24/7 Prayer in Melbourne

On Election Day you are invited to an information session on continuous citywide Prayer & Worship. There will be a presentation on vision & goals for 24/7 prayer, strategy (including City-wide registry & prayer agreement) questions and discussion.

24th November 10am – 1pm, 1st Floor, 10 Wilson St, South Yarra.

Ps. Paul Lee, "We believe God has revealed to us a divine strategy to establish & maintain 24/7 Prayer & Worship in our city. This blueprint will encourage our diversity of styles & localities, yet still forge a unified expression of 24/7 prayer across our city. In brief, we believe MELBOURNE 24/7 will be a spiritual tapestry – woven by God’s Spirit – out of many churches, prayer groups/networks, and prayer events."  Please register: Paul Lee 9525 2460, 0402 688 203 or paullee@ozemail.com.au.

