Transforming Story in Russia

Transformation In Russia – Hope For Russia's Youth

John Russell, an American who heads up a radical ministry that reaches out to a lost generation on the streets of St. Petersburg, says he is seeing lives of Russia's teenagers and young adults being miraculously transformed in front of his eyes. "God is miraculously healing and delivering young people from lives of addiction and sin," Russell said. "Many of Russia's young people come from broken homes, where alcohol, drugs, sexual and physical abuse are the norm. They are peering into a future, which looks every bit as hopeless as the past. This has caused a cry from within many of the young generation that there must be more to life than what so depressingly clings to them."

Russell said that statistics show that 70% of Russia's young people between the ages of 15 and 25 are regularly using drugs, and an estimated 550,000 heroin addicts live in St. Petersburg and Moscow alone – many in their teens. Russell's ministry StreetCry is a Christ-centered evangelistic, teaching, music, worship and prophetic ministry, reaching out to Russia's unsaved and backslidden young generation. "We are dedicated to seeing them saved and delivered at any cost. We are deeply sure that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation."

More information: (Source: Assist Communications)
