House Churches Bring New Life

In Melbourne and across the world House Churches (or Simple Churches) are multiplying and bringing many to faith who would never “come to church”. Some local churches are finding new missional life through related house churches. House churches are found in homes, in businesses, football clubs or even on-line.  What they have in common are love and expectant prayer with a focus on Jesus – going deeper with Him and sharing Him with others. The result is that they grow as others join and come to faith – and they plant new house churches.


House churches, along with united prayer and making disciples, are identified as key strategies for reaching the 3 million outside the Church. They are the only way to reach out to the people in the sprawling growth corridors. 


Increasing numbers of Christians with strong faith no longer “go to church” have drifted, but are now growing in faith as part of a House Church and seeing people come to faith.


“House Church” is not about doing conventional church in a home with a set pattern of singing, Bible study, prayer and supper led by one person.  It relates to the way of being church, not where people meet.   There are many styles and sizes, but they all reflect gatherings the earliest Christians would recognise, and they seek to be an ‘organism’ not an organization, with a focus on feeding and health and reproducing.


Far from being in opposition to “the Church”, house churches are enriching the life of local churches, and reaching people for Christ that the research identifies as largely outside the Church.


See full article:  House Church Conference Article


A Letter to the Church

At the Surrender Conference 5-8th March 2010 Ps. Ray Minniecon invited the people in his workshop to use the example of  Acts 15: 22 and write a letter to all the parts of the Church. Indigenous Christian leaders Billy Williams and Auntie Miliwanga Sandy and Auntie Jean Phillips have supported this. The letter was prepared by a broad group who met prior to and since Surrender under the name Ngyiaani – (We All). We invite you to pass this letter and a prayer written by Ps. Minnecon – to be circulated or read across all the Church in Australia.

If you would like more links with Indigenous Christian Leaders or information -contact:



We are excited to share with you our NEW VISION, MISSION & OBJECTIVES!

Our VISION: The Spirit of Jesus transforming Melbourne in this generation.

Our MISSION: To inspire and connect a citywide movement of people to partner with God,  each other and city leaders for transforming Melbourne.

Our OBJECTIVES: (1) Citywide United Prayer (2) Communication, Connection & Networking (3) Discipleship (4) Intentional Collaborative Mission

·         One of our objectives is to foster discipleship across the Body of Christ – to inspire, affirm, equip, connect and release New Generation young leaders who carry missional vision and calling. 
·         The future of the church and the city rests with the Next Generation, and the Lord has given us strong relationships with some passionat leaders who share the vision for seeing our city transformed, God’s Kingdom come. If you are interested in being part of this, please contact Kitty Cheng on 0411 838 966.
