collaborative prayer and prayer strategy; and to track God Stories, prophecies and resources. There will be prayer rooms for people to pray for 83 regions of Australia and for shared spheres of influence or interest – such asArts & Entertainment, Business, Education, Family, Government, Media, Religion, Justice, Education, Health, Israel, Indigenous Australians etc.
The Partners in Prayer & Evangelism website includes:
VISION including Houses of Prayer, Restorative Justice –focussed on Indigenous Australians, Destiny & Inheritance, Transforming Australia.
WHAT YOU CAN DO – Locally, Regionally, Nationally Globally.
WHAT’S ON – More events – in Melbourne and beyond.http://partnersinprayer.org.au/whats-on/
BLOGS – see current articles, news, notes, prophecy.
LINKS related to Transformation. http://partnersinprayer.org.au/links/