Bernard Blessing from Ghana came to Melbourne in May 2008 and had these encouraging and sobering words to say about Melbourne.
Transforming Melbourne (archive site)
A Foundation of Prayer and Relationship across the church in Melbourne, Victoria
Bernard Blessing from Ghana came to Melbourne in May 2008 and had these encouraging and sobering words to say about Melbourne.
The "Y-GENERATION" (currently 12 to 24 year olds) will decide the future of the Church in our nation. Research reveals some BASIC DIFFERENCES IN ALMOST ALL THESE YOUNG PEOPLE: their culture, values, spirituality and needs. They generally accept no authority but themselves. They look for authenticity before listening to someone. They choose what is right for them, including their beliefs. Is the Church prepared to make major changes needed to include GEN-Y?
Transforming Melbourne and Melbourne Pastors Network invite you to a CONSULTATION on the serious issues raised in the 5-year "AUSTRALIAN YOUTH SPIRITUALITY RESEARCH" report just released. Speakers include Dr. Philip Hughes, Director of the Christian Research Association (who conducted the GEN-Y research) and others including some Gen-Y people. Grapple together with what this means for us today and tomorrow.
9.15am to 4pm at the Box Hill Salvation Army, 17-23 Nelson Road, Box Hill
$35 incl. Lunch ($20 concession/students)
To register & for more info: or call 9570 2534
23 Denominations Endorse Ground-Breaking Study
A detailed picture of the whole Church across Melbourne is the goal of a project launched this week. "Transforming Melbourne" with the Melbourne Pastors Network are working with the National Church Life Survey (NCLS) and the Christian Research Association to research the nature and location of Christian churches and ministries across Greater Melbourne.
For the first time, the denominational results of the NCLS survey of most Melbourne churches (in October) will be all be put together. Additional major surveys will be done of independent, ethnic and other non-NCLS churches, as well as other ministries. These will all be combined to give the most complete picture of the Church in Melbourne ever.
The overall results will be displayed on digital maps showing a picture of the location of all churches in Melbourne. These maps on Powerpoint will be overlaid with demographic information from the recent national census, allowing comparison of churches to local populations – eg Chinese churches to Chinese populations. These maps and results will also be available for each of the 31 municipal cities of Melbourne.
The research will include a study of emerging and house churches, marketplace ministries, recently planted churches, large housing estates without churches and major people-groups largely outside the Church. A directory will be established of Christian ministry organisations in Melbourne – including prayer, outreach, training, campus and caring ministries.
The result will be a first-ever picture of the Church in Melbourne: where churches are – and where they are not. The research is expected to be complete by early 2008.
In our city of 3.8 million people, it is estimated that less than 500,000 people are active members of the Church. This means maybe 3.3 million people are outside the Church, with little faith or knowledge of the Good News of Jesus, but often with great spiritual hunger.
There are some excellent ministries, and some of these people are coming to faith. Some individual churches are growing. Many churches are being planted in the South-Eastern suburbs. But many areas have few churches or other Christian witness. Most churches and denominations plan and act alone – often focussing on their own survival. Many Christians are leaving "their church" to find more meaningful fellowship, worship and ways of ministry. And most of the 3.3 million don't know the Good News and will never think of "coming to church".
Churches trying harder to do the same things will not change this picture. Without radical change the Church in Melbourne will continue as it is (at best).
The aim of this research is to provide a picture of the Church and the city that will challenge and resource the whole Church for a radically new level of collaborative and intentional mission to our city.
In just over 12 months Church leaders will be invited to city-wide and local meetings to receive the results of this work, which will give something of God's view of Melbourne and His Church. The presentations will reveal the enormous resources within the Church as a whole, the enormous opportunities we have together – and the great challenges of ministering to these millions and of influencing the whole life of the city. Without information there is no change.
Will this lead to the changes needed? That will depend on our openness to share the Lord's compassion for our city, our willingness to go beyond what we are used to (including to new expressions of "church"), and our willingness to become a united missionary movement. It will involve much prayer, faith and humility. This is not just a sociological exercise – it is an invitation to a spiritual journey for God's people in our city. There are many people waiting!
(It is great to report that in meetings of the Reference Group for this project over the past 6 months, with official representatives of almost every denomination – Pentecostal, mainline, evangelical – there has been evident enthusiasm about what it would mean to join as One Body to bless our city.)
This Project has been Endorsed by the following Denominations:
Anglican, Antiochian Orthodox, Assemblies of God, Assoc of Christian Ministries, Apostolic, Baptist Union, Christian Brethren, Christian City Church, Christian Outreach Crusade, Christian Revival Crusade, Church & Missionary Alliance, Nazarenes, Churches of Christ, City Life, Evangelical Chinese Churches, Lutheran, Presbyterian Home Missions, Christian Reformed, Salvation Army, Seventh Day Adventist, Uniting, Vineyard Christian Fellowships and Wesleyan Methodist.
Also endorsed by:
The Australian Evangelical Alliance, Forge Mission Training Network (Vic), OIKOS House Church Support Ministry, Bible College of Victoria, Harvest Bible College, School of World Mission, Tabor College.
People interested in praying for or being part of this project are welcome.
Please contact:
Email: Web:
From: Rev. Rob Isaachsen
Coordinator of Transforming Melbourne
and Melbourne Pastors Network
MPN is the major part of this movement, fostering unity across the Body of Christ to see ONE CHURCH IN OUR CITY with many Congregations
Believing that, as Jesus prayed, when His followers are in unity the world will know who He is.
MPN fosters networks of pastors in all 31 local municipalities of Melbourne, encouraging Churches and pastors to relate, pray and work in unity and to encourage the whole Church to pastor their whole local city together as One Body.
The annual Prayer Summit is 4 days of days of prayer and worship with pastors from most denominations and areas seeking the face of the Lord. There is often a deep experience of the power of the Cross, bringing repentance, reconciliation and renewed personal passion and vision for ministry, and a sense of being diverse parts joined as One Body.
The Multicultural Network fosters intentional inclusion of people of all nationalities and cultures in the life of the local Church. The Network holds breakfasts every 2 months in Churches that tell how they are including people of different cultures.
Many thousands of Christians and churches are involved in the annual 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting – recognising our desperate need for God to renew the Church, and that this will only come as we humble ourselves in sustained united prayer. (This certainly was where the great revivals in Melbourne were birthed)
With Intercessors for Melbourne, networks of intercessors are being established in each local city. A gathering is held every 3 months at the top of the Rialto Building, Collins Street, to pray blessing over the City and its people.
The Website and regular E-Letters provide inspiration, news, prayer points and information about the movement, and stories of the Church in Melbourne and beyond.
A regular Major Christian Events Calendar for Melbourne is sent to all churches on email.
A Directory of Christian Ministry Organisations is updated and available on the website.
MPN has fostered networks in strategic areas of the Church to bring together Christians working in similar areas of ministry. eg Christian Business people, and leaders of denominational and other organisations working with Youth and Children.
A regular think-tank considering the great issues facing the Church and how the Church can again become a missionary movement, more open and active to reach our desperate city.
Developing a vision for Melbourne to be a transformed city by 2023, and a vision and strategies for the Church God uses to bring this about.
Please contact us for more information on becoming a partner.
Fostering unity between all pastors of every denomination of the Church in Melbourne through building relationships and praying together.
"May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me." John 17:22,23
The Rev. Rob Isaachsen is acting as full-time Coordinator of the Network, was Vicar of an Anglican church for 19 years, with experience in many traditions. His role is to promote the Vision of unity among pastors, and coordinate activities. This is a ministry of service and support to pastors, not a position of authority. In this he is accountable to a number of senior pastors of different churches. His ministry is financed by contributions from churches and Christians across the city.
The Melbourne Pastors Network